"Three-drug combination therapy for anti-aging"

I get your point, but I had an infection 3 years ago and did antibiotics and nothing bad happened. I do however consume yogurt and kefir anytime I’m on biotics. So yes, I DO plan in giving this a try EXACTLY how the study was done, and I’ll report on results. I will also stop all other supp’s i do for that five-week period to make sure i know exactly of any good or bad effects of such remedy. Ane thing to note I would not do this daily though. If i see it was a good combo, maybe I’ll do it once a year or once every other year!


What did you see in the study that makes vitamin C unnecessary?

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@Bicep , dude give me Jagdish contact info. thanks,

Aren’t oyster mushrooms the fungi that naturally produce (and therefore contain) losartan?
That would account for the reduction in BP.

I don’t think he said that. Rather he was referring to the fact that it doesn’t need to be in higher doses than what the study was calling for.


I think the vitamin C is the key factor, that is why I intend to used a larger amount.

From the paper;

“Finally, as seen in Figure 9 and 10​10,, treatment with 250 μM Vitamin C alone, significantly increased both mitochondrial metabolism and glycolysis in MCF7 cancer cells. These observations are consistent with the idea that Vitamin C alone acts as a mild pro-oxidant and stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis, driving increased mitochondrial metabolism and elevated ATP production. This interpretation is consistent with our experimental data directly showing that the inclusion of two inhibitors of mitochondrial protein translation with Vitamin C, blocks and completely reverses this Vitamin C induced increase in mitochondrial oxidative metabolism (Figures 11 and 12​12).”


I’m pretty sure that the average person can only use 500mg Vit C/24 hours. Anything above this is excreted.


I am not saying don’t take a vitamin C supplement. I do, because I don’t normally eat fruits and currently I am on a low-carb keto/carnivore diet.

“A large number of epidemiological and intervention studies have examined the effects of vitamin C consumption and/or supplementation on physiological parameters, biomarkers and clinical end points. In general these studies found either no effect attributable to vitamin C intake or reported ambiguous results”

Vitamin C is by its chemical nature an electron donor, commonly called an antioxidant. However, the widely held assumption that vitamin C has an important role as an antioxidant in humans is unproven. To date, supplementation with vitamin C has shown no benefit in disease conditions proposed to be caused by, or resulting in, oxidant stress


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I don’t know if they do. But searching around reveals that lovastatin came from oyster mushrooms.

In 1978 Alfred Alberts discovered lovastatin in oyster mushrooms.

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Intravenous High-Dose Vitamin C in Cancer Therapy

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So, do you have cancer?

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the paper even suggests the opposite that vitamin C is used in combination with both antibiotics because of (mild) oxidative effect. But haven’t researched it further.


There is a risk of ruining the microbiome.


I’ve contacted my poor long suffering Indian supplier and asked them to add Azithromycin 250mg to my quarterly order (I order in 3 month batches so that U.K. customs is under no illusions that the drugs are for anything other than personal use).

My only concern is with my microbiome. I’ve invested a lot in different microbes and my gut is like a heavily invested in garden. This feels a little like dashing all the plants with weed killer.


Eat lots of Greek whole-fat yogurt. Your bowels will thank you.



There was a thread on this forum about doxycycline out side of this thread.

Had to do with Diamandis{Yes, Peter H. Diamandis MD] taking 100mg daily of doxycycline as part of his anti-aging package


Yes, but the researchers suggested that 250 mg azithromycin twice weekly does not have any antibacterial properties and doxycycline dose could be potentially lowered to e.g. 20 mg which is again non antibacterial and has no effect on bacteria but still potentially provides enough mitochondrial inhibition.
Or you could eat a lot of kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir…
This is not really relevant, anecdotal N=1, before starting rapamycin I had really slow digestion and felt normal only when on antibiotics, so really depends from person to person.


doubt this to be true, but i have no scientific proof other than anecdotal evidence. I’ve noted somewhere in these boards that about 20 years ago i had angina/blocked arteries (not too severe) which runs in my family. I did a lot of research and ran into Dr. Paulding’s protocol which basically is HUGE doses of Vit C combined with high doses of L-Lysine. At that time i was also getting every flu and cold visrus that you and everyone else was throwing at me. At least 4 times per year severe flu/cold symptoms that lasted at least two weeks. So I started the high dose of Vit C and high dose of L-lysine (3000mg of each X 3times per day, so 9000 of each daily) for about 6 months and my arteries cleared 100%. And one day being out eating lunch at work some dude out of nowhere goes-hey Tom how come I don’t see coughing lately, you used to scare the heck of us with your nonstop coughs (side effect of cold/flu was it left me with a bad cough for a month or more after the flu). so that got me thinking why am i not getting the flu again, and apparently it was because of high doses of C and Lysine. So I experimented later with small doses of say 1000 of each daily and it did shit to stop me from getting the flu, and only doses of over 3000 of each daily would really work. From that I can easily say that your 500 max of vitC daily absorption is a huge crapola and couldn’t care less if the top doctor on the planet told you that, because I know 1million % not to be true (from my own experience).


All of the vendors mentioned in discussions can usually be found on this page: Buy Rapamycin Online - List of Reliable Pharmacies


He doesn’t take it anymore.