Angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) experiences?

This class of drugs seems to be flying under the radar, despite quite a bit of evidence pointing towards longevity benefits. I’ve seen a handful of people on this site report taking them, but I wanted to make a thread and invite anyone else using them to report their dosing protocols and subjective experiences (whether good or bad), and hopefully spur some further discussion.

I guess to start, here’s a good review on why ARBs may be pro-longevity drugs. In particular, they appear to protect the heart, kidneys, and blood vessels, although concerns may arise about their effects on blood levels of sodium and potassium.

The ITP is currently testing the ARB telmisartan, although in combination with atorvastatin. I find this a little odd considering they’ve tested neither drug in isolation, but at least a positive result would provide further support for telmisartan.

A related class of drugs, the ACE inhibitors, have already seen two examples (captopril and enalapril) tested in the ITP. Enalapril was without effect, while captopril was effective in females but the result was inconclusive in males. This inconclusive result was due to low survival of control mice at one of the three test sites. Excluding that site from the analysis, captopril increased 90th percentile female lifespan by ~7%.

As far as the pharmacology of angiotensin II receptors goes, you need to know that there is both angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT1) and angiotensin II receptor type 2 (AT2). Additionally, mice have two isoforms (AT1A and AT1B) of angiotensin II receptor type 1 while humans have only one, but it’s their AT1A which is considered equivalent to our single copy of AT1 (yes, the nomenclature is very confusing).

AT1 tends to exert anti-longevity effects while AT2 tends to oppose those effects. For this reason, ARBs may foster greater longevity than ACE inhibitors. This is because ARBs are quite selective for AT1, whereas ACE inhibitors will inhibit both AT1 and AT2.

One study found that knocking out AT1A in mice increased average lifespan by 26% while protecting against cardiac hypertrophy, cardiac fibrosis, and deterioration of aorta histology. Additionally it reduced oxidative stress in heart, kidney, and aorta, and prevented mitochondrial loss in kidney.

Whereas the ITP studies only found conclusive evidence for lifespan extension via renin-angiotensin system inhibition in females, this study provides evidence that males may also benefit. OTOH, the glaring issues with this study are the small number of mice in each group, as well as the short lifespan of controls (~755 days average lifespan).

One further study supports that AT1 is anti-longevity, and it showed this by knocking out ATRAP, which negatively regulates AT1. The median lifespan of mice lacking ATRAP was 18.4% shorter than controls, and they displayed a deterioration of kidney function despite lacking obvious changes in blood pressure or cardiovascular phenotype.

I’m considering trying telmisartan from India, and it would be nice to hear anyone else’s experience with it, or any concerns that others may have. I guess it would be smart to monitor sodium and potassium levels while on it, although I imagine healthy people would have fewer issues in this regard compared to people taking it for clinical manifestations.

One last thing, for those who believe that DNA damage (oxidative or otherwise) is a fundamental driver of aging, it’s interesting to consider that AT1 is expressed on nuclear membranes and stimulates intranuclear ROS production. As mice are generally less su

Two polymorphisms in AGTR1 promoter, rs422858 and rs275653, in complete linkage disequilibrium, were significantly associated with the ability to attain extreme old age. We then replicated the study of rs275653 in a large independent cohort of Japanese origin (598 centenarians and semi-supercentenarians, 422 younger controls) and indeed confirmed its association with exceptional old age. In combined analyses, rs275653 was associated to extreme longevity either at recessive model (P = 0.007, odds ratio (OR) 3.57) or at genotype level (P = 0.015). Significance was maintained after correcting for confounding factors. Fluorescence activated cell sorting analysis revealed that subjects homozygous for the minor allele of rs275653 had less AT1R-positive peripheral blood polymorphonuclear cells. Moreover, rs275653 was associated to lower blood pressure in centenarians.


I take nebivolol 2.5mg (1/4 10mg tablet). My blood pressure averaged over the last month was 104/69.


I’ve been popping 40mg Telmisartan before bed for about 8 years.


This is a cardioselective beta blocker and not an ARB. I take 5mg of this before bed as well though.


Sorry too much Christmas cheer :beer:

I meant to say Telmisartan 10mg (1/4 40mg tablet). I take so many tablets, I’m losing track.

My New Year’s resolution will have to be, to thin down my ‘stack’


I’m on 20 mg telmisartan, but take only half of it each night (as an addition to amlodipine 2.5 mg and labetalol 50 mg). I measure potassium and sodium once per month - both are in a normal range and didn’t become higher with addition of telmisartan.

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I take 80 mg Telmisartan daily (Marfan - not for BP reduction). No significant effect, except that the progression of the ascending aortic aneurysm is virtually halted.


I don’t take any ARBs (for now), but I looked at them as I think way more people could take anti-hypertensive, but the practice varies a lot between countries and doctors due to different national guidelines and the lack of a user-friendly continuous blood pressure monitor. There’s also no equivalent of Hb A1c for blood pressure that would give you the average over the past 3 months with a simple blood test.

Regarding local guidelines: “Americans are advised to start antihypertensive treatment at the levels of 130/80 mmHg, while Europeans at the level of 140/90 mmHg” (American, European and international hypertension guidelines: Time to shake hands? 2021)

Regarding measurements, here are the differences between values taken at the doctor (“Clinic”), by yourself at home, or with a 24h BP monitor: Harmonization of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association and European Society of Cardiology/European Society of Hypertension Blood Pressure/Hypertension Guidelines: Comparisons, Reflections, and Recommendations

It’s terrible because “For every 20mmHg increase in systolic blood pressure above normal your risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke doubles.” ( )

If your doctor doesn’t prescribe a 24-hour BP check and/or if you live in Europe, you might not get the treatment you deserve.

