Acarbose - Details On Another Top Anti-Aging Drug

I know that in diabetics it gave increased longevity compared with non diabetics.

Unfortunately no studies with healthy study subjects. When Metformin received so much attention for its anti-cancer effects, this was seen in patients suffering from T2D with low HDL-cholesterol. Difficult to draw any solid conclusions from studies that show results in such a specific group of patients. Wish the TAME trial would start already.

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The ITP released a new paper on September 30 about Rapamycin and Acarbose.

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Does anyone have a link to the actual released paper? I can’t find it>

I believe the link to the paper is at the beginning of the video. It seems the numbers aren’t as impressive when the short lived controls at the University of Texas are removed.

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Here is the paper New Paper: Lifespan Benefits for the Combination of Rapamycin plus Acarbose in mice


Acarbose was only effective for male mice. I tried to find an information of the effect on females/males people and only found one study : Li J, Li J, Shan Z, Yang W, Liu J, Tian H, Zhou Z, Ji Q, Weng J, Jia W, Lu J, Liu J, Xu Y, Yang Z. Gender-differential effects on blood glucose levels between acarbose and metformin in Chinese patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: a sub-analysis of the MARCH trial. Endocr J. 2021 Jan 28;68(1):69-79. doi: 10.1507/endocrj.EJ20-0006. Epub 2020 Sep 10. PMID: 32908086.
Are you aware of any other studies on the effect of Acarbose for female patients compare to males?
Does it even make sense for females to take Acarbose ?


Does Acarbose interfere with the benefits of exercise like metformin ?

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No - there is no evidence of that.

Thanks so much as I want to add Acarbose to my after workout whey drink

Ah - I spoke too soon. Just found this study out of China on people with diabetes. This is the only study on this that I’ve seen so far. Not sure if it applies to healthy people, but something to be aware of:

I will track my lean muscle mass over time with DEXA scans anyway, so I’d see if this is an issue with me. I’m also (independent of this study, for other reasons) increasing my workout schedule from approx. 4 hours/week towards 6+ hours/week.


Thanks, I guess I´ll try to at least wait for a few hours after my workout to take acarbose. On non exercising days I´ll combine acarbose with metformin

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I think as a 81 yr old taking metformin for decades that its effect on exercise is highly overblown.


The negative study also indicated that Metformin reduced muscle mass but not muscle function. I will settle for a smaller muscle that functions as well as the larger one.


For those using acarbose, what is your dose and schedule?

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50 mg with any medium to high carb meal, usually only dinner.


I take 50mg or 100mg, taken with the first bite of a higher carb meal. Acarbose has a short half-life, so is effective only for about two hours after taking it.


I take metformin like a champion. I am still looking for the opportune moment to utilize my stash of Acarbose.


Very interesting, thank you

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