DIY Rapamycin Toothpaste and Flossing Paste

In your ingredients list you posted Zydus Sirolimus. Is Zydus the place you ordered from? I am new to ordering overseas so am trying to learn as much as i can about it. And is Zydus a place you trust and have had good success with? Thanks much!

Zydus is a manufacturer

Thank you for the reply! I know there is a list of resources for ordering Rapa somewhere here on this forum. Would Zydus be there and would you recommend them? Or do you have someone you recommend to order rapa? i have never ordered overseas so not sure what i am doing. Thanks again!

It depends where you live to some extent. Rules on importing molecules vary by country. Zydus wont sell directly you need an online retailer. See the other threads for details.

Thanks! Think I will spend the evening reading through this forum. So glad to have found it! :slight_smile:

See this list of resources regarding sourcing of rapamycin: How to Get Rapamycin, Where to get a Prescription

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So grateful for this post! We found a good source for our rapamycin and are waiting for its arrival so now we are focused on gathering the other necessary ingredients for our toothpaste. Can i ask did you add the transcutol as a way to enhance the rapa absorption? After reading the transcutol safety background article in your post (thanks for that BTW:)
I also read one of your above posts that said-

is it possible to mix a tooth powder with powder rapa? Has anyone tried using it dry?

No - you need something to help the rapamycin get absorbed by the skin & tissue in the mouth - like Transcutol.

sirolimus is an extremely hydrophobic compound and sensitive to temperature, light and pH. Its poor aqueous solubility results in a slow dissolution rate and consequential low oral bioavailability.

May i ask if you have a preferred source to buy it from? Thanks again for all the great information!

Yes, you definitely want the transcutol for increased absorption (IMHO), or some similar agent. I think I used for getting the transcutol, but its available from many places. All the instructions are very similar to the Skin Cream DIY instructions, we just use toothpaste to replace the skin cream: DIY Rapamycin skin cream

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Thanks! I havent yet looked at the link you posted but will as soon as I send this post. I have searched around for the transcutol and found it pretty much only where you shared, at Lab Alley. The smallest amount they sell is 500 ml. for $50. Since I will only need 5 ml. (one teaspoon) to make the toothpaste I was wondering if you or anyone might know of a place that sells smaller quantities since this post is over a year old. Fingers crossed. Anyone have a place? Thanks!

Can I ask how much transcutol you used in your mix when you say a bit? Is it okay to just use however much is needed to make a slurry of sorts with the rapa? Or is it more precise than that? Thanks!

I just used enough to dissolve the Rapamycin. Since I use powder, it didn’t take much.
Not certain how to approach optimizing the amount.

Haven’t need to worry much about it as I’ve had good results.

Thank you so much for the reply! Good to hear of your rapa success! Thats great!

Yes - I took the same approach. Start with about 5ml, but I added a bit more to get it to dissolve the rapamycin powder while I stirred the slurry, and then mix better with the toothpaste. I didn’t get too precise. The goal is simply to dissolve the rapamycin and make it easy to mix with the toothpaste.


I ordered my Transcutol / Ethoxydiglycol from lotioncrafters and wanted to ask this question since I am kind of a noob on this. My container of transcutol says it is “cosmetic grade” should it be food grade since it is going in my mouth?

Also, are there any rapa hand/skin lotions recipes here? Would love to try that as well! Thanks!

I don’t think Ethoxydiglycol is available in a food grade. Since you are basically using it “topically” and spitting most of it out, I would not worry too much about that aspect.

The key to this one is “dose”

|Designated as safe for general or specific, limited use in food | US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)|


Thank so much for the reply. So this is the same one everyone else has used for their toothpaste then?


Yes, I think so. I use it for skin cream and toothpaste.

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My lazy approach is to put a flat of toothpaste on my brush (I don’t use much), then a drop or two of my (water-based) rapa serum (with transcutol) on top. It mixes in mouth. :toothbrush:

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Great! And I am so glad you mentioned skin cream as that is my next endeavor. Do you by chance have a recipe for the skin cream on here?
I just found the skin cream thread but am still figuring out how to get around in here. :slight_smile: :grin:


Just use the search tool (magnifying glass icon) in the upper right corner of the screen to search for whatever you want: DIY Rapamycin skin cream