Side Effects of Rapamycin (part 2)

Ok… Let me get this straight… You are taking 6mg to 8mg rapamycin with grapefruit juice. Earlier i believe you have said that for you the rapamycin plus GFJ combination results in about a 5X increase in peak blood/sirolimus levels above the typical levels without GFJ. So… You are effectively taking something like 30 to 40mg of rapamycin.

Are you dosing on a weekly or every two week basis? Either way, those are very high doses. You may want to take a break completely for a bit of time, or as you are doing, moderate the dosing a bit for a month or two.



What a coincidence I have one too, I think it is caused by a chalazion getting infected in my case


I increased my dose from 8 to 12mg/wk in the middle of August…


how do you track hrv?

I have an Oura ring



Any dose change in July - that might have prompted the increase in HRV that happened in late July/Early August?

Do you see any patterns? Does the HRV reduction that you’ve seen as you raised the dose from 8 to 12 moderate over time (i.e. HRV return to the norm after a while at the new dose?). Just wondering what your history prior to the current dip was like…

I actually missed a dose the first week of August…

My HRV has been consistent for the last 2 years so I do feel there is a signal there. When my HRV dropped below 30 for the first time ever last week I actually became a little anxious. I now plan to take a few weeks off and hopefully it will begin to recover.

I think my take home to readers who are thinking of starting Rapamune is be patient, moderate your expectations, and don’t push the dose above 0.1mg/kg.


So sorry that you are dealing with that. Hope it will recover soon. One of the side-effects I experienced the past period while taking Rapa was paronychia, which I believe to be the result of Rapa. (Never had anything like that before). The result of which can still be seen in the nails that were affected.
I’m still on the fence about dosing and safety. When I see your pictures, and looking at my own experience, I think caution in dosing is warranted.


He clearly meant 20mg every other week.

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Well English isn’t his first language… how good is your Russian?

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RapAdmin Wrote:You are effectively taking something like 30 to 40mg of rapamycin.

Yes… actually I havesettled on doing 6mg with GFJ so about 30 mg. But yes, overall, I was increasing dosage to at least 30 mg for 6 months before re-testing GlycanAge test and TruMe (in December).

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Thanks Arhu… i think you are right that – I might be getting Chalazions - it is not pink eye… Also, I have never gotten a white mouth ulcer from rapa - this might be how my body sometimes reacts when immune modulating goes low - because it is sometimes - not all times.

Health is fine, healing is fine… just looks scary for a few days. Results in December will dictate my dosage.

I bit my lip yesterday and got a canker sore the old fashioned way. I’m going to wait another week before starting Rapa again to let it clear up. That will make a 3 week break. Then I’ll go back to my 2 mg Rapa + GFJ + Metformin + EVOO dose.

On a positive note there has been some questions as to use of rapamycin and maintaining muscles and strength.

My arms are more shredded - all muscle and leaner to the eye. But strong and getting stronger. Tonight I increased all my machines by 15 pounds - when I started Rapamycin 2-years ago… I was increasing the machines by 15 pounds every 3 - 4 months. Then I hit a plateau for the past 8 months. Felt like my workouts were going too easy - so tonight, I upped the weight and no problems doing my sets - took a little longer - 20 more minutes over all. Convinces me now at 64.5 years. I am still going up in strength. I weigh 179 pounds consistently and now have all my arm/chest machines at 175 lbs. . Leg machines are at 230 pounds. Work out every other day. Do a little home gym on my in-between days benching 100 pounds and curling 30 lbs for 20 minutes. No aches or pains.

First pic now - leaner and oddly stronger then 2nd pic.

Bicep with a lot of marbling - not as strong. Hmmmm?


That is probably still the rapamycin. Peter Attia said that he usually gets canker sores when there is some injury (e.g. his kid headbutts him). But he blamed it on the Rapamycin.


I tend to agree that the eye issues come and go and maybe due to the rapamycin which causes any irritation or minor injury to be a little more pronounced for a few days before it clears up. :thinking:

I think i finally found a free app (with in app purchases): elite hrv but I think the polar beat app also uses hrv to calculate a value in its fitness test

I use Elite HRV with the Polar H10 strap. I find it quite reliable.

Did you tey the polar fitness test (under upgrades in the polar beat app)