Anti-aging Benefits of Rapamycin, Personal Experiences (part 2)



BTW, back to fertility on Rapa, my N-of-1 definitely shows great improvements towards youthful cycles after year+ of 6mg/wk.

Source: This post in this thread on Rapamycin and Fertility

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Regarding rapamycin for menopause delay:


i take Rapa for two years and it did not help with my BPH, i then take finasteride and it works.


Source: Reddit


Rapamycin has definitely improved my sleep patterns and I feel much more fresh and alert during the day!

Overall better sleep and mood in general!


Now on Rapamycin for many months. I have noticed some beneficial effects. One is that my Tinnitus seems to have greatly reduced. Still occasional but much less pronounced.

But the the one that has me most intrigued is that I feel a very pleasant tingling sensation that I believe is called “frisson” much more often. It is something I have not felt regularly for years and it has returned. That indicates some interesting things are going on with my neurological condition.


Reversal of menopause by this user here:


I just noticed two people say it helped their tinnitus. Is this a known benefit, to the best of your knowledge? If so, I’m going to discuss this with my brother who has it. Ty

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Sorry, my experience from taking rapamycin for 2 1/2 years is it has done nothing for my tinnitus. However, results may vary. IMO: It is a nice gesture if you can get a family member to take rapamycin.


I think Rapa helped but I could not say for sure.

Now that I have been taking this for over 7 months, I can also say that my immune system seems a lot stronger. Not sick once during the winter, which is rare. And recently, everyone in my house got sick from something…but it was very minor for me. I had one day of mild symptoms and done, everyone else took many days to beat it.


Excellent to hear! Hey, on that note, have people discussed feeling they are less likely to get covid? (Anecdotally of course)…


Less likely to get it… and like me if you do get it… was a stuffy nose for 3 days… then negative test and done. Quickest and hardly noticable illness.


I’ve gotten COVID twice since starting Rapamycin. Both times were moderately severe. First was worst than second. I took PAXLOVID for both. I do believe COVID can be very damaging to your body.


Interesting. I’ve just realized i may be benefitting from this too. I’ve been taking rapa (very sporadically) for about 15 months. And this winter has come and gone with no urtis. Whereas my kids and wife have had multiple coughs and colds.


Same here. I now have virtually no allergies. I’m not sure when this happened because I live in Australia and my allergies are particularly bad in the UK. Grass pollens and Horse Chestnut trees are the worst - go figure. I started Rapa in November 2021 and visited the UK April 2022. This is when I realised - unexpectedly - that my allergies had all but gone. It was a complete and wonderful surprise.


I am inspired by the improvements some have had in tinnitus and allergies. Those have been my two of my most annoying health problems.


Really interesting. I also have had complete cessation of my my usual allergies during the spring/ pollen season once I started rapamycin.

I really started getting bad allergies (sneezing, runny nose, etc) in my mid-20s, and it continued for the next 30+ years until I started taking rapamycin, and then the issue went away entirely. When I’ve paused rapamycin for any length of time during the spring season, my allergies have come back.


Allergy cessation is a new angle that would appeal to a large audience.


I can vouch for the allergies being cured. Starting about age 50, I was getting allergies that I never had before in my youth… from Cedar in spring and Ragweed in the fall.

This is continue with needing a lot of flonase (was a prescription only when I first used it) used at the beginning of spring and in early fall…until a hard freeze.

Now, 3 years straight, using rapamycin have no allergies at all, so it has pretty much cleared that…taking me back to my pre-50’s resistance to allergies.

My sinuses are more moist and full now too.