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Absolutely. Am extremely curious to see where the research goes as well.

Also, I want to apologize for using some rather strong language in my previous reply (since edited a word). I’m just very sensitive to people being misled about their health due to information on online forums, having seen multiple preventable MIs occur in people who refused to take statins due to misinformation. Your claims are absolutely not at that level – just wanted to recognize I was a bit confrontational.


Hahaha… thanks buddy, but I am good with fair challenges and exchanges… something that is lacking more each day it seems… Language often fails… were being in the moment is often much better.

I have a tough skin… :muscle:and much thicker now… and less elasticity - I think due rapamycin.

One of the hopes with aging populations is that rapamycin can improve thinning skin and muscle loss…sarcopenia.

Seeing improvements in both.


Yesterday was a long ass day! Got up at 4 am to drive to hospital for heart stent procedure. They said there were 2 that they were going to fix with various levels of blockage up on the top part of the heart. While they were in there, they found another artery with 100% blockage. They fixed that one and another and left one to do later.

The worst part of the day and night was in the recovery room. I was told to lie flat on my back. I couldn’t raise up or lie on my side. Well, after a while my lumbar area started to hurt. Not a little but excruciating pain that was unrelenting. Finally, begged the nurse to give me something. 2 Tylenol was my only relief. Nurse told me it’s a common complaint.

Hope all this pain results in a healthier heart.


Good news. Just got BP results after surgery. 109/62. I think that’s the best ever.


@Maximum, congratulations and best wishes for a speedy recovery!


Maximum, I hope your recovery has been awesome and no bumps in the road for you. Safe Journey.

You are probably getting excellent medical care, but my 2 cents, for thought. I am good at this I think! Maximal Statin tolerated, Rosuvastatin 40 mg daily and fck the “side effects.” Less than 5% get muscle aches, but the Nocebo (reverse of Placebo, Negative side effect that isn’t there) is 35-40%. THAT, COVID Vaccines and the Patient Portal is proof god hates doctors!!

Very safe and in their case your best friend for the rest of your life. Do not use weaker statins like pravastatin or red yeast rice, If your doctor isn’t prescribing this, I would look for a new doctor. Also, evidence shows the benefit of Aspirin 81 mg daily for CAC over 100 outweighs the risk of bleeding, etc. Addition of Ezetimibe is good thought as well, although outcome data is lacking. If that does not bring your LDL below 70 then add a PCSK9 Inhibitor. Also a must for the 5% in your situation that cannot tolerate statins. I know the Drive is big on Lp(a) testing but this is not affected by any current treatments, so of no additional value. Apolipoprotein B is valuable since it tells you your LDL partical size and should be below 70 after treatment.

This is what I would do and does not represent personal medical advice to you. I would be extremely aggressive in lipid management since you have very valuable information about your health with the CAC score.

You can still play with Sirolimus but I would avoid testosterone supplementation if it isn’t necessary.

This is what I would do, but I am not giving direct medical advice to you. Best health to you!


I think this interview with Joan Mannick in March 2023 is one of the better videos on rapamycin.


Yes. She’s great. Just remember, she’s working on a competitor to rapamycin now.


Def agree @RapAdmin. It’s probably why she’s quite risk averse when it comes to Rapa.
I’m sure the Rapalog will be safe in humans though :+1:t3: Might cost a bit more :disappointed: :wink:


No, she is unchanged. If you watch the video, they often ask her about rapamycin, and she always says that her molecule does exactly the same thing. She has always been cautious about taking rapamycin before it has been proven effective in humans.


A post was split to a new topic: Rapamycin and increases in IL-12 and decreases in IL-10

Joan is very articulate. She explains things very well. However a couple of things jump out. She says her rapalog is slightly more absorbable than rapmycin. Otherwise pretty much 6 of one, half dozen of the other. Then she says we really don’t know much about rapamycin, so wait until my drug is tested and ready, to be safe. While much is unknown about rapamycin, there is a good amount od data and research, more every day. tying it in with supplements that make wild claims is a little bit disingenuous. Dr Warren in Utah has been taking rapamycin for 5 years. He prescribed it for me. There are others like him. And many on this forum and others. More every day. I’have no doubt that Joan is aware of this. No or small side affects sold me. I haven’t taken it very long but so far no side affects. I turned 75 recently. The ideal age, according to Joan, to start rapamycin. Sounds good to me!


“but I would avoid testosterone supplementation if it isn’t necessary.”


how do I make a new post? I am new here

Go to the forum “home page” (by clicking on “forum” at the top of the site) and then click on “New Topic” , again in the upper right corner of the screen. Rapamycin Longevity News - Anti-aging User Group & Discussion Forum, Learn, Connect, Live Longer, Healthier.

But - its not a bad idea to search on the site to see the existing discussions on any given topic (and add your question there, if the discussion is focused on your topic of interest), just to reduce the number of times we get the same question over and over.


ohhh thank you!! got it TY!

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A post was merged into an existing topic: New Adverse Finding on NMN Reported in ConsumerLab

As I live in Europe, it’s difficult to obtain rapamycin. I’ve talked to several doctors; they only prescribe it for official indications (kidney transplantation and certain cancers). In the meantime, I’ve discovered another molecule that’s also very interesting: spermidine, which strongly promotes autophagy. Spermidine can be found in wheat germ,cashew nut and Cheddar cheese. That’s what I consume while waiting to find a way to obtain rapamycin.


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You can search this site (rapamycin news) for more information