Plasma Dilution appears to rejuvenate humans

I have been reading about Plasma dilution, appears to rejuvenate humans
This month, we investigate a paper, Old plasma dilution reduces human biological age: a clinical study, in which Irina Conboy and her team investigated the effects of therapeutic plasma exchange on aging in people. Previous experiments by the same team have focused on mice and demonstrated rejuvenation; this paper is the first step towards translating those results to humans. Could this be the first demonstration in people that aging can be reversed? Tune in to find out!


This work extrapolates to humans the previous animal studies on blood heterochronicity and establishes a novel direct measurement of biological age. Our results support the hypothesis that, similar to mice, human aging is driven by age-imposed systemic molecular excess, the attenuation of which reverses biological age, defined in our work as a deregulation (noise) of 10 novel protein biomarkers. The results on biological age are strongly supported by the data, which demonstrates that rounds of therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) promote a global shift to a younger systemic proteome, including youthfully restored pro-regenerative, anticancer, and apoptotic regulators and a youthful profile of myeloid/lymphoid markers in circulating cells, which have reduced cellular senescence and lower DNA damage. Mechanistically, the circulatory regulators of the JAK-STAT, MAPK, TGF-beta, NF-κB, and Toll-like receptor signaling pathways become more youthfully balanced through normalization of TLR4, which we define as a nodal point of this molecular rejuvenation. The significance of our findings is confirmed through big-data gene expression studies

I subscribe to LifeForce for much of my information on longevity

You are aware the cost is around $6,000 per single treatment.

And you would require many.

How many people can afford this?


I believe we discussed this in another thread and that the results from people who had the treatment were within ‘noise’ levels. This meant that there was not a statistically significant reduction in epigenetic age, unlike Glycine or Rapamycin or others trialed by the ITP.

Honestly, you get way more bang for the buck by adding a spoonful of glycine to your morning coffee.

Now, if they could show a large, statistically significant result, then I would consider it. But for now, it doesn’t seem like a good option to me from either a cost or effectiveness standpoint.


How does this differ from donating plasma or whole blood?

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It’s a lot more expensive?


Yes, plasmapheresis has been covered here in the past:

And here: Irina Conboy Plasmapheresis Webinar and Teleconference Tomorrow (Saturday, Sept. 17th)

When you donate whole blood, nothing is returned. Your blood volume has been diminished by 1 unit.
When you donate plasma, your cells are returned to you suspended in saline with a little anticoagulant. So your blood volume is unchanged but everything in it is slightly diluted.


I hadn’t heard of Glycine until I read your article, so I researched it,. It certainly seems to be a very important amino acid acid , particularly to increase glutathione. I take Readi Sorb liposomin Glutathione which is probably more effective than Glycine… in my research of Glycine, there was no mention of it being an anti aging supplement. However, I was interested in it’s effects on blood sugar and insulin so I will order this.

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I have heard that taking liposomal glutathione may not be a good thing as your body cannot regulate the levels of glutathione directly. Therefore you may be overdosing on glutathione. If you take the precursors to glutathione, glycine + NAC, your body can make as much glutathione as needed. That’s what I do. Dr. Brad Stanfield mentioned it in the his video below on taking liposomal glutathione.

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