Canadian trying to buy rapamycin

Anyone purchase and send Rapa to Canada recently.
I have looked and IndiaMart and the site is confusing, and I can’t seem to find reviews for stores, there is just dosing and count size with a link to the store. thought it would make sense that there is some review system but there does not seem to be.
Would prefer to buy overseas rather than in the USA dues to cost saving over hopefully taking it for the next few, hopefully many decades.
I have heard that its easier to ship to the USA rather than trying to get it through Canadian customs, but then there is another leg to figure out from the US to Canada.

Hi, welcome to the site. We have a lot of Canadian’s here and people have taken many different approaches to get rapamycin. We have a number of threads from others here on this topic - I recommend you review them and then ask any followup questions if you have any.

It doesn’t sound like you’ve come across these areas of our website, one on how to get/buy rapamycin and trustworthy sources people have used, and another thread just on the many common questions and answers people have on rapamycin:

Canadians getting rapamycin:

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