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I think this interview with Joan Mannick in March 2023 is one of the better videos on rapamycin.

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Yes. She’s great. Just remember, she’s working on a competitor to rapamycin now.


Def agree @RapAdmin. It’s probably why she’s quite risk averse when it comes to Rapa.
I’m sure the Rapalog will be safe in humans though :+1:t3: Might cost a bit more :disappointed: :wink:

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No, she is unchanged. If you watch the video, they often ask her about rapamycin, and she always says that her molecule does exactly the same thing. She has always been cautious about taking rapamycin before it has been proven effective in humans.

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Joan is very articulate. She explains things very well. However a couple of things jump out. She says her rapalog is slightly more absorbable than rapmycin. Otherwise pretty much 6 of one, half dozen of the other. Then she says we really don’t know much about rapamycin, so wait until my drug is tested and ready, to be safe. While much is unknown about rapamycin, there is a good amount od data and research, more every day. tying it in with supplements that make wild claims is a little bit disingenuous. Dr Warren in Utah has been taking rapamycin for 5 years. He prescribed it for me. There are others like him. And many on this forum and others. More every day. I’have no doubt that Joan is aware of this. No or small side affects sold me. I haven’t taken it very long but so far no side affects. I turned 75 recently. The ideal age, according to Joan, to start rapamycin. Sounds good to me!


“but I would avoid testosterone supplementation if it isn’t necessary.”


how do I make a new post? I am new here

Go to the forum “home page” (by clicking on “forum” at the top of the site) and then click on “New Topic” , again in the upper right corner of the screen. Rapamycin Longevity News - Anti-aging User Group & Discussion Forum, Learn, Connect, Live Longer, Healthier.

But - its not a bad idea to search on the site to see the existing discussions on any given topic (and add your question there, if the discussion is focused on your topic of interest), just to reduce the number of times we get the same question over and over.


ohhh thank you!! got it TY!

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