Acarbose - Details On Another Top Anti-Aging Drug

Very interesting, thank you

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Acarbose longevity benefits are believed to arise from itā€™s ability regulate microbiome, and also to prevent blood sugar from rising quickly after eating, however based on the quote above, it doesnā€™t necessarily result in an overall change in amount of glucose entering blood stream. Is that accurate in humans or just mice?

For healthy people concerned with athletic performance, consuming carbs and glucose provides a critical source of energy for optimal workout performance and strength. Keto diet is known for having a detrimental effect on muscle building and athletic performance under certain conditions. For example, The higher the total volume of work performed in training, the more reliance on glycogen and carbohydrate to potentiate that performance.

When exercising at a high intensity between one and three minutes, the body primarily uses the glycolytic energy system, which ā€” as the name suggests ā€” runs off of glucose, which comes from carbs. If youā€™re in ketosis, your glycolytic system isnā€™t running properly, and your performance suffers.

With respect to Acarbose:

  • Are there athletic performance related side effects caused by blunting postprandial glucose levels as a consequence of taking Acarbose before carb heavy meals?

  • Would this postprandial glucose response from Acarbose cause a similar dip in certain parameters of athletic performance as those caused by athletes on a keto diet?

  • Are there any specific side effects related to combining Rapamycin and Acarbose?

  • Is the general consensus that the mice studies showing combination of Rapamycin and Acarbose results in greater percent lifespan increase would carry over to humans in the same way that Rapamycin alone does?

  • Itā€™s recommended to take Acarbose before a meal with med/large quantity of carbs. Is there a specific number of grams of carbs that constitutes med/large carb meal?


I have taken my shiny new Acarbose drug twice now and so far no side effects whatsoever. 50 mg.


Did did you take it with complex carbs such as bread, rice, potatoes, etc? If not, thereā€™s no side effects because the acarbose didnā€™t really do anything (no starches were passed to the colon for fermentation).

I tried my newly acquired acarbose yesterday with starchy meals and WOW ā€“ most prolific and smelliest gas Iā€™ve ever had! Good thing my wife is out of town or she would have murdered me by now!:laughing:


I just recently started taking Acarbose. My own experience so far:
Little or no gas when taken with a low-carb meal.
Most salads using Italian or vinegar and oil produce very little gas.
I was surprised that moderate pasta intake didnā€™t produce much gas.
What does produce a lot of gas for me is anything with a high sugar content such as cake, ice cream, starchy vegetables, etc.


Yes - it can be really bad. What type of starchy foods did you eat? I think wheat-based products make it much worse.


All wheat-based. Seems like a bowl of rice would have the same effect, but not your experience?


Unless Iā€™m mistaken, acarbose should have zero effect on sugar (sucrose) because it doesnā€™t inhibit sucrase (the enzyme that cleaves the bond in sucrose to produce glucose+fructose), so only starchy carbs are going to affected. A salad wouldnā€™t be affected because there arenā€™t any starchy carbs. I am surprised pasta didnā€™t give you more gas.

So it seems like the benefits of acarbose are directly proportional to the amount of starch consumed and the gas produced, unless thereā€™s another mechanism at work?

I do wonder if Iā€™ve been overblowing the apparent effects of acarbose and SGLT2 inhibitors on muscle mass. If you cut calories via calorie restriction and lose weight, you normally lose both muscle and fat. Excercise and adequate protein intake completely prevent this. The studies which show decreased lean mass with SGLT2 inhibitors and acarbose just looked at free-living adults and didnā€™t use resistance training and/or protein intake as a variable to prevent lean mass loss, unless Iā€™ve missed something.


No, you are not mistaken. I was just saying that high sugar content foods usually contain the simple starches that cause Acarbose to produce a lot of gas.

I am cheating today and we are having pizza. I think it will produce a lot of gas. :smile:


See the ā€œSide effectsā€ section at the very top of this thread - lots of info on how wheat-based products seems highly related to the gas problemā€¦

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Take a good probiotic every day, no gas :grin:

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Acarbose is a competitive inhibitor of intestinal alpha-glucosidases with maximum specific inhibitory activity against sucrase. Under the influence of Acarbose, the digestion of starch and sucrose into absorbable monosaccharides in the small intestine is dose-dependently delayed.


Wow ok, thanks for clarifying that! Clearly it does affect sucrase/sucrose, which makes it even more helpful than I thought. The gas issue is awful, but hopefully will get better over time!


Is Acarbose more beneficial to reduce sugar spikes than Metformin only one article I read says they are no different, both are anti aging but metfirmin doesnā€™t seem to work for me


@RandallJames1 @Blagosklonny The gas produced by Acarbose is different than by digesting food. It has very little smell if any

I can confirm that this person is 100% WRONG. :face_vomiting: Not only does it smell like death, it lingers. I was doing more of a ā€œletā€™s see if this stuff actually worksā€ test, which it clearly does (250 mg total on the first day with lots of wheat based carbs and sugar). Now Iā€™ll cut back on the dose and hope that itā€™s tolerable and gets better with continued use.


Everyoneā€™s body chemistry and gut bacteria are different. I have to agree with RapAdmin.
To be blunt, my Acarbose farts are not nearly as smelly as regular farts.


If I ever needs a fecal transplant, I know who to ask! :laughing:


I only take it when I know Iā€™m eating carbs. Either 25 mg or 50 mg. Iā€™m sure that all hell would break loose if I took 250 MG!

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My side effect is a lot of burping.

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