Which supplements are good for ALMOST EVERYONE?

After watching the latest Matt Kaberlein video, I realized that many of us are taking a bunch of supplements, which may or may not be suitable for everyone. I wanted to start this topic so that we could shortlist those small molecules that ALMOST EVERYONE should be taking for improved health and why we think so. Then the rest of us can play devil’s advocate until we get a very tight list of universal recommendations for supplementation. I’ll start it off

  1. Rapamycin - Who wouldn’t want an extra 30% lifespan? It extends life in almost all trials for all model organisms (at least 64 studies done!) It’s a senomorphic and prevents senescence. All around best life-extending small molecule that we are aware of now.

1.5 Acarbose - Along with Rapamycin, these two produced the highest increase in longevity in the
ITP mice trials.

  1. Vitamin D3 - 50% of people have a deficiency and if you do have a deficiency you are much more likely to get COVID. COVID wreaks havoc on your body and decreases lifespan. If you have a D3 deficiency, this leads to greater all-cause mortality.
    Efficacy and Safety of Vitamin D Supplementation to Prevent COVID-19 in Frontline Healthcare Workers. A Randomized Clinical Trial - ScienceDirect

  2. Omega 3s - (with EPA 2x that of the DHA) Proven heart health benefits. Helps lower bad cholesterol (counters some of the effects of Rapamycin on cholesterol). Reduces blood pressure and cancer risk and other signs of aging.
    13 Health Benefits Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Backed By Science) - Lifehack

  3. Magnesium - Magnesium plays many crucial roles in the body, such as supporting muscle and nerve function and energy production.
    Pros and cons of taking a magnesium supplement - Mayo Clinic.

  4. Glycine - ITP shows a 5% increased lifespan when taken. It helps clear methionine from the body. It supports glutathione production along with NAC. No downsides that I am aware of. It also tastes wonderful.
    Glycine supplementation extends lifespan of male and female mice - PubMed


I would add K2 to your list.


I take K2 myself, but why would you add it?

I take vit K2 together with D3 to promote bone metabolism among other things.


Melatonin, because a good nights sleep is the healthiest thing you can gift your body


creatine, that’s the most researched and most proven efficacious supplement there is. It is cheap and very safe too (and no it does not cause kidney disease or hurt kidney function ever)

I would take omega-3 of that list, omega-3 is something you need to get from whole food, not a rancid capsule

My list:
vitamins d3/k2 combo


Yes, creatine is a must for prevention of sarcorpenia.

I am battling the problem of taking too many supplements. My goal is just to keep the list to 10 or fewer. Right now I still have a cupboard full of supplements. Of course, I don’t take all of them on any given day.

I would add to your list:

Metformin: "metformin may actually slow aging and increase life expectancy by improving the body’s responsiveness to insulin, antioxidant effects, and improving blood vessel health.Sep 29, 2021 (Is metformin a wonder drug? - Harvard Health)

Creatine: “The benefits afforded to older adults through creatine ingestion are substantial, can improve quality of life, and ultimately may reduce the disease burden associated with sarcopenia and cognitive dysfunction.”
“Recently, creatine has been found to significantly lower the accumulation of a recognized marker of aging called lipofuscin in the brains of aging mice. As a result, creatine-fed mice lived an average of 9% longer than control animals” (Use of creatine in the elderly and evidence for effects on cognitive function in young and old - PubMed) (Creatine Reduces Markers Of Aging - Life Extension Urology of Virginia)


I keep hearing that omega-3 fish oil supplements are no good because they are rancid because of oxidation.

However, it occurs to me that no oil oxidation can occur if it is not exposed to oxygen.

So, please tell me how the oil in hermetically sealed capsules is supposed to oxidize.

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The capsules are definitely not hermetically sealed and neither are the containers especially after opening. I prefer canned cod liver or soused herring (Dutch specialty do hard to get elsewhere) for omega 3

And yet, there are numerous studies showing the benefits of fish oil supplements.


Were those studies that showed benefits using fresh product? I suspect so.

But there also have been advances in stabilizing encapsulated fish oil. I am unable to find out if there is special processing or stabilizers added to the products we buy. If so, I havent seen it mentioned on a label.

Does anyone have a contact with a fish oil processing company that could shed some light on this?

The best resource to find out about the quality of supplements is Labdoor.com. They review and rate supplements including fish oil.

Here’s the report on the one I use:


And the consumerlab.com evaluations suggested most fish oils are fine, and not rancid.


I think I have come to realize that compared to Rapamycin, all the other supplements are just noise in terms of longevity. I have already started to pare back on the ones I am re-ordering. I am really going to scrutinize which ones are really worth it or not.

I dumped all my red yeast rice supplements last night. More to follow. @Maveric78 will be proud. :wink:


Omega 3 supplement study results are really a mixed bag of good results and no results and as said even if the supplements are good when you buy them they will go rancid once you open them. Try chewing your capsules and taste them, good omega 3 oil will taste creamy and buttery with no fishy aftertaste taste


Selenium should be considered for your stack. Frankly, if I had to choose between omega3 supplementation and selenium, I would opt for selenium

Over the years of reading many articles about the health benefits of many supplements, I have accumulated a cupboard full of supplements, many of which I don’t take every day or only take occasionally for special circumstances.
I got on to selenium with Coq10 from some article that I don’t even remember and have been taking them faithfully every day, only because they happened to be in the front of the cupboard.

Now I see that the benefits may be more important than I thought. This is important to me because of the conflict between maintaining a high-protein diet recommended for the elderly and methionine restriction.


I have it to improve teeth, bones and to decalcify blood vessels


I agree. Selenium was covered in quite some depth in this discussion. Vadim recommends two brazil nuts a day for selenium.


I believe one Brazil nut a day will meet your selenium requirements. Like the OP I was surprised by Matt Kaberlein’s comments. I love his no bullshit attitude and he’s right, the supplement industry is rife with salesmenship. Keep in mind, though, that he is a scientist and he’s only looking at things that extend lifespan. While many in this forum have similar aspirations, supplements have other valid uses. I think there is consensus that it’s very hard to meet your magnesium requirements with whole foods because farmland has been stripped of it by overfarming. Adele Davis used to say that the human body was like a sponge and it can be slightly moist or full of water. Like many here I probably take too many supplements out of an abundance of caution that my diet is inadequate. I am planning on doing a Genova Metobolom test to see exactly what i might need. Question: how can pure oil squeezed out of a cod not taste fishy? And why is that equated with bad? It must be highly processed to have no taste.


Canned cod liver isn’t processed at all except for the canning and maybe heating the (sealed) cans. It really doesn’t taste fishy all, neither does fresh soused herring but once prepared it starts to go bad really fast. Good fresh herring tastes creamy and silty like the sea but if you keep it prepared in the fridge even, it starts going bad very fast within hours they will get a fishy (but not in a good sense) taste