$25 Rapamycin blood tests

Just noticed that getheathspan.com now offers $25 Rapamycin blood tests (thanks @Daniel_Tawfik)
You can order them here: Rapamycin Bioavailability Panel ($25)

Just ordered 4 of them.
Here is the protocol I’m going to use to be able to derive a mathematical model of the rapamycin blood concentration:

  • Day 1: Take rapa 1h before the blood draw for test #1 to get the maximum.
  • Day 2: Test #2 (about 24h after test #1)
  • Day 3: Test #3 (about 48h after test #1)
  • Day 4: Optional: Test #4 (about 72h after test #1)
  • Day 5: Test #5 (about 96h after test #2)

Note that test #4 is optional but not test #5 to better capture the log-linear part of the curve.


First one is the hard one. It’s a falling knife and it might still be going up in one hour. I did mine in a little over 2 hours and got a pretty high value. ?? Not saying I know anything, just that that one will be hard to get right.

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What brand are you taking and what is your dose?

I take Biocon Rapacan Sirolimus. Biocon states: “Sirolimus is rapidly but poorly absorbed following oral administration with an approximate oral bioavailability of 15%. It reaches maximum blood concentrations in 0.5-2.3 hours after dosing”. I’m not sure about Rapamune and Zydus. Siroboon is worthless (most would agree).

I’ve taken several tests two hours after ingesting 8mg (including once with tests 6 hours and 24 hours post dosing).

At $25, I might sign up for four tests- 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5 after dosing. Enquiring minds like to know!!!

And, remember, every time you take it, the results will likely be a little different- especially if you are eating before taking.

And, if you search this site, someone has posted a graph showing rapa blood level over time.


Hey @cl-user we’re working through the user experience in terms of getting patients to get their levels drawn at optimal times and then collate those times to levels. We are early in the process of fine-tuning the experience for this particular panel. Please feel free to email me directly if we can assist you through the process or if you have any feedback I can provide to our labs/diagnostics team. Here is my email: daniel@gethealthspan.com


Please do It. I would be extremely interested in your dosing protocol. How do you take it? Do you exercise or eat protein the day after to reduce the area UAC?
I am interested in a spike and short area under the curve. Your tests cancertainly give some insight as to weekly or every other week dosing.

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Please post the results here, as well as your weight and the dose you took.

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Sure. I will start a new thread as soon as I get some results. I’m on day 2 of the protocol.


Did you really mean test #5 96h after test #2? Shouldn’t it be 96h after test #1 since you called this Day 5?

Have you completed this series of tests yet?


Yes you are right. It’s a typo and should be test #1 like the others.
BTW it’s also slightly better to reference everything to the rapamycin intake.

Here is the updated protocol (also changed the time of the first test):

  • Day 1: Take rapa 2h (3h if taken with fatty meal or EVOO) before the blood draw for test #1 to get the maximum.
  • Day 2: Test #2 (about 24h after rapa intake)
  • Day 3: Test #3 (about 48h after rapa intake)
  • Day 4: Optional: Test #4 (about 72h after rapa intake)
  • Day 5: Test #5 (about 96h after rapa intake)

Note that test #4 is optional but not test #5 to better capture the log-linear part of the curve.
Also the times don’t need to be exact as long as the exact time form the rapamycin intake is recorded

Yes. The results are here: Blood concentration of rapamycin (N of 1 dosage, model and biomarkers)