hello everyone
…i know this topic has been beaten to death, and i’m sorry to bother everyone by asking about it again,
but i am so confused about the half life of rapamycin …and when it is “okay” to resume my supplements after having taken it -
i only just read about a half life of “63 hours,” and also i think i read (forgive me @rapadmin if i am misquoting you!) maybe @rapadmin had said “you” should even wait “3-5 half lives” ? () -
but, maybe, that was “for the drug to be mostly out of your system,”
NOT necessarily just to resume supplements?
…but i have read of some users just not supplementing on the day of, and the day after, as well, that they had taken rapamycin -
so i am confused, because, for me it’s not just that i’m trying to get the benefit of the rapa (and/or supplements), but …i’m broke, and i’m scared i could be Wasting The Money, either for the rapa, or all the supplements, of BOTH -
welcoming weigh-ins, on whether i should wait an additional day at least, before resuming supplements -
or other possibilities… -
currently, i STOP my supplements on THURSDAY MORNINGS
(i’ve tried to look up THEIR half lives, and they don’t seem too long -
*** but now i’m confused, whether i need to, or “should” wait at least 3 half lives, maybe 5??),
and then i take rapa on FRIDAY NIGHT, 6PM,
…and resume supplements on SUNDAY AT 6PM (48 HOURS) -
because i’ve been wanting the benefit of the supplements -
but now i fear i am blunting the rapamycin, too soon
(also, i wanted to ask,
does anyone know if it’s okay to take
still on the days i take rapa?
…and how about “minerals”?
or fish oils??
vitamin d especially, is important to me,
but i’d like to be able to take at least fish oils,
and maybe some minerals…
…oh, and i forgot about:
and, liothyronine?
would metformin be, possibly beneficial to take on same days as rapamycin?
…but liothyronine, i have no understanding about, and definitely hope to hear from others who knoe more than me!)
…sorry, all, for the post on a topic that’s been run into the ground…
thanks, all!