Peptides / Bioregulators

I am very interested in using BPC157 for the GI healing. I’ve always faced gastrointestinal problems, leaky gut, SIBO…

I’ve already purchased the product, but I’m scared of the relation with cancer. Does anyone have an opinion on the relationship between BPC157 and cancer?


It promotes angiogenesis but I suspect that unless you already have cancer or have a family history then the risks are small if you only use it for a short time. I also used it for gastrointestinal issues and it worked, but only briefly. I don’t think it’s something that you should expect to be on permanently. The idea would be to cycle it to prevent the risks. One interesting side effect was that I got absolutely ripped while I was using it. I’m quite lean so it didn’t take much.


I lost my parents to cancer, that’s why I’m so scared.

o.O my dream is to gain a lot of weight. Lost more than 20 pounds 2 years ago after covid.


We all have to access our own tolerance and risks. I don’t think anyone can tell you what you should and shouldn’t take. Lots of people here taking Rapamycin and nobody can honestly say whether or not it will work or have unseen deleterious effects. The best thing you can do is read extensively and make your best judgement.


Unfortunately there is not much human scientific data in general and specifically about cancer risk.
This is an article about the possible mechanism of its healing properties (rat study);

This is an article where they propose the use in cancer patients;

In this article they proposed the use for treatment of Covid…

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Do those of you who have used BPC-157 find it at all useful for general injury recovery as an oral supplement, or does it really only work if injected into the site?

I have only used BPC-157 for injury healing as injection. VERY effective when injecting subcutaneous near injury.
Definitely helps and a lot of research backing it up.
As for Gut Healing - they suggest Pills as being very helpful. I want to try that next


Thanks! I’d love to try it for a couple of nagging tendon injuries, but frankly I’m afraid of ordering from some random company on the internet, especially given that injected meds go right past our gut and liver defenses. Does anyone have suggestions on quality assurance for any of the bpc 157 sellers out there?


I only order my peptides from
Quality and testing results provided. Had a bottle 3rd party tested for purity and :100: legit.

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I have two “IRL” friends who have used the pills to get significant GI improvement. I have not used pills, but I have been injecting 240mcg 2x/day for 11 days. At around the 6 day mark my GI performance changed quite strikingly for the better. My diet, supplements, and exercise are uniform and boring, so I attribute the improvement to systemic action of BPC. 5 good days in a row isn’t enough to be sure, of course.

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Thanks. Which peptides do you believe are most effective?

BPC-157 and TB500 for injury and recovery
Ipamorelin, Tesamorelin and CJC-1295 for body composition [muscle building and fat loss]
Malanotan 2 for tanning of skin sexual increase
Pt141 for erectile disfunction
Epithalon for Longevity

Igf-1 LR3 for massive muscle gains but a little more in the experimental side


Thanks. These peptides are really complex. Do you have to inject Epithalon, Malanotan2 and Pt141, or can you also take orally and get decent bioavailability?

They are all Injection
Using a subcutaneous insulin needle though, is very easy and zero pain.

There is a need to “reconstitute” the peptide though as it comes in powder form in the vial.
Sounds overwhelming at first, but it is actually very easy.
I was overwhelmed at first but now find it intriguing and fun to do. I feel like a lab scientist lol.
Here is a simple video on how to do it.
You need BAC Bacteriostatic Water [available locally or online]


Thanks for all the education. I am going to give it a try!

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I can vouch for peptides being powerful. A couple years ago I took melanotan II to try to get a tan. I am very fair skinned, Fitzpatrick skin type 2. I burn very easily. If I get burned multiple times throughout the summer I will slowly develop a bit of a tan but it usually keeps a reddish tint. When I took melanotan II I developed the most incredible tan. The first week started out by going into the sun for about 5 minutes about 30 minutes after injection. Then the second week 10 minutes. By the end of the second week my tan was very obvious. And it was a nice healthy looking tan for those of you that believe in such a thing. Week 3 I’d stay out for 20 minutes. If I tried to stay out longer than that I would get a little red. By the end of week 4 I could stay outside in intense sun for nearly an hour without burning. People were starting to ask questions because they’d never seen me so dark. lol. I experimented with different doses. 200 mcg 3 times per week was probably a sweet spot for developing a tan. Once a week for maintenance. Doses at 600mcg to 1mg really revved up the libido but I noticed I started getting more freckles and preexisting freckles and moles were getting darker. This was worrisome at the time but everything faded over the months after stopping and slowly went back to how I was before. I should also add that even small doses of 200 mcg would cause intense facial flushing and nausea for an hour or so after injection. Larger doses had a larger reaction. Doses of 200 mcg seemed to not bother me much after the first several weeks. Anyway, this forum is about healthspan/lifespan so melanotan 2 might not interest anyone. However my self experiment did prove to me that melanotan did everything I’d read it would do. There is absolutely no way I could tan like that without melanotan! These peptides are no joke!


I am not against peptides and bioregulators and I may try some of them. However, I have done some research on BPC-157 that makes me cautious. Most of the research I found comes from Croatia (University of Zagreb) and was done on mice. I could not find any substantial research on humans, but I would certainly like to hear about it if it is available. Post it if you can find any. The best YouTube summary I found lasts about 7 minutes. Here’s the link:

Oh, one additional note is that I started my initial research with ChatGPT which I have found not totally reliable. So, I may have been lead in the wrong direction (by ChatGPT) with this research.

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Paul_2.0, did your use of any of these show any benefit?

“I’ve used BPC 157 TB500 and TB4 to try and heal a hip injury.” - Paul_2.0

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I still have some tan left over from 3 weeks of MII last July. Some have concerns that it can accelerate skin cancer, but I get screenings at a dermatologist so I opted for the tan prior to a beach vacation. I will say I didn’t burn.