Peptides / Bioregulators

Hey. I am an avid health enthusiast. Just starting Rapamycin as well as my lengthy supplement protocol.
I don’t see a lot of people here mentioning Peptide therapy (BPC-157, Ipamorelin, CJC-1295 etc…)
Who is taking them and results. I am a big fan of adding this into me regiment.
Also my Peptide Bioregulators order just arrived and plan on starting them next.
The research by Dr Khavinson is quite astonishing and I see them as the next big thing to incorporate alongside Rapamycin, Acarbose, Metformin, Glycine etc.

Would love to hear some thoughts from this amazing forum


I have done, and will do another annual round of,

Epithalon, Thymalin, GHK-Cu, Oxytocin and I now do a monthly 1200mg Glutathione.

Of all of these the most profound results were from the Glutathione, but that could be because I have this peptide injected intramuscular at a clinic (the others I take subcutaneously).


I have tried quite a few of the mainstream ones. Right now, cjc-1295 combined with ipamoralin, for hgh production, tb500 paired with bpc157 for inflammation, I found epithalon greatly increased my sense of smell (increased stem cell production???). And, a few others. Only a couple of weeks for each and never more than a few at a time. The bioregulators look very interesting. I also put myself on a very low weekly dosage of testosterone (200mg). And did an extensive blood panel both before and after. Ended having to start taking some additional iron supplements. Bottom line, I am working out about the same level as my 30’s. I am 61 now. And feel pretty good for my advanced age. LOL. The big three are still, nutrition, sleep, and exercise. But, I do think they do add some value. My doctor admits that they are mostly about fixing us up after we are broken. Insurance really isn’t interested in preventative care.


Yes, I agree on both posts.
I have been taking Ipamorelin and CJC-1295 for the past few months and having the best workouts I have had in 10 years.
Also tried one bottle of IGF-1 LR3 and was blown away.

BPC-157 helped me recover quicker from a tricep injury.
Was hesitant at first to inject myself, and figuring out how to “reconstitute” it…but it was very interesting to do.
So glad I found peptides.
Definitely will order Epithalon as well to add to my Longevity routine.

Will let everyone know how the Bioregulators do for me.
I hope to hear if anyone has tried them
The research in russia on them is mind-blowing :exploding_head:


Looks like he died at age 77 last month. I wonder what was his cause of death.


What are the names of the peptide bioregulators?

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Wow, just saw that. Can’t find the cause anywhere.
With Putin, you never know what might have happened.
The research still seems enough for me to try them.
Only have to take them for 10 days, one to two times a year.

Not that 77 is a Good number especially in regards to a forum about longevity-- but at least he outlived the average male lifespan in Russia of 71.34 years by 6 years.
Still very interesting though. Thanks for sharing


I trust Profound Health and Life Extension [both supported by Suzanne Somers RIP]
I ordered like 8 different ones.
Guinea Pig here I come :laughing:


Perhaps some of our Russian community members can search the Russian search engines and see if they can find out any details on how he died. That does seem very young for a guy seemingly in the longevity business.



I have come across bioregulator enthusiasts ordering “straight from the source,” so to speak, from this Russian site that has quite an extensive catalog.

This one also seems popular:

I have used peptides, but I have not tried bioregulators (yet?).

It’s interesting that, in the peptide groups, I’ve seen very negative and rather uninformed comments about rapamycin ("don’t take an immunosuppressant!). Whereas on this forum, peptides are less familiar to many and seem to be viewed with skepticism or disinterest. Those may well be justified, but I do hope peptide discussions increase here because the depth of research and quality of discussion are often so high and there are potential healthspan implications.


I’m interested in peptides but haven’t taken any action because my knowledge of them is limited. Is there a peptide primer available? I just haven’t been exposed to much information about peptides in the circles I follow.

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I may have mentioned before that I used them in the past. There are some really interesting mitochondrial peptides that may affect aging like Mots C and Humanin that might be worth researching. The issue is that there’s really no reliable data on dosing.

I’ve used BPC 157 TB500 and TB4 to try and heal a hip injury.

I also bought some epithalin but ended up not using it. There’s some evidence to suggest it might increase telomeres, but unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a lot of research in the US.

There’s lots of peptide information out there but it’s all over the place.

You could maybe start with Nathalie Niddams podcast.

I haven’t listened to it myself but I know this is her area of expertise.


I’ve used bioregulators. I tried a product for prostate health and had some quite alarming side effects. I ended up with blood in my semen, which was enough to warn me off trying any more.

Pretty sure this the company I purchased them from.


Hi Everyone,

I just did a Russian language search about Khavinson. His death was widely reported, but the reason for his death was withheld. I don’t know the reason for that.


Wow. That is a definite Red Flag [no pun intended]
I will tread cautiously

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It is definitely unhelpful.
His death may have been due to accident or even foul play; we don’t know. But, if it was in any way connected with his bio peptides then yes, we should be informed.
I might be able to make discreet enquires at the University he was affiliated with.


Makes me want to consult the gerontologist of Paul Biya (Cameroon - 90 years old)].

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I’ve used a few peptides 7+ years

Self: BCP157, TB500, Thymosin Alpha 1 for general injury healing
Epithalon, IGF-1 LR3 for retina/macula healing, vision restoration

Doctor: Increlex injected around my eyes with mesogun (retina/macula healing, vision restoration)


Ben Greenfield has written/spoken on peptides a bit, eg:

Peptides seem to be getting more mainstream - even Tony Robbins (& Peter Diamandis) sell them via their Lifeforce online company (as seen in Tony’s Lifeforce book).


Yes, I am a BIG fan of Ben Greenfield and the fact of Tony Robbins aligning with Diamandis on his recent book had me more convinced on my research to start Peptides on my own.