Lithium Supplementation

Gradually regrowing hair? Do tell :grin:

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Related Thread: A primer on Lithium, Lithium + Rapamycin & other Lithium salts with potentially more stable and safer pharmacokinetics

And More data on Lithium microdosing:

From: For Researchers | Cognitive Vitality | Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation

Lithium-microdose-Cognitive-Vitality-For-Researchers.pdf (291.8 KB)


So that says 5mg or less. I do think the optimal range is the 1-5mg range. My own experence is a serum level of 0.1mmol/L for 5mg per day and I think that is really a bit high as a serum level. Hence I am reducing to about 2.5mg per day.


I have to put on my Psychiatrist hat here and just mention that; 1. These are individuals with serious mental health conditions, and those conditions carry an increased probability of having a metabolic syndrome (increased lipids, obesity, etc.) (even if these individuals are untreated). 2. The “Other antipsychotic drug users” are likely on what we call “typical or atypical antipsychotics (risperidone, olanzapine, etc.),” which carry a markedly increased likelihood of metabolic syndrome and early death.
Lithium, by itself, for bipolar disorder, does not typically increase the risk of metabolic syndrome. So, in summary, I am saying that showing an increased lifespan in these subjects only on lithium compared to subjects taking typical or atypical antipsychotics cannot necessarily be generalized to adult subjects without one of these psychiatric conditions, if that makes sense.


I have a question. Why hasn’t lithium orotate, which seems a much more benign form of lithium than lithium carbonate, been prescribed more by psychiatrists?


It is not that the orate is more benign; if you take enough, you can get tremors, thyroid problems, kidney problems, etc., just as severely as with the carbonate form. Lithium daily dosage for bipolar disorder can range from 450 to 900+ mg (much higher than the supplement doses). You are aiming for a small target blood level. Both could be used as medications, but physicians have much more experience using the carbonate form.


Surely you mean the supplement doses are lower? They are usually 5 to 15 mg of elemental lithium.


Yes, I meant to say, “much higher than the supplement dose”. Thanks for catching that.

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The longevity doses tend to be orotate or aspartate. I have no good information as to which is best. I have in part been driven by the availability in the dosing quantity that I want. I started at 1mg, found my serum levels were too low to be measured (below 50 micro) moved to 5mg (got about 100 micro) and have just moved to 2 1/7 (5mg three times a week). In a while I will test the serum levels. (probably about a month).


Sourced from the notes to Paul and Shou Ching Jaminet’s book Perfect Health Diet:

Analyzing overall mortality data from 1,206,174 individuals in Oita prefecture of Japan regarding their possible correlation with drinking water Li+ concentrations, we find that tap water Li+ levels in the 18 municipalities within the Oita prefecture are inversely associated with overall mortality rates adjusted for gender and age (β = −0.661, p = 0.003) (Fig. 1a). We additionally adjusted for suicide rates in this prefecture, since these have been previously shown to be negatively associated with tap water Li+ levels in this particular cohort [8]. After additional adjustment for suicide, overall mortality was still inversely associated with tap water Li+ levels (β = −0.580, p = 0.037) (data not depicted). This inverse correlation suggests that Li+ exposure may contribute toreduced overall mortality in humans independent of suicide risk…



Review the following;

Serum Lithium Levels: Ideal Time for Sample Collection! Are We Doing it Right?

I buy mine from Life Extension for longevity. The serving size is 1000 mcg of lithium orotate daily.

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I think the serving is actually 1000mcg of elemental lithium provided as orotate.


It appears on the label this way: (as lithium orotate). So I see there’s a difference. I just didn’t know about that.

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The difference is in how much of the Lithium ion there is.

Lithium has an atomic weight of 6.941 Lithium Orotate has a molar weight of 162.03g. For this purpose, therefore, to get a milligram of Lithium you need 162.03/6.941=23.34 milligrams of Lithium Orotate.

Labelling is not always that clear, but you are probably taking 23.34 milligrams (give or take a few milligrams) in each capsule.


7UP used to contain lithium. It was called “lithiated lemon soda”.

In 1949 the Australian psychiatrist John Cade published studies that showed that lithium could be used to treat manias and stabilise bipolar disorders. [Med J Aust. 1949 Sep 3;2(10):349-52.] Cade needed much higher concentrations of lithium to do this than were found in 7UP. But when Cade discovered that even higher concentrations were toxic, the manufacturer of 7UP removed lithium from its product.

Lithium worked so well, however, that Cade initially thought that bipolar disorders were caused by a shortage of lithium. This theory led to ‘nutri-criminological’ studies which revealed that in areas where the drinking water contained more lithium there were lower serious crime rates and fewer suicides. [Biol Trace Elem Res. 1990 May;25(2):105-13.]

Tell the mayors of the cities below.

The twenty cities with the highest violent crime rates (number of incidents per 100,000 people) are:

  1. St. Louis, MO (2,082)
  2. Detroit, MI (2,057)
  3. Baltimore, MD (2,027)
  4. Memphis, TN (2,003)
  5. Little Rock, AR (1,634)
  6. Milwaukee, WI (1,597)
  7. Rockford, IL (1,588)
  8. Cleveland, OH (1,557)
  9. Stockton, CA (1,415)
  10. Albuquerque, NM (1,369)
  11. Springfield, MO (1,339)
  12. Indianapolis, IN (1,334)
  13. Oakland, CA (1,299)
  14. San Bernardino, CA (1,291)
  15. Anchorage, AK (1,203)
  16. Nashville, TN (1,138)
  17. Lansing, MI (1,136)
  18. New Orleans, LA (1,121)
  19. Minneapolis, MN (1,101)
  20. Chicago, IL (1,099)

Lithium is available in many mineral waters throughout the world and is highly bioavailable.
One brand sold in the U.S. would only require you to drink 2 liters a day for 1 mg of bioavailable lithium. Of course the other minerals could be problematic for some. Some German waters contain almost 2 mg/L


Negative in mice

But mice die way too much of cancer, and lithium seems to act on mechanisms independently of cancer