Large Study Finds Viagra Is Linked to Almost 70% Lower Risk of Alzheimer's

From @Agetron in another thread:

Results from the National Institutes of Health’s Drug Repurposing for Effective Alzheimer’s Medicines (DREAM) study show that sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis) may not be suitable candidates for treating dementia. These findings are contrary to similar, previously reported research from another group. In this new study, NIH researchers and collaborators used data from Medicare beneficiaries and determined the medications sildenafil and tadalafil do not reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. The study was funded by the NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA) and results published in Brain Communications . Identifying existing drugs that may also be repurposed for dementia could potentially get treatments to those in need faster than the traditional drug discovery process.


I’ve been buying Sildenafil from Costco for years. Currently it costs $32.99 to fill 90 100mg tablets. I do have slight hearing loss - I have trouble hearing faint sounds in noisy environments. This could be due to the sildenafil.


Party poopers. :smile:


Sam wrote: “I have trouble hearing faint sounds in noisy environments. This could be due to the sildenafil.”

Or getting older… :wink:

Good news… Rapamycin helps reverse hearing loss. :wink: In the almost 2.5 years of my use hearing is fantastic.

My urologist says daily 2mg of tadalafil (same sildenafil) is healthy for your male bits!
I think user AmyK concurs…

I am not complaining.


Anyone seen this study. Any others similar or contradictory?


Hi Ben, welcome to the site. There has been a long discussion about that study. See the thread here: Rapamycin increases Alzheimer's-associated plaques in mice, study finds

Also - some other news related to rapamycin and alzheimers:

Here: Intranasal Rapamycin Lessens Alzheimer-like Cognitive Decline in a Mouse Model of Down Syndrome

Here: Fighting Alzheimer’s with Increased Autophagy via Rapamycin + Trehalose

Here: Rapamycin and Alzheimer’s disease: Time for a clinical trial? - PMC


If you’re taking cialis, please be aware about interactions with antifungals.

I took a low dose (2.5 mg) years ago, then applied tolnaftate (tinactin) on a fungal infection. It produced a racing heartbeat. I was so scared, I almost went to the ER. Deep breathing and all that did not help. It did not help either, that tadalafil has a long half-life. So the whole day, I was in bed doing deep breathing. It stopped hours later, maybe at the half-life mark.

I learned, later, from a commercial, that that was one of the warnings. But it was for oral antifungals. This was merely topical.


Feasibility of high-dose tadalafil and effects on insulin resistance in well-controlled patients with type 2 diabetes (MAKROTAD): a single-centre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, cross-over phase 2 trial

Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors exert positive vascular and metabolic effects in type 2 diabetes (T2D), but the effect on insulin resistance in T2D is unclear.


Tadalafil/sildenafil show promise when it comes to improvie the aging cardiovascular system. Besides targeting mTOR and glucosemetabolism I find it important to specifically target the cardiovascular system. A man is as old as his arteries and his capillaries.

Captoril show an interesting curve and it has a systemic vasodilatory effect. Captopril blocks the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II and prevents the degradation of vasodilatory prostaglandins, thereby inhibiting vasoconstriction and promoting systemic vasodilation.

MPD: ITP survival analysis: captopril (

And conceptual mice studies indicate a potential for radical lifeextension when targetting the vascular system. But it comes with the concern of increased risk for cancers. But mice, that usually die from different neoplasms - cancers, show radical life extension in the study below. It would be great to see what kind of effect rapamycin combined with captoril would have on the lifespan of mice.

Counteracting age-related VEGF signaling insufficiency promotes healthy aging and extends life span | Science

VEGF to extend lifespan? (targeting vascular aging) - YouTube


I have been using low-dose Tadalafil and nitric oxide capsules with the hope that they will improve my vascular system. The latter has definitely increased my CGM glucose measurements, presumably, because of the high vitamin C content.

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If you care to look on Google Scholar there are many articles that suggest exercise is a way to increase VEGF.

It’s amazing that mouse studies show increasing VEGF increases lifespan by an amazing 48%. I don’t why this has not received more attention.
Again exercise seems to be the first thing ahead of rapamycin or anything else in increasing human life span. By the way, even though I go to the gym and exercise a lot, I don’t find it particularly enjoyable while I am doing it, but I always feel better afterward.



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I’ve been taking tadalafil 5mg od for a while. I have tinnitus; have had it for years; have detected no change to the tinnitus since using tadalafil. However I wonder there is any advantage it cutting down from 5 to a 2.5mg dose to lessen risk of ototoxicity?

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Do finger pricks also suffer from Vit C bias? Perhaps you can use that to triangulate. Also, heard Freestyle Libre may be more sensitive to Vit C than Dexcom, but have no idea if that is true.

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Browsing through old post came across this and I do have tinnitus. no clue of the cause. I’m wondering is anyone in here in the same boat, and does anyone have any suggestion on mitigating tinnitus?

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Sorry, I have tinnitus an have found nothing that mitigates it.

I have had tinnitus since childhood, mainly in my left ear. I have been searching for a cure for decades. If there was a cure, I think I would have found it by now. You can ignore the supplement claims and BS YouTube videos.

The reason that I think that there is a cure to be had is, occasionally, at night, just before I go to sleep, it disappears completely, only to reappear the next day.

“Currently, there is no known cure for tinnitus.”

Tinnitus | Johns Hopkins Medicine.


might be worth checking this out:

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This might also be interesting to look into. Also coming out of Stanford (but I think separately):

“Experience bimodal stimulation in daily 10-minute sessions for 8 weeks to feel relief.”

Professor David Eagleman is an American neuroscientist, author, and science communicator. He teaches neuroscience at Stanford University

Tinnitus affects 10 – 15% of the population. It’s not rare, but it can be difficult to live with. There’s no cure for tinnitus, but new neuroscience research shows that pairing notes with touch (known as bimodal stimulation) can reduce the volume and annoyance of ringing in the ears. This research was originally done with tones plus shocks on the tongue (Marks et al 2018; Conlon et al 2020), but that approach requires going into an audiology clinic every day for treatment.

Now bimodal stimulation has a new approach.

With Neosensory Duo, we have made bimodal stimulation simpler and more effective. First, no doctor’s visit is required. We mail the wristband to your home. You simply download our free app, put on the wristband, and listen to a specially designed series of notes for 10 minutes a day. The sounds and patented vibrations are synchronized. Over time, this teaches the brain which sounds are real (external) and which are self-generated (internal). Over the course of weeks, your brain learns to pay less attention to the internal sounds, and tinnitus becomes less challenging to deal with on a daily basis. Most customers participate in our subscription program for 2 months, some find it useful to keep it for 3 months, and others keep it forever.

Does seem expensive, but if only 2-3 months are needed then perhaps it could we worth it. Or perhaps you can get insurance to cover it. They do have a 30-day money back guarantee.


Interesting that’s exactly what happens with me at times. First time it disappeared it felt so good and really thought that’s was it, no more tinnitus. Unfortunately next morning woke up the same lol. Still searching sometimes I’m tempted to blow air with a bit of high pressure to see if helps. But then I’m like better tinnitus than def. But I’m optimistic that In my lifetime I’ll beat this bastard someday lol

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