I purchased 10g for $200. I did the sirolimus dosage test 1 hour after taking 6mg with grapefruit seed oil, and it came back negative. When I mentioned the result to the seller, he recommended I buy higher quality rapamycin for $650.
I personally would never buy any powders directly from China unless you have easy and cheap access to a testing / analytical chemistry lab that can test for purity and contaminants. There are simple and cheap methods to procure rapamycin from large Indian Generic Pharma companies and while they may be imperfect, they are a lot less imperfect than the Chinese powder suppliers who you really know nothing about. Ideally, work with a doctor and get the prescription. Details here: How to Get Rapamycin, Where to get a Prescription
I go into depth on this issues and problems related to Chinese powder resellers in this post:
What is grapefruit seed oil? You need to be taking about 200mL of raw grapefruit JUICE at least 1 hr before taking your rapamycin to get a good shot at catching max AUC boost. There is also HUGE inter-person variability of response to the GFJ and rapamycin itself when taken orally.
Thanks for the heads up. Unfortunately, Mainland Chinese supplements (and food) should not be trusted. That’s common wisdom over here in Hong Kong.
Three food products were notoriously faked with detrimental effects - baby powder, eggs, and soy sauce. How cheap do you have to be to make soy sauce out of hair? Or eggs out of plastic? Or baby powder that causes ‘big-head’ baby syndrome?
Thank you for sharing this information, it’s true that there are many untrustworthy people here in China. But there are also some trustworthy businessmen here.
Where did you find this con man? On alibaba or 1688, there are fewer con men than on Taobao because of the verification requirements.
For me this con man is easy to spot, I think it’s largely due to the fact that I’m surrounded by my con compatriots, so I have to learn from my numerous experiences.
First the IP of their website multinpharma is, which is an American IP. This is very suspicious for me. Decent Chinese companies usually use local IP, so our government can have a easier control over it. Then you can check its ICP record number at the bottom of the page here https://beian.miit.gov.cn/, you can see that it’s a fake number which can’t be searched. You can use this cyberpolice website to report this con man, since you have this con man’s mobile number 15958173572: http://cyberpolice.mps.gov.cn/wfjb/frame/impeach/chooseImpeachAnonymous.jsp
(Use some translation websites or software please, like Google translator or DeepL)
The police can track this con man down by this mobile number, since now the mobile number is necessarily linked to the user’s ID.