DIY Rapamycin Toothpaste and Flossing Paste

That’s very helpful thank you. I’m in the UK so transcutol very hard to get. But I’m trying the following dosing protocol:
I took my first oral dose today (1mg after GFJ) but also interdental brushed with another 1mg crushed rapa mixed with zendium toothpaste. Will dose 14daily, increasing the oral to 3mg.
If no improvement in gums after 3 months, I’ll consider using DMSO…

For the past decade I’ve been a “high calculus builder”. This was regardless of deligent efforts: brushing 3x times a day, interdental brushes, many different protocols, mouthwashes, and supplements.

I was told by dentists that this was “just my chemistry”, or to “brush more”.

Since starting a low oral dose of rapamycin months ago, this abruptly change. I still build some calculus, but it is a remarkably less. 80+% less. I used to have visible calculus within a couple weeks of a cleaning. No more. Perhaps rapamycin influenced my gut bacteria in some way?

I’m interested in the topical idea on the gums / teeth. However I worry that various delivery mechanisms such as DMSO etc may be harmful to the enamel. I have no knowledge of it one way or the other. Has anyone done PH testing on their formulations to ensure it’s not acidic?


This is an interesting question - and I’m not a chemistry PHD. But - given that 90% to 95% of the formulat is just regular toothpaste (your choice of brand) and then 5% to 10% transcutol (in my case) and a 10mg to 30mg or so of rapamycin), shouldn’t the formulation maintain the same PH as the original toothpaste? I guess we don’t know for sure until we test it, but another approach might be to just look up the PH of transcutol.

What PH should we be targeting?

Google tells me this:

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Hm… it seems that the PH of most toothpastes are in the same range - so it doesn’t seem like an issue:


I brush with just 40% DMSO. I read that concentration is what people use for brushing with DMSO. I’m nervous about using Rapa, though in the first week there is no reason to be since the more the better. I should make another spray bottle for the first week with Rapa, second week use the one I’ve been using of pure DMSO.

Now I just need to look up here and see how much Rapa to add. Good Luck,

One other idea that people have discussed is the idea of a rapamycin mouth wash.

I know little about compounding pharmaceuticals… but have been searching around and reading. I’ve found this information on Tacrolimus mouthwash - that might be used as a template, or model for creation of a rapamycin / sirolimus mouthwash.

I will continue to look for more info on this issue. Here is what I’ve found so far - a short excerpt from a compounding pharmacy book:

Tacrolimus Formulations.pdf (326.4 KB)

Just curious, but why do you brush with DMSO? What is the health benefit? Have you noticed any specific improvements since starting it?

I’m pretty skeptical of most general dentists because they’re generally way too religious about things that merely have some mechanistic theory but lack empirical evidence (either a tiny effect with limited studies or null effect) when there are other options that can work the same way with potentially less harm. Here are my concerns:

The goal of daily “dental hygiene” is to reduce both supra/subgingival bacteria to below the threshold level capable of inflammation. A shift in bacterial microbiota from gram-positive to anaerobic gram-negative rods is what appears to be the issue, which points to the reservoir being pathogenic gram-negative bacteria in supragingival plaque specifically.

My personal situation is as follows: only brush 1x a day about 1 hour after the last meal of the day with the correct form (note dental textbooks are actually inconsistent!), soft-bristled heads on an electric toothbrush, and specific toothpaste. I monitor for gingivitis (on top of CRP) and go to the dentist for professional cleanings only when necessary (based on personal risk factors) due to the risks of dental x-ray frequency and thyroid cancer (American Thyroid Association official recommendations). Instead of brushing more frequently, a mix of pure 100% xylitol gum for convenience (I do not swallow xylitol), oral probiotics (strain and CFU matters), and sipping green tea as a potential preventative cariostatic and anti-gingivitis measure. This is on top of dietary intervention (prebiotics). I also chew acarbose before meals, which may inhibit salivary amylase marginally (starch-to-sugar conversion). I never mess with mouthwashes except one time after oral surgery as indicated.

