Rapamycin: longevity benefits, surge in popularity, unanswered questions, and more

I think she may be thinking of this research: Meclizine / Dramamine II, Approx 15% Lifespan Increase, Another mTORC1 Inhibitor

What’s the dose Attia currently taking? Has he mentioned on IG or anywhere?

He has said 6mg/ week - see this thread: Who in the Health and Longevity Field are Taking Rapamycin (part 2)

But - I’m sure it changes over time, like with most of us.


Thanks! I’m so confused by the dosing… I never had side effects after many. months at 4g + grapefruit but have not noticed anything positive either. But my brother who has UC and other inflammatory issues breaks out in a horrible rash and has body aches at same dose… Should he try the higher dose as some suggest here? It seems like Rapa should be a good match for him to tamper chronic inflammation and modulate the immune system… looking for any way to help him. TY

That’s exactly what I was thinking of.

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Your dose of 4mg + GFJ is a high dose, equivalent to 12+ mg/week.
If your brother is already getting bad reactions at that level, I’d definitely ramp it down low (e.g. 1mg/week) or take a break until everythign clears up, then start slow and slowly increase, as we cover in the dosing thread here: What is the Rapamycin Dose / Dosage for Anti-Aging or Longevity?


Sometimes you get side effects at first and they can be mitigated over time as your body acclimates (or builds resistance?) to Rapamycin.


Thank you for this. We did ramp up slowly and he takes long breaks after adverse effects but is reconsidering it again given new info on inflammation effects. We also take 1 whole grapefruit not the juice - is that still equivalent to 12 mg?

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We are assuming that 1 whole grapefruit take prior to taking the rapamycin is the same as drinking the juice - and I think the measurements from @Agetron and perhaps others of blood / sirolimus levels suggest that yes, they are equivalent. But I have not seen any research studies on this, and it likely varies by type of grapefruit, etc. Perhaps read this thread for more info: Rapamycin and Grapefruit Juice

and What types of grapefruit juice increase Rapamycin levels the most?

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Hello!!! I’m brand new here and seriously considering starting. I have so many questions, but this one was at the top of my list!!! The brilliant Sabatini knows as much, or more, than anyone on this topic, yet he isn’t motivated to take it,yet. This worries me!

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Welcome to the forum.

If you have not already seen/reviewed


“Rapamycin for longevity: opinion article”

Rapamycin for longevity: opinion article - PMC.

“If you wait until you are ready, it is almost certainly too late.”

~Seth Godin


I hadn’t seen that, so thank you!

If you watch the video above, Dr. Sabitini is waiting for some more data before starting Rapamycin. He’s still quite young, so he probably figures waiting a couple more years won’t hurt. He’s definitely a proponent of Rapamycin.


Thank you DeStrider! I did watch this and so did my doctor. When asking about it after learning Attia was on it a year or two ago, he said it’s too soon. But after watching the video, he gave me his blessing (although he won’t prescribe it :slight_smile: …. I did see he definitely thinks it’s great, but the waiting doesn’t make sense if he has no concerns… so it just made me wonder if he knows something I don’t know. I do get Matt and Peter are on it, so that probably answers that.

Because I’m new, I’m not sure if it’s best to ask my questions about it here, or should I start a new thread?

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Beth - we are pretty free form here as far as questions and answers go. Feel free to post on this thread…


@RapAdmin Where do you “publish audio”?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Rapamycin Questions from a New User

Did anyone hear why Peter Attia switched his dosing protocol from 6 mg, 8 weeks on rapamycin and then 5 weeks off? What is he currently following for his dosing? Matt Kaeberlein, I recall, had an 8 week course for his frozen shoulder. Is he doing the 8 weeks on/5weeks off dosing regimen? What would be the optimal dosing regimen for a healthy male in his 70s?

Thanks, Jonas. I’m glad to hear that the TRIAD study shows positive effects. As of January of this year, A&M University in Texas was still accepting dogs into their TRIAD study. The dose you mentioned caught my eye because my Doberman was accepted and began the REPAIR (DCM) Rapamycin study in February of this year. At the time of acceptance, he weighed 38.4kg and was prescribed 9.6mg per week which is 0.25mg/kg. He has been on that dose for 9 months now has experienced only positive effects.

That’s a considerable difference between the longevity dose and the REPAIR dose given, which they’re hoping will effectively work in tandem with Vetmedin for his occult DCM. In theory, the Rapamycin will keep his heart tissue healthy and the Vetmedin with help the heart efficiently contract. Vetmedin has a great track record for that purpose, but at some point when the ventricle becomes too flaccid, no amount of heart contracting is enough.


a critical distinction, yes