Women Taking Rapamycin for Enhanced Fertility / Menopause Prevention?

Another strategy, presented by AthenaDAO at Vitalia:



Thank you, all’s well so far, I was nervous re: abnormalities given mg crazy stack at the time but all looks good so far! Now I’m taking choline, fish oil, hyaluronic acid, prebiotics, and occasionally collagen powder on top of my prenatals.


Yes but this requires a time machine as well for 99% of us to be relevant. Perhaps for our daughters it might become an option though.

Great! And I hear you… I’m v nervous too (in advance). Which powder is the cleanest? Dr Rhonda Patrick said she stayed away even from collagen during pregnancy to avoid any impurities.

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I honestly didn’t go down the rabbit hole of researching the cleanest powder. Got the one with the best reviews but don’t take it daily because I don’t love the taste it creates with milk. I figure though there’s no point in getting anal retentive with every source of possible contamination. Sadly there’s guaranteed to be microplastics in the placenta and breast milk — what am I to do? There’s inadvertent exposure to things we don’t want happening all around us. I just try to eat well and I use a reverse osmosis water filter too and leave the rest to chance.


A new paper out of McGill University in Montreal (actually the university that led the expedition to Easter Island that discovered Rapamycin).

several unproven IVF ‘accessories’ have emerged including so-called ovarian rejuvenation which entails placing fresh autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) directly into ovarian tissue. Among cellular responses attributed to this intervention are reduced oxidative stress, slowed apoptosis and improved metabolism. Besides having an impact on the existing follicle pool, platelet growth factors might also facilitate de novo oocyte recruitment by specified gene upregulation targeting uncommitted ovarian stem cells.

this proposal is the first to discuss intraovarian platelet cytokines followed by low-dose, phased rapamycin. For refractory cases, this investigational, tailored approach could amplify or sustain ovarian capacity sufficient to permit retrieval of competent oocytes via distinct but complementary pathways—thus reducing dependency on oocyte donation.

Given that intraovarian injection of PLT growth factors can increase serum AMH (indicating expansion of the follicle/oocyte unit) [7,77] and mTOR inhibition has been suggested to boost ovarian reserve [78], a bespoke protocol incorporating both might provide a useful synergy.

Open Access Paper:


Rapamycin improves the quality and developmental competence of in vitro matured oocytes in aged mice and humans

After intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and further culture of human oocytes, the high-quality embryo rate in the rapamycin group was significantly elevated. Overall, rapamycin improved IVM outcomes of oocytes from aged mice and older women. The specific mechanism of the positive effects of rapamycin on IVM outcomes might be reducing ROS levels, mitigating DNA damage, and promoting developmental potential.


In the study involving mice, they found that spermidine levels in aging ovaries decline, leading to lower egg quality. However, supplementing with spermidine in mice increased spermidine levels, improved egg growth and enhanced fertility.

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A new story about the rapamycin / menopause study at Columbia University:

Williams is leading a study to understand the impact of slowing ovarian age on women’s health. The double-blind study looks at 100 women between 35 and 45 who have normal periods. (Double-blind means no one knows who receives the treatment and who receives the placebo.) Subjects are randomized to receive either rapamycin or a placebo. For three months, participants take a pill, and researchers will follow them for another nine months.

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