Rapamycin is an MTor inhibitor and creatine is an MTor agonist, ie upregulates Mtor. Therefore, is it counter productive to be taking both of them?
My view is to cycle things. Creatine is a good element in increasing energy levels. Hence probably best to not take Creatine around the time of taking Rapamycin. The body has a natural level of creatine and I don’t know how long exogenous creatine lasts. However, there is a logic to stopping creatine at least a day before taking Rapamycin and then not starting again for a few days.
Where did you read creatine stimulates mtor?
Creatine and strength training both activate MTOR. Obviously you don’t want to stop the latter. There are times MTOR needs to be impeded and others when it needs to be activated.
Do you have a source for that? I am aware of data suggesting creatine combined with resistance training stimulates muscle mtor and IGF1 but that is different to creatine itself raising mtor.
There are lots of papers about creatine and MTOR. Here’s one from a quick Google.
So how to actually do this? Suppose I take my Rapamycin dose on Sunday, then take creatine every day except Sunday, Monday, Friday, Saturday? For example?
It’s all very confusing. Right? Or is just me