Then, among anti-hypertensive, I would not take beta-blockers (those ending in “-olol”) as they’re consistently linked to a higher rate of Parkinson’s disease, study after study: Nonselective beta-adrenoceptor blocker use and risk of Parkinson’s disease: from multiple real-world evidence. There are so many alternative anti-hypertensives: why take the risk? (especially if you have a family history of Parkinson’s or other neurological diseases)

In particular, according to this paper, “antihypertensive medications that stimulate vs inhibit type 2 and 4 angiotensin II receptors may result in a lower risk of incident dementia” (Association of New Use of Antihypertensives That Stimulate vs Inhibit Type 2 and 4 Angiotensin II Receptors With Dementia Among Medicare Beneficiaries).

Among them, ARBs (“sartans”) seem especially good. This paper (see Table 2) gives a summary of their potential: The Different Therapeutic Choices with ARBs. Which One to Give? When? Why?

It might be better to prefer ARBs that cross the blood-brain barrier (source):

Telmisartan is also unique in its ability to reduce fasting plasma glucose and increase adiponectin and insulin sensitivity (in addition to its anti-hypertensive properties):

No wonder telmisartan is being tested in the ITP!

(The newer azilsartan seems to have insulin-sensitizing effects as well)


I am inadvertently a canary in the coal mine. I have been taking Telmisartan with atorvastatin for approx. 2 years. Nothing that I can report, other than Telmisartan keeps my blood pressure in the range that I am comfortable with. But it’s always a pleasant surprise to find something that I am already taking may have life extension benefits. As I have reported earlier I use atorvastatin because it was the first statin that I tried that didn’t produce unwelcome side effects.


Thanks, I wasn’t aware of the link between beta blockers and PD. Still it will be interesting to see what the ITP finds for nebivolol.

I have been taking Telmisartan with atorvastatin for approx. 2 years.

Is there evidence that telmisartan and atorvastatin have any special synergy?

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Found this old post: Blood pressure drugs could prevent type 2 diabetes, study finds

“Researchers also investigated the effects of five major types of blood pressure drugs from 22 clinical trials compared with a placebo. They found angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) had the strongest protective effect, both reducing someone’s relative risk of developing diabetes by 16%.”


Thanks for this info. I use the Aktiia blood pressure monitor which measures BP 24/7 non-inflationary at the wrist.
They just released a new updated version in the UK, people can use a forwarding service to get it, if app is found in their local app / google play store.


Thanks for the advice; it looks amazing; how accurate is it? The reviews are extremely bad, especially many reviews mention a 10–15 mm Hg difference between Aktiia and their traditional BP inflatable cuff:

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I dug more, almost all research papers on Aktiia are conducted by… Aktiia. One recent exception is Evaluation of the ability of a commercially available cuffless wearable device to track blood pressure changes. They found that the daytime average found by Aktiia was correct but that the night-time one was significantly off (+15.5 mmHg). They concluded: “This cuffless wearable device did not accurately track night-time BP decline and results suggested it was unable to track medication-induced BP changes.”

Aktiia answered: Inadequate study designs for the evaluation of blood pressure monitoring devices and their potential misleading conclusions - PMC

I find their answer unconvincing… They even “agree with the results showing that the nighttime dip measured by Aktiia was significantly smaller compared to ABPM”

The researchers answered to Aktiia: Reply to ‘Inadequate study designs for the evaluation of blood pressure monitoring devices and their potential misleading conclusions’:

Still, I’m tempted to buy one… At least the above paper shows that the daytime average is correct and it’s good to know that night-time values are probably overstated.

[EDIT: Peter Attia is bullish on it though: Peter Attia Is Bullish on Aktiia's Continuous Blood Pressure Monitor - PodClips ]
[EDIT2: Eric Topol as well: A continuous blood pressure monitoring bracelet ]
[EDIT3: Bought it, I’ll report after I get it and test it…]


0.45±7.75 systolic and 0.38±6.86 diastolic.

I cannot do any other BP measurement than 24/7 even though it might be slightly less accurate, I think regular cuffs have about the same accuracy as Aktiia. Impossible to get data at night, continuously measuring BP to get as many datapoints with dubious accuracy at daytime as well, would be a grind.

Make sure it is the new version that is water proof etc, I bought just before the announcement and all of the fixes they mention were something I noticed was a problem.


Yes, I bought the “NEW Aktiia 24/7 Blood Pressure Monitor - Medium” but I have no idea when it will be delivered… (It says: “Your pre-order has been received. You will be automatically charged for your order via your selected payment method when your pre-order is released on at a future date.”)


Are you taking an anti-hypertensive drug? If yes, have you noticed a difference in your BP variability and, in particular, in your night-time patterns?

It looks like telmisartan is also better at “smoothing” BP fluctuations, especially at night: Effect of telmisartan vs. ramipril on ‘dipping’ status and blood pressure variability: pooled analysis of the PRISMA studies

According to these papers, CCBs are best for BPV reduction:


Nope, I haven’t tried an anti-hypertensive drug yet, still working on lifestyle changes and optimizing lipids. But I will def work on BP if lifestyle isn’t enough which I don’t think it will.


Thanks. Please report the results of your tests. I’m super interested in seeing the impact of lifestyle changes and drugs on the Aktiia charts.

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Looks like the Apple Watch 10, expected for Sept 2024, will have a BP monitor: Apple Watch Plans Hypertension, Sleep Apnea Detection, Other Health Updates - Bloomberg

However, “This sensor will not offer exact numbers the same way the cuff in a doctor’s office does, but it can detect changes and, importantly, elevations in blood pressure” ( New Apple Watch will detect blood pressure and sleep apnea: Report ). Hopefully, in a few years, the Apple Watch will measure both BP and glucose continuously :pray: