How to get a Rapamycin (sirolimus) Blood Level Test

Testing your blood levels of rapamycin (sirolimus) can be done now for a relatively low cost ($59 to $95 per test) and can be done for a number of different reasons:

  1. It can be useful as a cheap way to validate that the medication you are taking is in fact rapamycin (sirolimus). Some people do this just to make sure they are not getting counterfeit drugs (though I think the risk of that is low, as if a group is going to counterfeit a drug they will go for higher priced, non-generic medications).

  2. It can be helpful to see what the actual level of sirolimus / rapamycin is in your blood to better understand the level at which your body is being exposed to the rapamycin (e.g. tMax, or Peak rapamycin levels), or how low your rapamycin levels are going (the trough levels) before the next dose. Researchers are suggesting that you want a low trough level between dosing, so as to lower the risk of side effects from inhibiting MTORC2 (which happens from longer time periods of higher dosing of rapamycin).

Here are the details on how to get a relatively inexpensive blood sirolimus test done. There are two options:

Marek Health ($59) Here: Sirolimus (Rapamycin/Rapamune), Whole Blood (LC/MS-MS) | Marek Health

Life Extension: ($95) See details below

Below is the exact email they (LifeExtension) sent me when I asked if they could provide the lower cost sirolimus blood test - I recommend you call or email their blood lab customer service (see email below) with a copy of their email (or describe the details of the test you want and make reference to the to me attached and Labcorp test number (716712) and also reference my case # included in the email they sent me. Labcorp only offered the blood sirolimus test directly for $400, so I pushed for a lower cost as rapamycin users may want to test occasionally.

Also, here is the link to the Labcorp blood test:

Call Life Extension Blood Testing services / customer suppport and refer to this email/test number for the sirolimus blood test (see below)

And that response is to the following email I had sent to them:


Hi LifeExtension,

There are many people (including Bill Falloon) using rapamycin (sirolimus) and we need an inexpensive blood test for determining the levels of sirolimus at the peak (after one hour of taking the drug) and trough (after 7 days). Can your company please work to get a low cost blood test to do this. Its available by the labcorp and others - but its very expensive. Can you please negotiate a lower cost and offer it through your blood test services.

See this page - about rapamycin on your website:

Autophagy As You Age - Life Extension

This is the test that you need to offer, at much lower cost:

716712: Sirolimus, Whole Blood | Labcorp

Please confirm that you have received this email.


Trough Blood Sirolimus Level Test

Generally people try to check their “Trough Sirolimus” levels, the last day prior to the next weekly dose of rapamycin, to make sure they are getting their trough blood levels low enough so that mTORC2 is not being inhibited (mTORC2 inhibition is, current science suggests, linked to higher levels of immune suppression, and other side effects).

Peak Blood Sirolimus Level Test (tMax)

People also test the highest level (tMax) of sirolimus in their blood - the “Peak” blood sirolimus levels. The peak blood level of sirolimus is actually quite hard to identify precisely, because it it varies by person, and is such a sharp spike - as can be seen below. Typically peak blood sirolimus levels are around 45 minutes to 1 hour to 2 hours after dosing, but then drops very rapidly.

Frequently at the Labcorp offices that provide the blood test, user experiences are that you can sometimes wait 30 minutes to an hour after your arrival at the office, before getting the blood test, and so the test may or may not reflect the actual peak level.

Note: the above data is from this study: Pharmacokenetics and Safety of a Single Dose of Rapamycin (sirolimus) in Healthy Males

You can read up on how people are using this blood test by reading this thread on Blood testing while taking rapamycin.

