Bryan Johnson's Longevity Protocol - Your Thoughts?

I am not sure you really need to worry that much at 75. 87 is on the iffy side, however.

AIUI average arterial pressure is diastolic plus 1/3 of the difference between systolic and diastolic. I tend to consider the average.

My own BP is all over the place depending on whether I am drinking or not.


How does he have time for that with his routine? Looks like all is focused on one goal only. Of course it’s impossible to know for sure, but it’s my perception of him. Don’t get me wrong, I do appreciate what he does. He inspired many and I wish him success. He’s a curious case for sure.


Do we know why people of cronological age of above 50-60 tend to have high blood pressure? What’s causing it? Aging? Time + sodium consumption, or something else?

The ideal blood pressure according to my favorite psuedoscientist Michael Gregor is 110/70 and studies on Kenyans from the 1920’s suggest our normal blood pressure today isn’t natural.

He starts the day in the middle of the night? But his morning routine is really just a regular morning routine in a way, after the morning routine he goes to work according to his videos and by that time he has done most of the daily things. When he comes home from work seems he has time with his son, meets people and has time before going to bed at what 8.30? It would seem that he has treatments, measurements and procedures done daily, but in reality probably it is one or two additional thing to his normal day.
At least that what I could pick up from videos he is sharing. I was most interested in what he is doing cause it is causing the most ambivalent feelings. On one side I believe this is a man that must be crazy, almost lunatic but on the other hand I am really amazed and drawn towards what he is doing. Is it self love or is it self hate? It’s still amazes me…


Stiffness in the arteries gets worse with age. When arteries can’t expand/contract based on blood volume, high blood pressure results. Think of your arteries as you age like a rubber band or balloon as they harden. They lose their capacity to adapt, just as old arteries do.


I was nagging my husband (MD) some months ago on this subject and at the end what I got out of two hours of him explaining - we don’t know really.
There are several hypotheses, the one that stuck in my mind and I really liked it, as I believe psychology has a big role in illnesses and aging, overactive sympathetic nervous system. Constant flight or fight mode, anxiety…


He said he had a fat transfer in that Steve Aoki video. He’s only 3 days out in the video, so it must not have been much of a transfer in quantity. Also, he did not have much to harvest.

When I had my 83 cc, my face was severely swollen, like a pumpkin, for several weeks. The surgeon had a very hard time finding a harvest site (my BMI is around 18.5 and I work out). He settled on the above knee area for most of it. That was 13 years ago. I’ve asked for more and everyone I’ve asked has turned me down. The ethical ones are honest.

I suspect that when the swelling subsides for him he will be right back to where he started.


This video was posted in November 2020. Bryan Johnson looked so much better and younger then. Normal looking face and a decent haircut (albeit with hair coloring).


Yes, he’s changed a great deal in a few years. I’m not sure it’s all for the best and I’m not sure that all of his bio hacking/tracking and age calculator use is doing him any favors. Nor can I convince myself that he’s making all this information available for humanitarian purposes. He wants to make many more hundreds of millions. But there are some things he’s doing that I like very much–bringing sunscreen and tretinoin to peoples’ attention, making veganism (or quasi-veganism) seem more acceptable, encouraging people to exercise and reduce or eliminate junk food. I’m not sold on the life extension aspect but life enhancing, sure.


yes, I do prefer this look myself… but then we would not have this whole experiment to examine ;-)) Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to save the facial volume when getting you body fat % that low… I understand why he is gong the fat injection route.

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JMHO but I think the real reason he is doing all this has to do with his background in Mormonism. He left the church but remnants of his indocrination linger and petrify him. I suspect that he is probably afraid of burning in hell forever. That would explain his eagerness to go to extreme lengths to avoid/delay dying.

There’s no way that can be his motivation as he’d given up long time ago and started practicing Mormonism again.

I also think hes doing something wrong, it may not be the obession per se but hes probably objectively doing something wrong. Not sure whether its the many pills, the excessive exercise or some thing else. Like @Kandice also showed, It seems Johnson looked younger for his age in the past than he does now.

One thing is for sure right now he looks at least his age (imo he looks a bit older than actual). He may look fit or good but he doesnt look younger.

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The appearance vs function dynamic is something that comes up in the longevity world quite a bit and it’s kind of a tricky dynamic. We intuitively expect someone who is becoming younger phenotypically to look younger.

And while it’s true that appearance is a great way to gauge someone’s biological age progression, it may not necessarily true that someone who is getting functional improvements and achieving a younger phenotype through interventions is going to dramatically Benjamin Button themselves into a younger-looking appearance.

Once skin and muscle and ligaments and tendos stretch out, they’re not going to change shape just because the body’s cells are functioning youthfully again. This is why dermatologists, with all their retinoids and peels and lasers and radiofrequency devices, while they can make your skin very healthy and youthful, they will never be able to snap your skin and underlying structures back to where they were when you were 20. A deep plane facelift, which actually doesn’t change your phenotype at all, is needed to physically reposition your tissues into more youthful locations.

So I think we may reach a time where we have people reversing their biological age – even if an 80 year old can reverse their phenotypic age to 25 – it doesn’t mean they’re going to look 25. They may just have youthfully glowing skin that hangs as jowls. There is a certain amount of structural changes that won’t just undo themselves simply because the cells on that structure are youthful again.


What I find is that skin can tighten, but white hairs generally (apart from the vellus ones) continue to grow as white hairs.


I think he looks fatigued - overdoing the exercises.


I don’t think there is any doubt that you can overdo exercise. Michael Lustgarten made that point in his video with Siim Land (on the basis that Mike had been overdoing it).


No, he is not afraid of burning in hell forever. That is Catholic doctrine not “Morman” doctrine.


I would be interested in an update on your vagus nerve device (Pulsetto). Does it help? Do you get measurable results? Why did you choose Pulsetto over Nurosym?

Many thanks!