My Lab and Fitness Results After 3 months of Rapamycin Use

Thanks! Yes, I’m pretty fond of the “N-of-one trial” idea, it helps me take an active part on my health. It also helps me temper some of my enthusiasm with pharmaceutical interventions that potentially extend lifespan.

But - since you’ve posted all the good data, I have to ask… How are you feeling? Do you notice any other changes that maybe were not covered in the data?

I’m feeling the same in general before rapamycin vs after. Aside from the side effects I posted above, I can’t say I feel any other changes. My sleep hasn’t changed much, I haven’t felt like I’ve had necessarily more energy from rapamycin either. My guess is that any improvement in healthspan has been driven mostly by diet and exercise.

I’ve decided to increase my dosage to 6mg/week starting this month, so we’ll see how things are after 3 months or so at tht dosage


Great post, thank you for taking the time to share real data!


FYI, You’re probably taking vit D2 not the over the counter variety vit D3. The prescription dose once weekly is correct for D2. Agree with your doc.


Thank you for sharing. Which brand of Sirolimus have you been taking?


Overall great results. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to your next report on 6 mg!


An increase in lipids actually means that the rapamycin is working


Could someone get a PDF copy of the above linked paper and post/upload the copy?

The title is;

mTORC1 regulates a lysosome-dependent adaptive shift in intracellular lipid species

Posted link

Thank you, Arhu

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Now THIS is what we need more of… Data not anecdote.


One of the authors of the paper shared a link on twitter that allows you to view it (the full paper):

Let me know if this does not work:

Paper should be at this link below:

mTORC1 regulates a lysosome-dependent adaptive shift in intracellular lipid species


Thanks for taking the time to chart and share all this information!

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That may be but it still does not make high TG levels ok.
The elevation of TG levels seems to be dose-dependent. It certainly seemed to in my case.
I think, because the majority of evidence indicates high TG levels are bad for your health, we should either adjust the dose or take other measures to keep TG levels in the “lab normal” range.

“Both fasting and nonfasting TG levels associate with CVD risk. In a European population, 27% of adults had nonfasting TGs greater than 176 mg/dL, a level that was associated with an approximately 1.9-fold increase in risk of CVD”

This has been discussed ad-nauseam in this thread, which I recommend people read if interested: Rapamycin and risk of cardiovascular disease

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True, but it obviously unsettled. My main point of contention is: People taking rapamycin are using it to justify high lipid levels.

If you are taking statins, make sure you’re also taking CoQ10, since statins significantly reduce CoQ10 production, which is pretty important for healthy functioning.


My understanding is that people recommend it for muscle pain associated with statin use. I don’t have any muscle pain, and I regularly exercise, so should I still worry about coq10 ?

It’s way more than muscle weakness, it has to do with proper mitochondria functioning, which is basically the most important part that makes up “you”.

Here’s an research paper you can refer to: Coenzyme Q10 and Statin-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction - PMC

I was on statin after a myocardial infarction at 38yo, and the doctor didn’t tell me I had to top up on B12 and Q10 when on statin. Within months I started to develop the first depression I’ve ever had in my life, the contrast was huge since I’m generally a very optimistic and happy/content person.

It was later at a high-end health checkup clinic did the doctor there tell me Q10, B12, Omega 3 are definitely essential if you take statin. Especially Q10 since statins stops your body from creating them, which is pretty darn essential to your whole body’s proper mitochondrial functioning.

After some research, it appeared to me how bat shit crazy it is for a doctor to prescribe statin but not Q10, but then again it’s what the insurance companies approve (or deem as necessary) as insured meds, so if you understand how the system works you will know that you have to do your own research before eating any kind of prescribed meds.

Also, ApoB is the closest indicator of possible clogging in blood vessels, but inflammation is what causes endothelial walls to fill up with cholesterol and thicken.

Uric acid, CRP are some biomarkers to watch for.


Thanks! I’ll remember to monitor coq10 levels on my next panel. I probably haven’t felt a difference because I’ve been on statins less than 1 year

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Thank you for sharing. Excellent blood results. I did have an increase in my basal glycemia for a few weeks too. (I wear a CGM). It is back to normal now.


Review link below.

“The world’s best and most comprehensive CoQ10 encyclopedia – the only place you need to go to find useful and practical information about the incredible substance Coenzyme Q10 commonly known as CoQ10.”


Thank you so much for sharing your journey thus far with us. Are you willing to share the price of using healthspan for both the Acarbose and rapamycin?