Anti-aging Benefits of Rapamycin, Personal Experiences (part 2)

Newly posted:


Exactly. New growth comes in solid black… lol.


another benefit:


Another possible benefit:


another potential benefit:

Here’s where it gets really interesting again! My partner dipped into menopause and then rocketed back out!



Possible nose, skin, facial benefits from rapamycin in this thread:


Rapamycin and Periodontal Disease

I went to the dentist for a cleaning yesterday. For several years, I’ve had inflamed gums- based on measurments taken by the hygenist. I have used a waterpik and Sonicare toothbrush for many years, but no improvement.

I have now been on rapamycin for seven months and have read the mouse studies that show rapamycin combats periodontal disease. I had high hopes/expectations that I would show significant improvement. And rapamycin delivered!

On average, the teeth where the gums had shown the most inflammation had an average improvement near 40%. Happy about that!!!


Rapamycin and Prostate Health

I’m 68 and I retired six years ago. I remember a few “aging” conversations I had with some work buddies while standing around the shuffleboard table. They were all much younger than me- 30’s to early forties. I specifically recall telling then about how my “stream” was weakening (not that they were really interested, but I always liked to share).

More recently, about two years ago, I started to get sudden urges where I had to immediately head to the bathroom. I felt I’d pee my pants if I didn’t hurry.

Both of these (weaker stream and sudden urges) are hallmarks of aging.
Your prostrate grows larger as you age, resulting in a narrowing of the space for your urethra.

After seven months on rapa, I can’t say I’m peeing like a horse as I’m not really endowed as such. But, the strong stream has returned!! My wife even commented on it from the other room. And I almost never get the strong urge anymore.

This is certainly an N=1 with no data to back it up. Has my prostate grown smaller? Maybe it’s an anti-inflammatory thing? I don’t know…


These experiences are interesting to read, but I would urge contributors to also include the dose and timing of your rapamycin, please.


I take 8mg (Biocon Rapacan from Shreeji/Impex @ .60 per mg) every Friday morning on an empty stomach.
I’m 6’1 and 210 lbs.


The only pathway I can think of is rapamycin somehow lowering your testosterone which also lead to less 5ar activity in your prostate, resulting in your prostate shrinking.

This looks interesting


4 posts were split to a new topic: Rapamycin and Fibrosis Risk?

This is great information for us with BPH


The linked study says that Rapamycin stops the progression of BPH but doesn’t shrink the prostate. From other threads here I thought that Rapamycin doesn’t decrease testosterone levels. However there were reports that Rapamycin reduced the need to get up and pee during the night (in men). Should prostate enlargement be include as a biomarker of aging? (50-80% of men over 50)


Just to add to the conversation. I have been taking 5 mg finasteride since I was 32. So that’s going on 34 years, and I don’t have any side effects from that 1 pill… almost daily, sometimes I’ll skip a day. Bottom line, my prostate, according to my urologist, is the size of somebody in their twenties.

Truth be told, I started the finasteride because of the abilities to maintain my hair follicles. Which also is pretty good at age sixty-five plus.

His attitude…it’s working stay the course… he keeps me on the prescription with tadalafil 5 mg daily… sexual health off the charts. No performance issues 24/7.


Anyone notice like a boost in dopamine/hyperactivity/verbual fluency 0.5-1.5h post dose?

I remember vaguely that Alan Green said that it made him adhd-like, but does anyone know why this happens?

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Nope. I get a hazy fatigue the day of the dose. Like right now. I just took 14 mg equivalent about an hour ago.

Everyone experiences Rapamycin differently. I view it as we all have different problems and Rapamycin allows our bodies to fix these problems in different yet similar ways. This can produce a wide range of side effects both good and bad.


Just reviewed this whole thread and was thinking about ways to measure these improvements. Recent comments about prostate and frequency of urination led me to ask, is PSA a good measure if you don’t have cancer? Is PSA a biomarker of aging? This says “Results: Serum PSA values correlated directly with age”
Of course digging a little deeper led me to things I didn’t really want to look into. Like: “We do not recommend checking for prostate cancer at home because it carries risks such as underdiagnosis and injury to your rectum.”
And the term “Prostate Milking” which I really didn’t want to know anything about.


The other thing that was mention several times was oral health and dental pockets. That apparently is measurable. See here:
I’m particularly interested in before and after scores for rapamycin. So that we can really get a comprehensive picture of what it is doing. Looking down the chart at the start of this thread, it would seem that 1)Aches and Pains are hard to measure 2)Weight loss can be measured and scored-BMI, AnthropoAge, DEXA scan 3) Joint Health/Pain-hard to objectively measure with a score 4) More Energy and 5) Better Mood-also hard to score. 7)Athletic Endurance/Strength and 8) Better Sleep - are both now easy to score 9) Erections I’ll leave aside because I’m not Bryan Johnson but testosterone is easy to measure. Then we repeat and Arthritis and joint health are the same aren’t they?