“Results from the meta-analyses showed that adults ≥50 years of age who supplemented with creatine during resistance training experienced a greater reduction in body fat percentage (0.55%, p = 0.04) compared to those on placebo during resistance training. Despite no statistical difference (p = 0.13), adults supplementing with creatine lost ~0.5 kg more fat mass compared to those on placebo. Interestingly, there are studies which have linked mechanism(s) explaining how creatine may influence fat mass…”
Open Access Paper:
Other Creatine Threads:
- Your Cells Are Starving for Creatine - Chris MasterJohn
- Creatine, Rapamycin and mTOR c1 (and the aging brain)
- Creatine Supplementation and its Potential Applications for Brain Health and Function
- Rapamycin and creatine (Counter-productive?)
- Which supplements are good for ALMOST EVERYONE? - #6 by Arhu
- New “Translating Aging” Podcast on Muscle Aging: And Drug Development to Halt it - #2 by RapAdmin