"Early" Longevity Program by Peter Attia Launches

There is no reason his advice or any other expert’s advice should be free. Your physician certainly isn’t giving you advice for free. I was skeptical of Peter Attia and while I don’t agree with all of his advice, most of the time he is correct.


If you buy Attia’s book, Outlive, you get most of the current information for a more reasonable price.


You can use Bard, it’s free and yes if you give instructions, it could build your tables.

Jonas, Can you provide any examples of the “prompts” that you’ve used to successfully do this?

I just tell Bard build in a table format … of A, B, C and then just copy the data.

I’m confused - does BARD put the data into the table, or does it just create a simple table and you have to copy all the data into it?

BARD will put the data into the table defined by you, after you pasted the data after the prompts.

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There’s a kernel of truth in your first sentence. Working at McKinsey taught him the importance of looking objectively at risk, and it’s management of risk in a world where nearly everyone dies of diseases of aging that Medicine 2.0 fails at. Medicine 3.0 is in substantial part about looking at what our real risks are over time and intervening early when they can be prevented instead of waiting until they reach clinical disease status and then aggressively trying to prevent a crisis. His approach to apoB and other CVD risk factors (vs. the usual 10-year risk calculation) and to aggressive cancer screening are examples of this rebalancing of risk.



How are you finding your EARLY program?

Do you coordinate with your General Practitioner with the program?



From Peter Attia today:

View this email in your browser


On Wednesday, I introduced you to Early , an intensive 12-module program that provides you with the information and tools necessary to engineer your own longevity playbook from start to finish. Today, I’d like to offer you a free preview of some of the content available in the Early program.

One of the most important, and enjoyable, aspects of our practice is the conversations we have with our patients . In these conversations, we define the issues specific to that patient as well as the tactics we intend to deploy to address them. We were confronted with an interesting question in the development of Early

How can Early participants experience these conversations without talking with one of our physicians directly?

In response to this question, we created one of my favorite aspects of the Early program. We recorded patient conversations for you to watch. While the people I am speaking with in the videos are actors, the health scenarios that we discuss are real and have been selected to highlight specific clinical situations I believe are illustrative to everyone.

These conversations cover a diverse range of demographics, family history, lab results, genetic predispositions, and more.

The value in watching me have these conversations is not that you will hear your exact set of circumstances discussed. It is in learning how to think about any health issue as it relates to longevity.

Today, we have made two of these patient conversations available for you to watch . These discussions deal with two patients at very different stages in life. One male, the other female. One in his 40’s, the other in her 60’s.

I encourage you to watch both videos as they each deal with scenarios that are relevant to all of us. No matter your age or current health status, the time to begin is now .

As a reminder, we are allowing a limited number of participants into the Early program and will close the enrollment period once capacity for this cohort has been reached.

I sincerely hope that you will join us on this journey .

Thank you for your continued support, listenership, and our shared commitment to a better, longer life.




I had signed up for the waiting list, but I never got an email probably because of my spam filter. I checked back today and was able to enroll immediately, which I did.

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But it definitely seems clear that they are just admitting new people in waves. If you are on the waiting list, you will definitely be admitted whenever it opens next. There are no capacity constraints.

I would be surprised if there’s any push to use their provider for the tests. I had the Boston heart balance test done last year. The cheapest price I could find for that one single test was $125 (or $100 I can’t remember exactly). So maybe $500 for all of them isn’t outrageous?


So, you’re talking about these tests?



Were they of much value to you? Why?


The first one can be very valuable - and I recommend any one choosing between which cholesterol medicine to start (or add on top off one they have if they and considering adding an additional one) takes it. It can really help you understand if you want something that impacts absorption (e.g. Eze) or something that more impacts production (e.g. statin).

For those who have conserns about AD (and perhaps other neurodegeneration) is can also help you see if interfering with statin production might be push cholesterol production too low with could impact cholesterol production in the CNS/Brain).

There is now a cheaper and easier way to get the test:

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here, not shure why not included in my quote above:

Can now be done from home in a cheaper way, here:

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@zazim can you share more color about this test?

@adssx this might be something you want to look into as you weight what you may want to or not do around not having optimal Apo B.

If you want to look into it more I recommend the Tom Dayspring Post Cast series with Peter Attia + think he has a 3 part blog post on the topic.

I do think he’s great. I think he’s brilliant. I think he provides value. I also think he’s a tremendous salesman. I have heard from a few people who have become his patients for 150k, and no one has said it’s worth nearly that much. But more power to him for getting it. If I were a billionaire and didn’t need to care if the value were there, I’d become one, too.

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I firmly believe that healthcare is a fundamental human right, not something that should come with a price tag. :innocent:


Much that I support having healthcare as a right in the UK there are two issues
a) The state health system does not get everything right. I think people should have the right to do their own thing.
b) At times (and I have had to deal wtih this for other people) there are interventions the state has difficulty financing. That becomes a real challenge.

It may be that the way the UK NHS is structured is flawed, but that is a separate question.

One of the big problems with pretty well all the health systems is a concentration on sickness rather than health. I understand why that is, but we do need to move in the direction of health.