NAD precursors - save your money folks

Re: Niacin

Setting aside whether it’s beneficial or not I easily exceed the RDA with eggs, chicken and peanut butter.

Magnesium is an important mineral but I don’t supplement because I eat copious avocado and dark chocolate. If your blood work shows a specific deficiency then maybe but the first step should be a simple change in diet.

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I think he is a nice guy, but I don’t follow him anymore because he has flip-flopped too many times IMO. He is always very “excited” and “enthusiastic” in most of his videos.

Agreed. No gurus, please. They are always selling something that sounds oh-so-sweet.

Did you listen to the clip? The video names can be misleading of their content… He has been consistently skeptical of NMN and resveratrol etc and critical of the studies purporting positive findings.

Also I respect someone who can change their minds when new/better data becomes available…


This guy repeatedly says Diet and exercise is 99% of your longevity protocol and supplementation should only be 1%. Yet now he is pushing supplements as hard as he can from the most speculative and expensive supplement company out there.

Not saying you’re wrong but what supplements is he pushing?

He gets commission from Donotage

Eh? He repeatedly criticises NMN and resveratrol research, both of which are DNAge mainstays.

I have no problem with people changing their minds.

In this particular case though he made videos with the titles:

“Metabolism BOOST With Niacin (Why I Don’t Use NR/NMN).”

“7th NMN Human Study – Don’t Be Mislead”

“NMN & NR Supplements Do NOT Extend Longevity”

He has made a massive 26 videos, maybe more, on the subject of NMN. First, he’s taking it. Then he’s not taking it. Then he’s taking it.
It doesn’t matter how many times he’s changed his mind, it’s too much for me.

My full supplement stack:
Supplements I source from Amazon: Dr Brad Stanfield's Amazon Page

My full supplement stack: Supplements I source from Amazon: :sparkles:10% Discounts​:sparkles: CheckWithYourDrFirst ( ProHealth: CheckWithYourDrFirst ( Alive by Science: CheckWithYourDrFirst (

"The links above are affiliate links, so I receive a small commission every time you use them to purchase a product. "

No, he doesn’t push products but he does let you know what he is taking and may be profiting from it.

If I were making Youtube videos I would try to profit from it too, but then I am not a doctor.

This tends to put him in the camp of Dr. Sinclair
No biggy, but it does smack a little bit of unprofessionalism.
I am not trying to beat the guy to death. I am just saying why I personally no longer have an interest in watching his videos.


He actively promotes his discount code for donotage at the end of all of his videos and he links to them on video descriptions, it is an affiliate program that most YouTubers use to make a buck.

Over the last year, almost all of Dr. Stanfield’s videos seem to be against NAD precursors. I think he is largely correct in his assessment, and he understands the importance of low vs high quality studies. His most recent video is an excellent example of this.

But his videos titles are very misleading, and typical clickbait (especially his most recent)… and I wish he wouldn’t do that. But that’s what youtubers do.


I do not follow him, but he did get me to watch several.

He says that he will take NR when he has sleep deprivation or under stress. I believe this is a good point as it does make up for sleep deprivation and can help you adjust to jet lag. I prefer NMN though. I am still working through my purchased stock…


I don’t have a horse in this race right now, but this seems to suggest some “age-related” benefit, even if the NAD precursors don’t improve lifespan:

2022.08.25.505332v1.full.pdf (1.7 MB)


Keeping your hearing won’t increase your lifespan, but it will definitely make your life better! A good reason to take NAD precursors. NAD precursors are all about healthspan not lifespan.


Of course… rapamycin probably already saves your hearing…


Doubly good then! NAD precursors + Rapa

Wasn’t it Dr. Richard Miller from the ITP lab that said you can’t increase health span without also seeing an increase in lifespan?
Either way, fell for the hype, must have taken NAD-precursors for 4 years every day now. (First 2.5 years NR, last 1.5 years NMN). Never noticed any effects; neither saw any changes in my blood work. Also no decrease in inflammatory markers during the time I suffered from some autoimmune issues. Most research can’t be replicated, and I tend to believe the NMN and NR studies are among those studies.
Once in about a year I finish up the large batch I unfortunately bought from DNA, I will finally stop the NMN (or NR). Stupidly years ago I also fell for Sinclair’s resveratrol-hype.


Yes - that is correct. People used to theorize that the two were separate issues. Now the consensus is generally, in the Geroscience community, that they go together. If you extend an organism’s life, you’re also extending their healthspan.

The criticism of longevity research has in the past been that people don’t care about living longer if it increases the life when they are ill and therefore people complained that what researchers should really be focused on is just healthspan. This theory and approach has widely been disproven now - longevity agents increase the healthspan and lifespan, not just lifespan. There is no trade-off if researchers are focused on searching for life-extending drugs; all life-extending drugs also increase healthspan.

But I don’t think that means that a given supplement can’t help with specific issues - e.g. hearing loss in the case above, or AREDS 2 supplements for eyesight / macular degeneration, etc:


I find that NMN helps a lot with jet lag and for me to overcome my late night trading sessions. I can feel normal the next day instead of being a walking zombie. For that alone, NMN is worth the cost. I also feel that it provides me with more mental clarity so I make better decisions probably due to not being tired. I guess if you get enough sleep, you wouldn’t notice this effect. To each their own!