Recommendations for young people (under 25-30)


I’m currently 22 just graduated university, I’m very interested in the discussion on longevity and generally preventing the bad parts of aging.

Here’s what I’m currently doing:

  • 1 Hour exercise per day (zone 2 and 5 and resistance training)
  • Stretch and mediate each evening
  • Mediterranean diet, no alcohol, very little sugar
  • Sleep 7-8 hours per night

Supplements and Pharmaceuticals:

  • Dutasteride (hair and skin) (no side effects for me)
  • Vitamin D, Magnesium, Melatonin, Omega 3

Afaik, rapamycin should be started around 30

As I’m young and kinda broke, I want to focus on things well proven, although I’m open to anything.

Anything I’m missing?


I’ll let others give you more informed advice, but WOW, at 22, you are so ahead of the game! At your age I was living on junk, esp sugar, and alcohol with no supplements.


Lowering LDL cholesterol with low dose statins to prevent atherosclerosis, CVD (stroke, heart attack).


I think @anuser brings up a good point tangentially…

I think the key issue you’re missing is “measuring / testing” aspect. You can inexpensively get blood tests (in many parts of the USA) to track your lipids / APOB, blood sugar levels and responses (Insulin, HOMA-IR, A1C, etc.). Blood Testing Cost Comparison

The key issues at a young age are avoiding trending physiologically towards any of the major killers… so you want to avoid things that contribute to the leading causes of disease. So - top on the list is heart disease, so you want to track your lipid levels to make sure you’re not building up plaque at an early age as many people do. Statins may be necessary if testing suggests that…

Metabolic disorders are key contributors to hear disease and cancer too… thus the need to track your blood sugar, A1C levels, etc.

On the cancer side of things… processed food seems to be a large potential issue (and I know thats hard to avoid when you’re younger)… but read up: New Study: Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Increased Risk of Cancer & Death. and “Ultra-Processed People” hopes to disgust Americans into dumping poor diets (Harvard)



Everything above 20 mg/dl LDL is building plaque, and that level is not found naturally except in the extremely rare scenario.

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Can you provide any references for this statement?

Or does this cover it all… AnUser is talking about the goal of targeting very low lipid levels as per this thread: Targeting Unconventionally Low Values of ApoB

Lower LDL than 70 mg/dl to 30 mg/dl better for events :white_check_mark:

Post-hoc analysis lower LDL more regression of plaque :white_check_mark:


People can do as they like. :man_shrugging:


Statins and ezetimibe


We see plaque regression anywhere from 60-80mg/dL in the studies. Lowering that further just enables further regression, but I haven’t seen evidence yet that plaque can continue to grow at those levels.


Despite achieving intensive control of LDL-C (mean on-treatment level 58.4 mg/dl), 1 in 5 of these patients demonstrated ongoing disease progression.


It appears that even small differences in other risk factors are the cause for this progression even at levels below 60mg/dL. Rather than paying for expensive PCSK9i, lowering blood glucose and blood pressure levels is more promising.


Lp(a) matters, and a lot.
Some people already at 70 mg/dl and can lower further with statins and ezetimibe.


It would be really nice to see results by LDL-C level stratified by Lp(a) level. I.e. three panels with one panel per Lp(a) tertile, age on X-axis, % disease free on Y-axis, and curve for each LDL-C level. If you are lucky enough to have low Lp(a), you probably do not need to be as aggressive in lowering LDL-C, but I have never seen evidence that shows the risk based on both. (That does not mean it does not exist.)


No one has mentioned this but why are you taking Dutasteride at such a young age? Are you experiencing hair thinning? If not, why not wait until you do (if ever)? I’ve never heard of Dutasteride or Finasteride helping skin.

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Kudos to you. We need more young people getting started with these interventions at an early age. The sooner, the better.


Exercise, plant based diet, don’t drink, start rapamycin + acarbose at 25.

I’d almost say start rapa+aca now but concerns about inhibiting brain development.

You also might want to wait if you foresee having kids soon.

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I was able to lower my total cholesterol from 239 to 154 primarily by supplementing with citrus bergamot and flaxseed. I think citrus bergamot is an easy addition with minimal side effects for most people (just take it in the morning to avoid heart burn). I’m not against statins or other cholesterol-lowering medications, but I’d personally rather try lower side effect options first.

Full article: Effect of bergamot on lipid profile in humans: A systematic review (

Dietary Flaxseed Independently Lowers Circulating Cholesterol and Lowers It beyond the Effects of Cholesterol-Lowering Medications Alone in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease, , , - ScienceDirect

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Yes I started to see mild hair loss, I also have very oily skin and as dut also inhibits type 1 it helps massively with acne. DHT is also somewhat responsible for a breakdown in elastin in the skin so it will help with overall skin aging.

Mainly though I see no reason not to considering I have 0 side effects and it stops hair loss and acne for me.


@VariableVirtue If it works, go with it. :slight_smile:

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First: don’t listen to all the advice on your health from people here (including me) and do your own research.

Second: Dr. Brad Stanfield’s roadmap is a great start.