How to get a Rapamycin (sirolimus) Blood Level Test

Understood. If someone wants to do the work to find a lab that will test samples, I’d be happy to chip in some funding.

I do plan to check my levels after I’ve been on the medicine for a while. As you pointed out, this will tell me something about the concentration & bioavailability of rapamycin, but nothing about possible contaminants.

I received the lab report. It has the lab name:

SELAFA CERBA - 7/11 rue de l’Equerre - Parc d’activités “Les Béthunes” - 95310 Saint Ouen l’Aumône - France - REGISTRATION N°95.9 -Tel : 33 1 34 40 20 20 - FAX : 33 1 34 40 21 29


My blood test was taken 3-4 hours after ingesting 6mg of Rapamycin from Varun on Indamart:

15.5 ng/ml

So it looks like my product from Varun is legit.


Varun is who you purchased from, correct? What is the name of the generic you bought?

Thank you very much, James!
On another note: the Rapa I spent >$250 on with Varun never arrived for me.

Do you have any idea what happened? Did customs/border agents stop it for some reason? What country were you having it shipped to?

Sorry, I should have clarified it was seized by customs. The Rapa I ordered with another Indian pharmacy did come through though.

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Just curious… how many tablets were in the order that got seized vs. number in the other order that came through? Were they both the same sized order? Did only the smaller order get through?

Both orders were around 90mg of Sirolimus total. I should say Varun tried to send the item twice - both times it was seized by customs. My impression thus is that they may not have the most ‘effective’ method of sending Rapa without getting it seized.

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Which country do you live in Sash where the customs seized your orders? I had to use a courier to get around that myself.


Agetron- I’ve seen pictures of your rapamycin pills but didn’t look really close. I know they’re triangular shaped. Do you use Pfizer?

My pharmacy Accredo sends the pills to me (3 months worth at a time - 90 total) – recently they changed to Dr. Reddy’s Laboratory which has been used in various clinical trials. It said it on the label. Same marking RD-54. So bascially same as Pfizer’s Rapamune 2 Mg Tabs


It says:


on the box.

Varun uses Amarex (if I recall), there is no choice for the courier.

This is the same brand that I get a the local ACME pharmacy.

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Used the Life Extension Testing (thank you for making that possible). I’m taking 4 mg - per Dr. Green - per week. Test was administered within 1 hour of ingesting Sirulimus. Took with a small swig of olive oil. Came back at 4.2 ng/mL. Did I test too soon? Does level seem a low?


Tests Ordered
Sirolimus (Rapamune), Blood

Tests Result Flag Units Reference Interval Lab
Sirolimus (Rapamune), Blood 252-494-4042-0

Sirolimus, Blood 4.2 ng/mL 3.0-20.0 01

My AUC was .6 ng/mL on the day prior to my next dose.

The timing is tricky. Were you fasting when you took your sirolimus? Sirolimus usually peaks in two hours, but there are many variables. The therapeutic range for kidney transplants is >5 ng/mL. IMO, not advice. it looks like the level you got from 4mg is pretty good.

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I’m typically a pretty light eater, but I hadn’t eaten in 16 hrs. I’m taking another test tomorrow to check my trough level. I’ll report back with those results.

66 y/o; 5’4"; 115lbs; taking Sirolimus - about 7 months; no side effects


If this has been mentioned before, sorry, but where do people in Europe get a Rapamycin/Sirolimus blood level test performed? I’d love to get a test done, and I feel it’s necessary also given the side-effects I tend to experience, but I just can’t order one where I live.

I have the same brand (Zydus) so I’m curious, How did you take the Rapamycin before the test, like did you take it with any kind of food? if so, how long after food and what kind of food or drink?