NAD precursors - save your money folks

How confident are you that the NMN is really doing it? It just seems like a lot of the NMN benefits are very placebo-ie.

Granted, I have a bias. As is the case with Fauci, I don’t trust David Sinclair any further than I could throw the little elf.


If you pulled an all nighter and got 2-3 hours of sleep, how well do you think you could convince yourself that you are not tired and actually energetic the next day and the rest of the week? For me, there are too many nights with not enough sleep. I know how it felt before NMN and after I started using it. It’s too big of a difference to be placebo IMHO. Likewise, I do feel that resveratrol has a cognitive boosting effect, but that could be placebo… Sometimes it’s just hard to tell.

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Thanks for the reply.

I can totally relate- I was a trader for several years (futures) and I know the all-nighters too well.

In the Army, I got conditioned to perform without sleep and spent decades proud of my ability to go 60+ hours without sleep (obviously I was an imbecile and had no idea the importance of sleep and the damage I was doing!). 48 hours was no big deal- all-nighters: par for the course. I’d get tired then get a 2nd wind and repeat the cycle. No cat naps- literally zero sleep. My “record” was 69 hours and, when I finally went to bed, it took me 2 hours to fall asleep, as I was frustratingly wide awake (then slept 12 hours like a corpse without disrupting the sheets at all).

Trading made this easy to do on high vol days/nights. I believe you if you’ve seen a big change since before NMN to now. For me, the volatility + my money at stake was enough to keep me wide awake!


Oh. I completely agree that you are wide awake on adrenaline while you are trading. It’s the next morning where the NMN is helpful. :slight_smile:

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Interested to hear more on how Rapamycin helped your autoimmune and secondary adrenal insufficiency fatigue issues. I have PMR and taking Prednisone and fatigue is the big issue for me…


Hearing loss is one of the primary contributors to dementia. If corrected, the negative effect is neutralized completely but often hearing loss is not corrected adequately. I know this from experience with aging relatives. Richard Miller did say that health span is inexorably related with lifespan. That seemed like one of his less supportable statements but I just attributed it to self interest.

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Same here. I understand there is limited evudence for it, but my experience in recovery from workouts using NMN has been huge. I’ve been working out for 20 years but the improvements I saw after NMN mean I will keep using it unless there is evidence it is detrimental somehow.

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Seems that NMN and NR may be useful after all. There’s a big difference between mice and men.

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If you don’t mind, could you tell me a little about yourself? I know DrAttia’s qualifications.

I am a retired engineer. I know nothing about the biological actions of NMN and NMR.

But, I do know that there has been controversy around David Sinclair and his initial financial interest in products he was touting, I do know that there are many who say there is no clear benefit.

BTW: What does Dr. Attia have to do with me? The only comment I made that I recall was a valid one taught in almost all psych 101 classes: Beware of the halo effect. Just because a person is an expert in one area that doesn’t make him an expert in all areas.

This is the only reference I remember making about Dr. Attia and I wasn’t criticizing his credentials.
I merely said: “In spite of Peter Attia saying it’s unfortunate that people are taking niacin for lipid control, I think many people would prefer taking niacin as opposed to taking a statin.”

Here is one of many reasons why you may not want to take statins:
“In that context, studies have shown that treatment with statins is associated with increase in fasting insulin13–15 as well as increase in insulin resistance as assessed by measures obtained during the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).9,16 For example, Cederberg et al9 showed in a large prospective study (N=8749 men) that participants treated with statins (N=2142) had a 46% increase in incident T2D, associated with a 24% increase in insulin resistance and a 12% decrease in insulin secretion.”

BTW: There is still ZERO evidence rapamycin or NR or NMN extends lifespan in humans.
That does not stop me from taking rapamycin and some other promising lifespan-extending supplements based on animal studies.

Statins Are Associated With Increased Insulin Resistance and Secretion | Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology.


Apparently he thought you were discussing Dr. Attia’s work, whereas you were discussing the many videos in which Dr. Brad Stanfield changed his opinion on NMN/NR?

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Even Dr. Attia claims it is his opinion, not medical advice.
I was just pointing out that Youtube opinions are not scientific evidence of anything.


Especially when the Youtubers are new graduates from medical school with no practical experience like Brad Stanfield. Annoying voice notwithstanding.

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I personally don’t take NAD boosters anymore (NR/NMN). I’m waiting for my studies etc. Also as I’m in my 20s I don’t really notice any difference as my nad levels are probably already high. I think if you’re older you might benefit more.


I can’t imagine that there would be any benefit to you for another 20 years. And that is assuming there is any benefit to anyone.


My apology. As Sash noted I thought you were talking about Dr Attia when you said “he”.
I completely agree with the halo effect but not sure how that applies to Dr Attia since this is his area of expertise.

Peter Attia has gone from tolerating his patient’s judgment on the risk/reward ratio of NAD supplementation to actively recommending against. Based on no scientific evidence that it increases longevity, and the very small risk that it could promote cancer growth. I still take it but likely will stop when I run out.

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“Tolerating his patient’s judgment “? Not really his job. He’s offering his opinion and he’s smarter than me. I’ll respect his opinion.

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