Does Rapamycin permanently bond to TOR?

Not sure if anyone can clarify. I ask because I’ve read that Rapamycin’s half life means it should pretty much have completely left the body within two to three days, but I can still feel its effects on day seven of cycling it weekly.

So is it permanently bonding to and inactivating my copies of mTOR1 (and some mTOR2)? Meaning that mTOR activity will only upregulate again when new copies of the enzymes are produced? Or is something else going on?

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After 7 days around 1/4-1/5 is still left in your body


The half-life is covered in this post. Scroll down and you can see the graph. But as mentioned there is significant interpersonal variation.

Here How to get a Rapamycin (sirolimus) Blood Level Test

I also recommend that you watch this.

This is a good video where well-known geoscientist Brian Kennedy talks about the subtleties of MTOR inhibition, and longevity: