70 is the new 30? Inspiring Stories of Healthy Longevity


@Boldi is not 70 (as in the title of this thread), but a youthful 51. Perhaps we need a new thread, “50 is the new 20”. For those who are not yet on rapamycin… this is how all the guys look after a year or two on rapamycin… this is just a typical rapamycin user’s results :wink:


I find this lady inspiring. She didn’t start exercising until age 56!


By the way @Boldi , could you please share your workout program with us (roughly). It looks like its working for you. What kind of core exercises do you do? Weights? Cardio? HIIT?


That is a great thread. Mostly people trashing rapamycin and oddly promoting pharmaceutical grade EPA. That photo was in response to people saying everyone taking rapamycin looks old or has strokes.

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This 80 y/o rancher is an inspiration and shows that humans can thrive on a variety of diets.


One of the women in the centenarian study is a heavy smoker. When I asked whether her doctor had told her to quit, she said all of them. But I’ve outlived six. It is hard to draw much from an n=1 observation.


@zazim, I’m pretty sure her physical activity is a huge benefit.


Another impressive feat for a person past his prime…


@Agetron I think you may have some competition :wink:


Okay Andy Wilkinson… with the silky skin…
I have rapamycin rejuvenated skin and 5-years extra on you.

Bring it Brit!! Old man smack down.

Me at the gym tonight after missing a week of workouts due to work travel.



Bravo Agerton, you are a prototype bio machine for lots of people!
Continue for the infinity!
Lift or dye!


Awwww…thanks - you young dudes.

I concur… get that muscle resistance in… an hour a few days each week… the rapamycin will make you stronger and keep you shredded.

If I can do it …and I am no gym rat. Anyone can… just make that first effort. Gotta do your fair share of effort to help the rapamycin do it’s stuff.


The most nteresting man in the world.


How is he in the sun all the time yet looks like that? Or rather, if he in the past was in the sun that much, why does he look the way he does?


Good genes I guess ?


This guy seems to be doing ok, staying fit and eating well (of course, I take anything in a newspaper like this with a very large grain of salt)…, and of course visual appearance tells us nothing about how is biological aging is going…

Age-defying author who says he is often mistaken for being almost two decades younger than he is | Daily Mail Online?


How to party like an 80 year old rockstar…

We’re banking on the former and, given Jagger’s lifestyle and personal history, these are some of the secrets of longevity — some obvious, others not as much — that we’ve gleaned from the rock ‘n’ roll legend.

Your Diet Matters

Duh, right? We all know that what we put in our bodies makes a big difference to our overall health and longevity. But Jagger — a known health-conscious eater for years — is literally a walking, singing example of the benefits of a balanced, nutritious diet.

Numerous reports have stated that the ex-wife of Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood, Jo Wood, introduced Jagger to the benefits of organic foods. Jagger is also known to enjoy “a diet consisting primarily of fresh fruit and veg, whole grains, legumes, chicken and fish,” according to The Mirror, which also noted that he “has reportedly tried the keto diet — a high fat, very low-carb regime that followers say helps drive down their body fat levels.”

But that’s not all Jagger is consuming.

The Sun reports that he also takes multiple vitamins “paired with cod liver oil, ginseng and ginkgo biloba, which are said to improve endurance and brain function.”

Imagine being backstage at a Rolling Stones gig, finding what you think is their “stash” and it turns out to be vitamins and cod liver oil. Maybe not what you’d expect, but it’s one of the reasons Mick and the band are still rocking today.

“His routine has always included running, cycling and kickboxing,” Vogue reported in 2019, noting that his personal trainer also works with professional athletes.

“Sir Mick also performs ballet, weight training, pilates, jogging and dynamic stretching,” The Mirror reported, “ensuring he maintains maximum flexibility.”