70 is the new 30? Inspiring Stories of Healthy Longevity

I’m impressed… barefoot waterskiing is hard. Who knows how many more decades he’ll be doing this if he gets on rapamycin :wink:


Podcast with the author of this new book:

The Big 100: The New World of Super-Aging


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I would be curious to hear more precisely what they mean by this, seeing as maximum eccentric loads can be 110-140% of maximum concentric loads. If you lower, under control, 40% more weight than the most you can lift one time I’m not surprised that’s all it takes.

@anon16510610 , I hope that we will oneday beat this guy :wink:

The Rim-to-Rim is a burly hike: At 24 miles in length and with more than 10,000 feet of climbing, it’s a challenge for anyone. But last month, 92-year-old Alfredo Aliaga set a new bar when he broke a Guinness world record (pending verification) by becoming the oldest person to complete it.

The hike took Spanish-born Aliaga 21 hours over the course of two days to complete. He succeeds former record holder John Jempka, who made the trip at 91 years and 152 days of age.


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By the time an exhausted Betty Brussel finally swims to the finish and pulls herself from the pool, an Olympic athlete could have covered the same distance at least three times. But the 99-year-old Canadian’s quiet determination has led her to shatter world records and transformed her into an unlikely celebrity within the amateur swim community.

At a weekend swim meet in the British Columbia city of Saanich, Brussel broke the existing world record in the 400-metre freestyle, knocking nearly four minutes off the previous standard in the 100- to 104-year-old age class. She repeated her record-breaking performances in 50-metre backstroke and the 50-metre breaststroke that same day.

“When I’m racing, I don’t think about anything. Nothing. I just count the laps, so that I know how many I have left. I always try to find a pace that I can sustain – you’re asking a lot from your body in these races. And on the last lap, well, I give it everything I have.”

Born in Holland in 1924, Brussel and her siblings learned to swim in the canals near Amsterdam.


Rumor has it she sneaks down to the Buck Institute (about an hour south of where she lives near Mendocino, Ca) to participate in the latest longevity clinical trials :wink:


I’ve been following this discussion on inspiring stories of healthy longevity and noticed that we’ve missed mentioning someone truly remarkable - Greta Pontarelli. At 73, Greta is a 13-time World Pole Art Pole Sport Champion, and what’s even more impressive is that she embarked on this journey at 59 https://www.youtube.com/@gretapontarelli .

I’ve always admired Greta Pontarelli, not only for her breathtaking skills and achievements but also for the powerful message she embodies. She has been a source of inspiration for me, especially in moments of doubt. I practice pole dancing/pole fitness, and I’ve encountered my share of raised eyebrows and misconceptions, particularly among those who consider themselves too “posh” or “intellectual” and somehow find gymnastics acceptable but cringe at pole fitness/dancing. Yet, when I introduce them to Greta’s story, their perspectives often shift. Greta’s performances, characterized by her sparkling bikinis and her effortless grace on the pole, are nothing short of mesmerizing. It’s hard to believe that she started this journey as a means to combat osteoporosis. She is my favorite shining example of how it’s never too late to start something new, to challenge societal norms, and to transform stereotypes into awe-inspiring stories of success and health. Her journey has given me the strength to proudly share my passion for pole dancing/fitness in any setting, dismantling prejudices one performance at a time.

Let’s keep celebrating all those who inspire us to pursue our passions, regardless of age or societal expectations and keep sharing new stories of inspiration.


Those all are tremendous cases that the health span, probably and life span, is depended mainly on workout-exercise continues program and feeding like a pro athlete in longevity!!!


She has to be the winner, that image is astonishing!

87 year old paddling the entire Mississippi River.

“I’m only 5’6” and sometimes I think I wanted to overcome my stature and show that I’m bigger than I really am,” he told me then. “All my life I’ve had a competitive spirit.”

It was that competitive—some might say stubborn—spirit that led Sanders, now 87, to do it all over again. Sanders had a title to reclaim. His record on the Mississippi had been broken by 81-year-old Stan Stark in 2020.

So, in June 2022, Sanders set out in his 15-foot canoe, Perseverance, and invited a documentary crew along for the ride. The resulting 90-minute film, Greybeard: The Man, The Myth, The Mississippi, chronicles Sanders’ journey from the headwaters of the Mississippi River at Lake Itasca, Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico—as well as provides the origin story for the serial record-setter.

The film website:



Greybeard says he’s able to paddle the length of the Mississippi at 87 because he stays happy and goes to church.

Sounds like an amazing guy, but I don’t think most people could replicate his results with that formula.


Might help us along the way though!

The biology of emotion—and what it may teach us about helping people to live longer

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74 and going strong | Windsurf Foiling | October 2023

Drone footage of another great day on the water with Gordon- Windsurf foiling the seasons first cold front. I’ve been foiling with him for years now. He is an inspiration and has put in the time through out the years. Crusing around, crashes and gets back up and does it all over again. Dude is a beast!

The other week we were sailing out on a port tack. And i yelled to Gordon “ man, this never gets old”! He yells back- “Yeah…I could do this until im 80”!


I wish I knew this guy’s secret. And, he is still driving a car and speeding!
Probably the most cognizant 100-year-old I have seen. I’ll bet his epigenetic age is much younger.
He doesn’t look like he is going to die anytime soon.


Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 09.19.51

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China exercise fanatic, 70, amazes social media with body, mind of man in his 20s

A 70-year-old grandfather in China is so enthusiastic about fitness and mountain climbing that he has the physique – and the athletic abilities – of a man half his age.

Zou Heping, from Chongqing city in southwest China, uses the nearby Gele Mountain as his natural, outdoor gymnasium.


The 2023 season marked the first time in more than two decades Tom Brady was not on an NFL roster. Brady, who turned 46 in August, appears to have remained physically active since his football career came to an end.

Hundreds of prospects are in Indianapolis for this year’s NFL Combine. Nearly 25 years ago, Brady was preparing to enter the NFL Draft.

On Thursday, Brady shared a video on social media showing him running the 40-yard dash. He finished with a time of 5.28 seconds at the 2000 league combine.

The retired quarterback decided to give the 40-yard sprint another shot, and he beat his time from his early 20s.


It was a bluebird morning at the Alta Ski Area and Carol Bowling, 76, was looking for fresh powder.

Her husband, Nick, 83, and his cousin Bob Phillips, 84, shouted over the whir of the chairlift, deciding where to go. “Something like this is skiable,” Mr. Phillips said of the black diamond run below the lift.

At the top, the trio tightened their boots and waited for a few more friends. It was a Wednesday in late February at the Utah resort, one of the oldest in the country. The morning was cold and crisp with a few inches of new snow.

It was time to ski. The group headed down Devil’s Elbow, a winding intermediate run. Mrs. Bowling found her powder, cutting left from the trail into the pine and spruce trees. The two men stayed together in the open, carving wide S-shaped turns.

When they reached the bottom, it was almost 11 a.m. — time to meet up with Alta’s seniors ski club, the Wild old Bunch.

‘It’s not the age that will limit you.’

The Wild old Bunch (with a lowercase “o” to de-emphasize the “old”) started in 1973 and has around 115 members. A few depart each year, some to the deep powder of the afterlife and others to an old age without skiing. Jan Brunvand, 90, suffered a scary fall his first day this season and decided 85 years on skis was enough. But fueled by baby boomers, the group’s rolls stay strong.