Here below is a sample of the result you get emailed after the test is completed (Thanks David for sharing):

Rapamycin / Sirolimus Blood Test - My Results
What is the Rapamycin Dose / Dosage for Anti-Aging or Longevity?
People pushing the upper limits of Rapamycin Doses - Any One Else?
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Rapamycin and Impact on heart rate and HRV?
What is the Rapamycin Dose / Dosage for Anti-Aging or Longevity?
Inexpensive Serum Blood Test for Rapamycin
Everolimus instead of Sirolimus / Rapamycin? Anyone else trying?
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My Lab and Fitness Results After 3 months of Rapamycin Use
THE GOOD, THE BAD and the SAD... Autoimmune Issues, Thoughts?
Side Effects of Rapamycin (part 2)
Biohacking rapamycin's bioavailability
Rapamycin etc., Purchase Price Comparison Spreadsheet, and Issues Discussion
Buy Rapamycin from SPAIN (Europe)
Change in rapamycin/sirolimus sourcing for Healthspan
Latest bloodwork
Experiences starting Rapamycin for first time
Dutch Volunteers Wanted: Make Rapamycin Blood Testing a Reality Across Europe
Indian Rapamycin brands with verification codes on the pill sheets?
Any serum levels and half-life time studies for Rapamycin brands?
Where to get Rapamycin enteric coated
New Peter Attia interview w/Matt Kaeberlein, inferior bioavailability of encapsulated rapa
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Sirolimus on Costplusdrugs
Improve Bioavailability of Rapamycin (2)
VO2max: A Significant Increase via Sublingual Rapamycin?
Sublingual Rapamycin
Side Effects of Rapamycin (part 2)
Where to get Rapamycin enteric coated
Where to get Rapamycin enteric coated
Rapamycin Half life over time
Timing of rapamycin dosing
Dose - does it matter?
Siroboon Lab Blood Test Results
How does one get to 10 ng/ml or 42ppm rapamycin in a human?
Tomorrow I start my Rapa adventure
Concerns about immune suppression
Pre Rapamycin Lab Work Recommended?
Rapamycin Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Rapamycin Personal Results: Lab Tests, Exercise and Muscle Growth
Rapamycin tablet dissolved in 2 minutes in glass of water
What is the Rapamycin Dose / Dosage for Anti-Aging or Longevity?
Women Taking Rapamycin for Enhanced Fertility / Menopause Prevention?
Make your arguments for Rapamycin dosed Once Weekly vs. Once Every Two Weeks
Sirolimus Powder - 3rd party analysis
Grapefruit Extract vs Grapefruit Juice for Increased BioAvailability?
Test results (Biocon Rapacan vs Pfizer Rapamune)
Lab results after 4 months of use
2mg Rapa+GF(J) quantification and poll
New Peter Attia interview w/Matt Kaeberlein, inferior bioavailability of encapsulated rapa
Buy Rapamycin Online - List of Reliable Pharmacies

@RapAdmin you are awesome!


The price is great, but the problem I have experienced with Lab Corp is even if I have an appointment, I have had to wait 40 minutes or more.
And there is the drive time of 10-15 minutes traffic dependent.

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Yes - same problem for me also. Maybe try to schedule an appointment as the first person in the door (i.e. the earliest possible time for an appointment) - this would shorten wait-time I assume.

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I just checked their hours, open up at 7:30. So yes, I could be standing at door when they open. Thinking will do the test next month sense I just
started rapa give my body time to adjust.

RapAdmin, I recently asked an online Customer Service person at the Life Extension website if a rapamycin (sirolimus) test was available through Life Extension. The answer I received was “no.” So, I have emailed with questions similar to your initial email request. I’ll let you know the response I receive.


Be sure to reference the blood test number (in the first post above) and even the case number of my initial request - so they can look it up and see the details.

This is not the most common test they do, obviously, so people there are frequently in the dark about its availability…

You could take it with you. I’d think 15-30 before the test would be ok.


Good example of one rapamycin testing blood sirolimus levels at hour 3 (approx. peak level test), and then 7 days after taking (trough level test).


I bought Rapamycin for the first time. I ordered from Varun on Indamart.

So I want to test my blood levels to check if I got legit product.

I guess I will try to test for my peak level.

Here in Cambodia the test is $30. But it is only available once per month because they ship the blood sample the same day to a laboratory in France. In case anyone wanted to know :slight_smile:


I followed @RapAdmin instructions and got 2 lab orders from Life Extension. At the end of 4 weeks off Rapa, and right before I started Rapa again, I took the Sirolimus blood test at LabCorp as mentioned by @RapAdmin. I figured this would be my trough measurement (or baseline) before I gradually build up to a big and bold dosage and do the blood test again in mid or late January. Anyhow, my blood test score this time was: <0.5 ng/mL (flagged as Low). I interpret this to mean that Rapamycin/Sirolimus was either absent or just a trace, which one would expect after such a long time off. The lab results gave the (I guess normal) range as 3.0 to 20.0 .

