Buy Rapamycin Online - List of Reliable Pharmacies

+1 for Apple Pharmaceuticals. #100 Rapacan received exactly 14 days after placing order using Western Union. Included the Memorial Day long weekend, shipped to Western US.


Hi All, I placed orders with both BG Pharma in Bulgaria and All Day Chemist in Singapore and received both orders. BG Pharma gives you a “gift” if you order above a certain amount so I took a free box of Metformin. From BG Pharma I ordered Rapamune and from All Day Chemist I ordered a generic product. Both seem to be reliable sources.


I’m happy to report that I ordered some Rapacan 1mg tabs from Apple Pharmaceuticals in India and they were delivered today here in the Nanny State (Australia). I’m actually surprised they made it through as everything is x-rayed, scanned, sniffed by dogs and the address is checked on a database! I paid by bank transfer.


I just received a package from Apple Pharmaceuticals (thanks again blsm). I paid through Payment was difficult because my life is complicated, but the guys at Apple were patient and helpful and we finally made it work. Package was sent to the US because my country of residence (in Africa) has a customs system much like a black hole and if your package goes in it may never reappear. So it will be hand delivered by a friend.


Hi len, did anyone ever answer your question about how to answer those questions on Wise, such as REASON for TRANSFER? It’s been months and I still have never done this, because it seems complicated.

I got a reply here, following my question:

Thing is, ‘Goods or Services’ isn’t a choice from the dropdown. So, no idea what that person really did.

If you select the ‘Payment for goods before receipt’ you get asked for an invoice number.

Some people saying they used Wise since I pointed this out. No Idea how they are getting around the need for an invoice number. Kachhela doesn’t supply one. Maybe other vendors do supply one. Maybe a fake one works, idk.

So the answer to your question is, no.

Edit: I asked Kachhela to make an invoice. No can do.

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So…I’m finally about to place my first Rapamycin order from a company you in the community have already successfully used for delivery here in the US. I greatly appreciate all the candor and experience everyone has contributed here.

I’d like to try to get a few other products as well, but don’t appear to be listed on their websites (like metformin, finasteride, and androgel): do I simply email and ask and they are likely to be able to get it (is this the standard practice)?

Is it better to separate these into separate orders? What flags customs? — number of pills or dollar amount? For instance, can I buy a six-month rapa supply, or if I get other pharma products would this then mean I can only get three months worth?

Also, Is it better to say “x referred me to you”? — will this get me a better price?


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Most of the India-based online pharmacies have a website where they list all the drugs they sell, but if the drug isn’t listed on the site then its not a bad idea to ask if they can get it. Sometimes they can. See the list of vendors at the top of this thread (and if your vendor is not on the list, still you can search for their website): Buy Rapamycin Online - List of Reliable Pharmacies

We really don’t have a good idea on exactly what causes issues for customs - I suspect more likely the size of the package, but I may be wrong. Read up on this thread for more info: Importing Rapamycin to Save Money (2)

I don’t think that “x referred me to you” - helps at all. What helps is competitive pricing… saying I can get the same product from XYZ online Pharma in India for 90 cents less per stripe of tablets. So - get multiple quotes! This is a little like negotiating at the flea markets or off craigslist. Find competitive pricing, and use it to your advantage.


Zydus also has a US subsidiary.

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New here and wondering if anyone has used Vallahb Enterprise for Rapacan or Acarbose via Indiamart? Rep there says they take credit card. Price quoted $60 per 100 Rapacan 1mg and $20 for 200 Acarbose.
Thanks for informative thread. I read the first 250 or so posts!:blush:


Can you provide link or contact person for Vallahb Enterprises?

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Hello all, thanks for building this beautiful community.
One info: RL Pharma and NIBA health, are sister companies.
Updated price, just bought from then, 65 usd, per 100 tablets, + 36 usd shipping to USA
so 101 usd with shipping.
When arrive I will give more info
all the best


Hi Ericross, GNH India is the only one I found that has all of the meds I want, and they have them also as brand names, from India, the US, Japan, and Canada. I have not ordered from them yet, because I am still trying to figure out the whole payment thing.


What type of sirolimus did you buy at this price? Biocon, Zydus, Dr. Reddy’s or something else?


Hi Tim, how did you answer all those questions Wise asks about the nature of the transaction?

Rapacan 1mg Tablet. Sirolimus, BIOCON = 65 usd 100 tablets

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Shipment got here about 5 days ago. Well packaged and accurate

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is the pill enteric coated? I just learned it needs to be enteric coated to survive the digestive tract

All the generic and brand versions of rapamycin have a coating or protective mechanism. The only ones that don’t are the compounded pharmacy made capsules which seem to frequently have bioavailability issues.

See: Bioavailability of Rapamycin From Compounding Pharmacy

And: New Peter Attia interview w/Matt Kaeberlein, inferior bioavailability of encapsulated rapa