How to buy Rapamycin (Sirolimus)? What is the cost?

It would be a good idea to check with each of the vendors you are considering, and get their official response on whether they will replace shipments (re-do shipments) if they get stopped by Canada customs (or any customs agents). If you do this, please post it. Did “Blue Crystal” say they would replace?

Also, check out the past discussions on importing into Canada…
Here: Does anyone have success importing Rapamycin to Canada?
and Here: Success stories / ease of shipping rapamycin to countries in EU or Canada?

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Yes, Blue Crystal said they will replace it.

He also said they have 100% success with Canadian orders, and sent me screenshots from a messaging app which seem to show completed tracking from IndiaPost to a Canadian destination. Either it is real or he is making a strong effort at scamming, I can’t tell for sure.

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When I first started ordering I did a bunch of small orders ($50 to $100) to test out different resellers. Everyone delivered the products as promised. So, generally I think people deliver what they promise.

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I’ve used them for over 7 years for other meds and never once had any issues.

Both shipments of Rapamycin I placed through NIBA Health were received by me. I was skeptical of scammers at first as well and I had a lot of trouble working out how to deal with customs in Hong Kong. Eventually, I found a solution and everything worked out well. I can say that the vendor was the least of my problems and he helped me overcome my wariness.

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Inhousepharma is pricy, now i buy rapamune from BGPharma Bulgaria. I paid $390 for 100 pills including shipping. check


Yes, I completely agree. I looked at their prices on rapamycin and decided they were too expensive for me personally despite my good experience with them over the years. I do think they would be a reliable source though for someone who isn’t concerned about cost.

I am using Pfizers Rapamune for months now ( 8 weeks 7mg/week on and 8 weeks off ).

It casts me $4/per 1mg, but at least I dont worry about purity and bioavailability.

Dunno, I would rather invest more money and be safe then take non tested stuff from India, no offence.

Just my honest opinion.

Personally, I’m not going to spend $4/mg for Rapamune when I can buy an Indian generic for as little as $0.41/mg. The FDA has approved multiple generics. I may do this if rapamycin was the only thing I was taking for health and longevity, but I’m not placing all my hope in one drug. There are multiple other supplements or drugs that have been shown to extend lifespan in rodents.


how can i get in Pakistan

Hi Nadeem, welcome to our site and forums.

You can just order rapamycin from any of these online pharmacies that ship out of India: Buy Rapamycin Online - List of Reliable Pharmacies

i need this medicine in Pakistan
can you send it in Pakistan

This is just a site to discuss rapamycin and other anti-aging drugs.

You need to order the medicine (rapamycin) from the online pharmacies at the above link. They ship to Pakistan I believe. Just contact some of them that are listed and I’m sure they’ll be happy to help you.

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Is 1.33$ for a pill of Zydus Sirolimus a good price from Jagdish?

I tried to order original Pfizer Rapamune tablets from bgpharmadrugs but they said that they have huge waiting list, at least one month of waiting.


Prices have been going up. $1.33 seems a heck of a lot better than the $10 I was paying for the Pfizer brand. Zydus is probably the best-quality generic Indian brand of Rapamycin. I believe it has 1.1x the amount of Rapamycin as the Pfizer one, but the Pfizer one has a better coating for absorption. In the end, I think they are equivalent.

Thanks! What about the Rapacan / Biocon ?
I’ve received 0.8$ price for 1 mg. This is really cheap comparing to Zydus.

It is worth it to pay more for Zydus? What is your opinion?


There are many people here using Biocon and so far there isn’t a specific reason to believe it isn’t good. Biocon is a major Indian pharma company that sells many approved generics (not rapamycin) in the United States. But Zydus has more credibility in the US market and is used for trials such as the Dog Aging Project, so you can assume a certain amount of vetting by experts.


I was unable to buy Zydus the second time around, so I bought Biocon. I haven’t tried it yet, but it should also be good.

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For the past year I have been ordering from . delivery time could be better but its packaged well so no customs issues for me anyway.

In the past I did purchase 90 tablets from India and was stopped by customs and was asked for a Rx , I didn’t have one so I lost that shipment. Customs told me that you can import a personal supply of medication of not more than 90 days but you need to have a Rx for the medication and they can ask for it.

I have ordered from 3 times and are happy with the products. I have used Zydus in the past and was also good.


I just received a sirolimus order from Forveda Online via Indiamart. $160 for 200 1 mg Biocon. “Rapacan 1.” Mfg Nov 2022 and good through Oct 2024.

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