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“Here in Cambodia the test is $30. But it is only available once per month because they ship the blood sample the same day to a laboratory in France. In case anyone wanted to know :slight_smile:”
Thanks for sharing. It is remarkable I can’t get the same blood test performed here in Europe, not too far from France! Do you happen to know the name of the lab in France, if I could ask? Thanks!

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Hi Thorin yes - you’re level is zero right now. There isn’t a food that will put Rapamycin in you - other than the pill or powder - so you are at zero…

More important, to get an approximate amount of Rapamycin in your blood/system take your rapamycin 2 to 3 hours before your blood draw appointment. Then you can take another test in a week to see what is your trough.

I just have my physician’s nurse draw blood and send to LabCorp whenever i want to know my Rapamycin level. A standard test due to so many people using as an organ rejection preventative drug. So here is my test in the morning - my trough - low point after a week. Then I took my 6 mg rapamycin with a cup grape fruit juice and had blood drawn again and tested 2.5 hours later.


Thank you. I deleted my post because I figured out the answer to the first part on my own. I made a dumb mistake.

But you answered the second part of my post, which I greatly appreciate. Thank you!

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Thorin – A good use of your testing money - would be getting a baseline biological age - before you take Rapamycin to see how close it is to your chronological age. GlycanAge or TruMe (DNA Methylation). PEARL Clinical Study on Rapamycin in Human subjects is using GlycanAge.

You might not see or feel the benefits of Rapamycin at 50 - but those test could show how your body repaired and the gained age benefit. Especially is you get pushed back to the biology of someone 40 years. Just a recommendation.


Thank you for this advice. I think this is wise. I have signed up for GlycanAge a minute ago. I guess the test will arrive in a week or so.

I also ordered some Sirolimus 1mg (brand: Siroboom) from Kachhela Medex Pvt LTD via Wise (price: $135 for 360 mg +$50 shipping to the US). But I have some questions about them as a supplier just from the email interaction.

I plan to order Rapacan Biocon from Oddway ($432 for 360 mg plus $30 shipping) as well in a few days, but I need to get Bitcoin sorted out first.

Assuming they both deliver, I’ll have to decide which to take. I am not sure how to do that.

GlycanAge gave me a referral code. It would give the next guy 15% off and also gives me something “As a thank you for each purchase using your referral code, we’ll give you a 15% discount to use on your next purchase.”

Before purchasing I used the search function on this site to search for a discount code. I did not find one here so I used Google and searched for “discount code GlycanAge” and found one.

My thought here is this site should have a referral code. Probably linked to Rap Admin’s account or something. So the folks providing all this awesome information can get at least something out of it. So I am not sharing my referral code but I do suggest someone who does more for this community does so.

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The best way to decide on the medication supplier quality is via a lab test. Some people have done them and we have a sample here: Rapamycin / Sirolimus from India, Lab Test Report on Quality / Purity

But - that company (Valisure) is no longer doing consumer-submitted drug testing (they are focusing on their tested product pharmacy business). So you’d need to find a good and inexpensive lab to test for purity and any possible contaminants. Its a hassle for sure.

Another simpler (but not as good) approach is to just see how each of the drugs works in your body - take the medications, and then do a blood / sirolimus level test an hour after you’ve consumed the drug, and compare results. This addresses the bioavailability issue of each of the tablets - but doesn’t address any possible quality / contaminant risk issue.

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Thorin wrote GlycanAge gave me a referral code.

I am glad you are considering this biological test.
It must have a good record as the PEARL clinical trial is using this in their evaluation as a baseline biological age… and evidence of change post dosing regimen.

Some heavy hitters in research supporting the trial including Dr. Mikhail Blogsklonny.


Btw, when I went in the price was $43.50 (they gave the wrong price quote originally).

Sorry, I did ask someone but she did not know which lab, and it was rather busy in there to try asking around.

I’m guessing they do have the blood test there but you need medical authorization.

Here I never even need a prescription in the pharmacy (though there is no rapa here).