Changes in Fat Mass Following Creatine Supplementation and Resistance Training in Adults ≥50 Years of Age

Results from the meta-analyses showed that adults ≥50 years of age who supplemented with creatine during resistance training experienced a greater reduction in body fat percentage (0.55%, p = 0.04) compared to those on placebo during resistance training. Despite no statistical difference (p = 0.13), adults supplementing with creatine lost ~0.5 kg more fat mass compared to those on placebo. Interestingly, there are studies which have linked mechanism(s) explaining how creatine may influence fat mass…”

Open Access Paper:

Other Creatine Threads:


That is approx. 1lb, I don’t find that particularly impressive. I have taken creatine off and on for decades and I am currently taking it, but subjectively it does nothing.


Dr. Alexander Vojta of GlycanAge and I chatted a few weeks ago… he said my minimal inflammation is extraordinary and I should consider 5 grams of Creatine daily (in my coffee) and then 10 grams before my work out - on work out days for muscle increase. My muscle size/mass has not changed in 3-years. Been on Creatine the past week. Feeling good!

That little Creatine scoop is actually 7 grams - FYI. Which is fine by me.

Here is what grams looks like using the little Creatine scoop.
Link: TikTok - Make Your Day