There isn’t much actual strong evidence for or against brushing teeth 2x a day, but there is evidence that >=3x a day may reduce enamel via wear and may cause gingival recession - a counterintuitive way to increase the risk of root caries. I also do preventative gum grafting surgery to prevent alveolar bone loss although there is not enough evidence - I have doubts of it causing harm.

5x a week of professional flossing has a small statistically significant effect compared to no effect from self-flossing. So I’m not sure flossing really makes a big difference as high-quality flossing is not usually a realistically achievable goal for most people, and frequent self-flossing may be harmful due to several issues, particularly significant exposure to PFAS. But if one is truly flossing like a professional and got a safer flossing method - please let me know.


I used to use DMSO for arthritis before I started Rapa, read a couple books about it and they say brushing with it works well. So I tried it and really it is much easier than I thought given how much of a pain it is to use on skin.

My theory is that it’s superpower is improving circulation, but I think it hurts the microbes too. I use it on cuts and burns and they heal much quicker. It just seems that any bacteria trying to get a foothold would have a worse time of it being bathed daily with DMSO.

Also I wanted to try it just for awhile to see if I would want to mix Rapa with it and do that to see how it goes. I am moving that way even though I have no trouble in my gums, the dentist is always saying how healthy they are. They never bleed no matter what I do, floss once a day and use stiff bristles.

My health challenge is a couple bad CACs, which means a little heart disease. I think heart disease comes from oral bacteria, per some studies of actual blockages showing oral bacteria in them, so this could be a big deal if it works. I see Lustgarten has out now his Biohacking the oral microbiome III. It’s harder than it looks apparently and I’m dubious that I’m doing anything smart here. I guess if I was really serious I would get Bristle to measure my oral microbiome for me for $150. Nah.


I finally made my first batch of rapamycin toothpaste using the RapAdmin formula and tools. I used the same amount of rapamycin as I do for my skin cream, which is slightly less. I have DSMO, but I opted for transcutol. My main innovation was to add another mixing tool to the process to help blend the liquid into the toothpaste. Primary mixing tool followed by high speed mixing tool. I use a high speed whisk to mix my creatine and whey protein, and the same mixing tool works equally well there. No link but it should be available on Amazon and elsewhere.

My protocol is floss, rinse, water pik floss and then brush (no rinse). Because I had extra toothpaste, I also used my handy finger toothbrush. I may actually keep that.


More new research on oral health and mental health connection:

Six oral health conditions were evaluated: self-rated oral health, bleeding gums, loose teeth, tooth loss, gum disease, and bone loss. A cross-sectional analysis within PATH Wave 4 (2016-2018, N=30,753) compared survey-weighted prevalence of six oral health outcomes according to severity of mental health problems.

Prospectively, PATH Wave 5 (2018-2019) oral health outcomes were assessed according to Wave 4 mental health problems (N=26,177). Survey-weighted logistic regression models controlled for confounders (age, sex, tobacco use, etc.) with imputation for missing values.

Cross-sectionally, all six adverse oral health outcomes demonstrated a statistically significant greater prevalence over increasing severity of mental health problems. For example, the adjusted odds of bone loss around teeth were 1.79-times greater [95%CI 1.30-2.46] at high versus none/low categories of internalizing problems.

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That’s probably reverse causation.

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Yes, the old saying “correlation does not equal causation” always needs to be remembered. is a place where you can buy Transcutol in Europe, no prescription needed.


Hi Christian

thank you for the hint, but there a NIF/CIF number is required for registration, which I do not have…

Transcutol is a pretty cool molecule, but I do wonder if plain old ethanol is good enough to do the trick of dissolving rapamycin for these purposes.

Hi all,
Transcutol is available at in Spain.
Like most things in Spain, they only think in selling to the Spanish market so they require a national ID or residence number in order to make the purchase.
I gave them a call to inquire about a purchase by a European or UK citizen.
This can be done bypassing the automated web and contacting directly with Mrs. Christiana Tilg at
Hopefully this is of use.


Hello all,
Has anyone any follow up data on their DIY Rapa paste or mouthwash?
Very curious whether there are any positive results on this


I got an excessive amount of mouth sores on it, so took a break. I’m going to make a second batch and try again, see if I have the same result.

great info. Have you seen some progress in gum health?

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