Biohacker spending $2m a year to reverse his age beaten by man paying just $30k

Thanks. I’m always surprised by the number of “healthy” people I know who never do checkups because “they don’t need it”.


What was her previous situation and stats? Asian women tend to age well in general. Must be something in their diet.

Asians tend to age better than other races in general.


Looks like I’m going to have to add “Siberian Sea Buckthorn Oil” to my stack!


Rap Admin, you write, “Yes - this is an example of one of those expensive but minimal/low benefit type of supplements that people buy.”. Given this, I’d love to know your stack of supplements that you take that don’t follow this min/low benefit issue.


My stack is here. If the supplement is cheap (eg vitamin D), I am less rigorous on the cost/benefit calculations as it’s in the noise of the budget.


What effect you have seen with rapamycin toothpaste?

I went off it when I was getting in the plasmapheresis clinical trial, and I am just restarting, so no effects to report.

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Thank you. Tell me more about the rapa toothpaste. You make your own I presume? How do you do it?

Full details and shopping list here DIY Rapamycin Toothpaste and Flossing Paste

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WTF is that? Magic wand to stir your water

Who needs rapa when they can drink miraculous water:

Aǹalemma is a revolutionary tool that powerfully enhances the properties, quality and the effects of drinking water by transforming it into a coherent, liquid crystalline state.

You can even replace your LED bulbs by tomatoes exuding light:

Tomatoes treated with Analemma water exuded 60% more light than those treated with normal water, signaling a significant increase in their vitality.

Seriously some guys take Harry Potter too seriously.


Rapamycin non-believers, pretty strong opinions:


Unfortunately they choose to age and die early. You cannot convince everyone about the merits of Rapamycin. While we may be wrong, I think statistically speaking they have a much higher chance of being wrong.

That’s the point of my avatar. It’s me as a young person looking out at my contemporaries who could have prevented their aging but did not. It’s a reminder to me why all this prevention is important.


Taking a truckload of supplements, sounds pretty intense, but here’s the thing – just because it won’t send you to the ER right away doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

The whole approach seems a bit off the rails. It’s like throwing everything at the wall and hoping something sticks. A big focus on antioxidants is cool and all, but too much of the same thing isn’t going to do you extra favors.

Antioxidants are great; they combat oxidative stress, which can damage cells and is linked with aging. But the body’s a complex machine. It needs a balance. Overloading it with a ton of supplements, especially if they’re all hitting the same notes, isn’t going to bring that harmony.

Also, there’s this idea of ‘hormesis’ in biology. It’s like a Goldilocks situation – a little bit of stress on the body can be good, like exercise or fasting. It makes the body stronger. But too much, or the wrong kind, and you’re just stressing your system for no good reason.

The real issue with this supplement plan is its lack of strategy in combining supplements with exercise and cycling them around metabolic pathways. It’s not just about what supplements you take, but also how and when you take them

Agree. The primary effect seems to be a boost in the producers’ revenue and order intake.


People who worship contrarians like Vinay are going to be very upset over time, and lose bigly.


@Jonas As you know it’s the social media thing. You are invisible on social media unless you are:

  • extreme and hateful
  • pointing out a long-standing error of “science”
  • breaking the news of a US Government coverup or program to make certain people sick

I follow a handful of people on X who are generally reliable in sharing useful information. I try not to look at the rest of the crap there just as I won’t look at the National Enquirer while standing in the grocery store checkout line.

Sometimes I waste a minute to block or mute someone. It’s like trying to kill all the mosquitoes by letting them land on me.


Jenvel’s chronological age is 29. How much age reduction can she achieve?


@JuanDaw This is an important point. Clearly this marketing effort has run amok. Why would a 61 yo (me) care what a 29 yo is doing to improve the results of a bioage test which isn’t accurate enough for me to pay to use it?


I don’t care, if people don’t list what their LDL or apoB is.
Everything is completely irrelevant if they don’t.

If their apoB or LDL isn’t at youthful levels to prevent atherosclerosis, it is all very much irrelevant as they will bottleneck their longevity with cardiovascular disease.

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I agree re: hormesis and the need to cycle supplements. I don’t think we’re anywhere close to actually knowing how to cycle them though, and each of us is guided by little more than intuition.

However, looks do matter. The guy looks in his 40s or spectacularly good for his actual age — unless he’s doing other cosmetic stuff that he hasn’t disclosed in his regimen, which I don’t rule out. I’m not at all saying now I’m going to imitate his stack but I am saying I have reason to be less worried about mine (which was far less out there to begin with). One of my biggest fears re: supplements is the presence of damaging contaminants so I like to see guinea pigs like this dude or Bryan Johnson literally not getting killed by popping 150 pills a day. It gives me peace of mind that if only I choose the right stuff for myself it won’t likely bite me in the ass.