Side Effects of Rapamycin (part 2)

After 20 hours of headache and a sleepless night I’ve decided to take a Paracetamol next time this happens. As it occurs each time day 3-4 after dosing. Is there any reason not to take Paracetamol twice per month? I’m normally not too keen on mixing medication and I take a SGLT2-inhibitor besides Rapa.

Won’t interact.

Have you considered trying Imitrex to see if it wipes out the headaches?

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Yes, I have been using “structured” training monitored periodically monitored by a training coach. No problem retaining muscle or increasing muscle mass.

I have been exercising regularly for many years. My normal average is resistance training and aerobic training 3 times a week. I use the steam room or sauna 4 - 6 times a week.

My point was that I expected some increased subjective or measurable stamina from using rapamycin.

Even though using two different epigenetic age calculators that rate my epigenetic age as being 12 to18 years younger, I can tell you that I do not have the stamina for hiking, etc., that I had 15 years ago.


Have you given pine bark extract a try?

That’s unfortunate :slightly_frowning_face: your endurance work also includes 1 or 2 high intensity supra threshold sessions?

Yes, I have. The fact is my epigenetic age markers were better before taking rapamycin.
Maybe the markers chosen for Levine and test are not the right ones for rapamycin.
Has anyone reported a remarkable decrease in epigenetic age markers since starting rapamycin? I would only include those who were already fit before starting.
Father time marches on and I only think we can slow him down a little.
I see no evidence of age reversal.

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I do HIT training on a stationary bicycle. I think I have reached my endurance limits as I was already very fit before starting rapamycin. As I have previously posted, I think that rapamycin only slows aging and does not have any age reversal effects for people that are already fit.

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@rivasp12 thank you so much. Admittedly I hadn’t heard of Lmitrex (Sumatriptan over here), but it looks like that may be a good alternative. Sorry to ask, but does it have a similar safety profile to Paracetemol and I wouldn’t have to worry about potential interactions with the SGLT2-inhibitor and acarbose (that I want to start taking)?

I’ve used imitrex in many, many people with excellent results. Can’t take it with a history of ischemic heart disease since it’s a mild vasoconstrictor. Also not with ADD drugs, Zoloft, or zofran. It’s okay with diabetic drugs that you’re considering.
It’s totally different from acetaminophen which doesn’t address the root cause and is merely a pain reliever.

Many times the lowest dose works well.

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Thank you so much: very helpful! Sounds like I’d definitely want to give it a try. I’m going to see if I can buy it for my next round of Rapa, to try to counteract these side-effects.

That’s unfortunate, in aged mice (and dogs iirc) cardiac output actually improved on rapamycin whereas the controls’ actually declined

Maybe humans just have to take rapamycin longer to see comparable results. Or, maybe we need to up the dose.


I developed a painful sore on the inside my cheek two days before my next dose and I have two Rapa rashes that have failed to completely heal over the past week even with hydrocortisone. One is a pimple like bump that has been on my neck for weeks now.

I am going to take a week off to let my body heal fully.


I have been taking 6mg Rapa for 5.5 months now and two weeks ago a red pimple appeared on my neck and really itched. I treated it with
hydrocortisone cream and it got better but after several days the red pimple is back and with severe itching. Continuing to put the cream on it.


Hi i take 6mg weekly as well, I also get pimples on my neck. Currently have like 8 on my neck. I dont get them on my face. Just the neck area.

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I only have one, on the left side of my neck, but it sure is aggravating. Good thing I have the hydro cream to put on it. Sure as heck would not want any more the way this one itches. If it does not subside by next week I am going to skip my weekly dose and see it that is the problem, but it must be the rapa as I have never had this problem before. Left off that I am 80 years old and never had any kind of pimples or skin problems as a kid.

I developed a pimple on the left-side of my neck several weeks ago. I tried hydrocortisone, but it didn’t help. I tried Oxy cream and that didn’t help. I stopped rapamycin for a week, and now it is fading quickly. Not sure why Rapa use is related to neck pimples, but if you want them to go away (along with rashes and other Rapa side-effects), stop taking your dose for a week or two. Good luck!

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I am going to skip next week for sure. Took this weeks dose Monday.

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For years I had an annoying feeling in one of my eyebrows when I touched it I would feel a sharp pain, like a splinter was there. Had it for years. A few weeks ago after my rapamycin it started to get even more painful and finally a pimple formed which I popped and finally that annoying feeling is gone, no more pain when I touch my eyebrow

Could be that you too have small foreign bodies stuck which rapamycin finally helps clear


Hey All:
Been a while since I had anything to offer. Maybe this is me or others have had a similar experience. Except for the occasional and expected brief case of diarrhea (remedied with Pepto-Bismol) when I high dose 8mg plus Grape Fruit Juice I was ready to say no other side effects. Now I am certain for me, I have one that comes after dosing on rapamycin.

After being on rapamycin 18 months and just one day after dosing I ended up getting what appeared to be pink eye which went from one eye to both eyes after a few days. I saw an ophthalmologist and was given eye drops for an infection that didn’t seem to do much even after several days. Eventually it cleared after about a week. No issue but red eyes every now and then. In June I took my rapamycin and headed to Germany. one day later I had a blood shot eye that got worse I was prescribed an ointment with an antibiotic Ciprofloxacin and the red got worse and was again soon in both eyes.

It finally cleared after a week. No issues until 2 weeks later - pink eye again…l was given drops that did no good and so I took 100 mg Doxycycline a few days and it cleared… Nothing for a month and then a few weeks ago pink eye was back tried the ointment and prescription drops no good (it isn’t pink eye) - took Doxycycline a few days it immediately cleared. This week after rapamycin 6mg and Grape Fruit Juice one day later it was back. Waited and extra day - it got worse. Took 100 mg Doxycycline for 2 days and it cleared. I feel I have a handle on it. It looks like pink eye – conjunctivitis, but it isn’t… standard treatment which has always immediately worked for me does nothing - if anything treatment by typical conjunctivitis treatment drops and ointment seems to makes it worse.

Curious if anyone else has experienced this red eye issues that lasts a full week before clearing - unless, if I take 100mg Doxycycline several times a day and then it immediately improves and clears by the 3rd day of treatment. Pics from last month and this week during flare up.

One month ago.

This week.

No vision issues, or pain, just looks bad . Clears to white and normal again. I think it is a rapamycin side effect… for me it is intermittent. Until this haven’t had pink eye in 40 years.

Will watch my dosing… for now 8mg no grapefruit juice. Lol