Rapamycin Weekly Log

Just out of curiosity, why?

very strange about the mouth sores. I’m around your age and take 6mg a week and have no mouth sores. I guess every 1 body is different. May I ask why you’re stopping? did you experience more mouth sores? thank you!

Are you taking a pause temporary because month sores many people have got when they start but as I have understanded it they go a way and don’t come back again. It’s like exercise. In the beginning when you start exercising it’s tough for your muscle but after awhile your body adapts and gets stronger. My general view is that it’s the same with rapamycin.

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No, I’ve completely stopped using rapa. In fact, I also experienced slight rashes.
Rapa is an immune system suppressor at the end of the day… That’s my main reason to stop using it.

In fact, my initial goal is not to extend my lifespan, but to extend the time that you look young. Then I realize that: even if you turn back your methylation clock back to 18 years old, the appearance won’t change much as the bone structure and connective tissue won’t go back much.
Considering the side effects of rapa, I just stopped using it. And the shrinkage of skull when aging cannot be prevented simply by suppressing mTor.
I’m sorry, guys…

Ok, but one thing that can be good to have in mind is that lots of things that are beneficial for health are also inhibiting immune system, wound healing etc. Such as fasting, caloric restriction, and other mimetics. It’s when the dose of all these gets to high and/or when the dose is taken in wrong time when it gets problematic. I fully respect your choice but don’t give up on all health interventions because they can have a dark side if they are not handled the right way :pray:


Everyone’s choice to take or not take is a personal decision - so whatever you choose is of course, completely fine.

But I do want to disagree with your analysis of the science. You mentioned your initial goal was to extend the time that you look young. I actually think the science today supports this conclusion. I say this for the following reasons:

  1. Rapamycin has been shown to slow or reverse aging in almost every organ its been tested in analyzed in - from heart, to stem cells, to ovarian function and dental health. While there are many aspects to “looking young”, from condition of your skin, muscle, hair, dental, etc - but there is a reasonable amount of data to suggest that people who take rapamycin will look younger for longer. The evidence that rapamycin slows/stops aging of blood stem cells seems like a significant benefit since these stem cells are systemic and help all areas of the body.
  2. Rapamycin seems to prevent many aspects of aging - like weight gain - which is one common way that people “look older”. The thin/athletic/more muscular/smaller waist body figure is typical in youth and tends to go away over time - so rapamycin seems likely to keep people’s body shape more youthful. Details here: The Case for Starting Rapamycin Earlier in Life (e.g. late 20s) vs middle age (e.g. 50s)
  3. There is evidence that topical rapamycin on scalp and skin, can maintain youthful skin and hair: Rapamycin for Hair Growth, Hair Pigmentation, Skin Anti-aging
  4. Rapamycin seems to slow aging in muscles - and if this holds true to the musculature and tissue around the face - as the evidence supports right now. I think that facial structure of people who take rapamycin is much more likely to be maintained (think, no need for facelifts), so again, a youthful look likely is maintained for much longer: Even with calorie restriction, rapamycin slows muscle aging
  5. Youthful Teeth and Gums maintained, as this research suggests: DIY Rapamycin Toothpaste

I have not seen any studies suggesting that our skulls shrink with age… would love to see those. But you are right, if that is the case I suspect rapamycin doesn’t impact that.

Side effects are a personal thing - so if those are unacceptable for you, I would only suggest that decreased dosing or longer periods of time between dosing, may be a way to manage those. But ultimately the side effect/benefit tradeoff is a highly personal decision. We all make that choice based on our goals and experiences.


The brain shrinks, not the skull!


Sorry, I didn’t express myself clearly enough cause English is not my first language. About the shrinkage of the skull, you can check the link below:

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To prevent skin aging, there are clearly better ways with almost no side effects. Also there are many cosmetic surgery which can lift the connection tissues. But for the skull absorption, I’m afraid even Rapa cannot slow down the process.
The only thing that stops me from using Rapa is the side effects, mouth sores, pimples, and rashes. It seems I’m not so compatible with Rapa, lol.

Yes, I too have mouth sores, pimples, and rashes currently from taking Rapa. This week I skipped my dose of Rapa and just a few days later all of the sores, pimples, and rashes are clearing up nicely. The pimple had been hanging around for 3 weeks! So, yes, those are the side effects of Rapamycin. I expect them to be completely gone by the weekend when I plan to take another dose.

Rapamycin is supposed to shift the body into preservation and repair mode. I want my body to be healthy and look healthy. But to me being healthy is more important than a mouth sore, rash or pimple so I will go back to it. I have found that getting back to normal takes about 9 days. If I dose every 7 days, my body cannot recover its immune function fully.


@RapAdmin — I just developed my first mouth sore after taking rapamycin for a little over a month. I started with 1 milligram and worked up 1 mg every week until 4mg. (I also got a cold sore at the same time, but that could just be coincidental).

I see that you reduced by 1 mg for a few weeks, but did you wait until the mouth sore completely went away before taking another dose of rapa? I am at day 7 since my last dose, but the mouth sore is still present. Trying to decide if I should go to 3 mg today or wait a couple more days to take it.

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Yes, I waited until the sore went away. I never got another mouth sore… so you never know. Some people get mouth sores occasionally, others frequently… its very individual from what people report here.


Yes… it is different for each person… I think Matt Kaeberlein says about 5 to 10 percent get them.

I was dosing rapamycin as high as 38 ng/mL for 7 months and never had mouth sores at all.

I did get eye duct clogging … chalazions 3 or 4 times at those dosing levels. Was awful… was like pink eye for weeks. Looked awful. Since lower doses… no issues.

Notice one eye had problems the other was perfectly fine. Pink eye would travel to both eyes. This was a clogged duct. Never had this in my life expecpt on higher levels of rapamycin weekly.


@RapAdmin that confirms the approach I was thinking as well. Thanks for sharing your experience!

@Agetron that looks rough! Since I’m only 35, it will probably be a while before I experiment with higher doses than 4mg. But it’s great to get others experiences and what they’ve encountered. If taking rapa means getting a mouth sore every once in a while (or even red eyes), then it’s worth it to me for the benefits (especially the choking/ feeling that something is stuck in my esophagus being gone!).


Hey Jeremy… agreed on the choking issues - whether it was Eosinophilic Esophagitis, Dysphagia, GERD, Achalasia - or whatever… I am glad that phase is gone for me - thanks to rapamycin. Don’t give it a thought… I haven’t had an episode in 3 years regardless of the food I eat.

Just a warning of higher dosing… some side effects might be obvious like clogged eye ducts or mouth ulcers… some might be silent. I personally have no interest in dosing higher than 12 ng/mL from my negative experiences. Hope the relief - cure holds.Good journey to you.