Help Please with a Search!

Hi there,

I’m new here, although I’ve been visiting often over the last couple of months.

I took my first 1mg dose of Rapa three days ago. All’s well. But I’ve spent hours trying to find a thread that talks about beginners experiences and side effects. And search as I will , I can’t find the thread I remember reading. There were two threads actually, one was a Swede’s (I’m pretty sure he was Swedish) Diary format…the other was a general thread.

If someone could send me links or specific search terms I’ll be most grateful.

The only side effect I’ve had so far is a strange noise in one ear…and I recall reading that others have had that.

Thanks a lot !

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Side Effects of Rapamycin (part 2) - General - Rapamycin Longevity News

this link has a lot of information about side effects.