Why doesn’t Misha Blagosklonny look younger?

Hes been studying rapamycin ever since the 90s

He’s only 60 but looks way older

What’s the point of rapamycin if it doesn’t make you appear younger


Who knows what genetic hand he was dealt. Perhaps he would have looked older without rapa, or perhaps the longevity benefits of rapa are due to benefits in organs or tissues that don’t strongly influence physical appearance (liver, gut, etc.). He is also a former smoker. Lots of variables at play here.


Drinking, drugs and smoking will age a person for sure. Don’t know the dude so can’t say much about him, but he does look pretty old for a 60-year-old. Does anyone know how much RAPA, how often he takes it and for how long is he been taking it?

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This I think cannot stand. If something helps your internal organs by default, you’ll look younger and better. If I were to assume that RAPA makes one look older (not saying it does) you can rest assured that the known or unknown side effects of it (taken as a whole) are outweighing the benefits (if any, we still don’t know for sure of benefits while we know for sure there is sides). So, it hard to entertain the thought that something is good for you, but somehow makes you look older.


Dr. Blagosklonny has lung cancer mets in his brain. That might have a little something to do with his appearance.


Ah, there lies the answer.



Form follows function

If you are biologically younger then you would look outward younger

Have you seen anybody on rapamycin who appears youthful ?


Have you ever seen those really fit, young looking and attractive athletes who drop dead at a young age from a coronary event? They look great until they don’t.

I guess we could look at the mice and marmosets from the ITP and other Rapamycin trials to see how youthful they look compared to the controls.

Here’s one marmoset and mouse from the Rapa Trials.



I guess they do look pretty good.


I don’t personally know anyone other than myself that is using RAPA. Myself I can’t claim whatsoever that it has made me look younger or that it somehow has slowed down my aging process. that is actually exactly why I keep saying I’m not 100% sold on it yet. What is your own opinion on RAPA (out of curiosity)?


I question whether looking more youthful correlates with anti-aging at all. My lab tests, mental acuity, reflexes and overall feeling of health were never better after two years of CRON (caloric restriction, optimal nutrition) diet. But, I looked like a concentration camp survivor.


Most likely you were a whale prior to your CRON and obviously it takes a while for body to adjust. Plus, it depends on what type of CRON you did, because if you were only doing 1000 calories per day for 2 years then of course you’d look like a ghost. Plus doing that for reasons other than losing weight is not a good idea, including for longevity IMO. So, what you said is not correct, and yes if something is good for longevity it will make you look better and younger (albeit it may take a while to show).

The sun ages the skin much faster than intrinsic aging does. I think the ratio is roundabout 80% sun damage vs 20% intrinsic aging.

UVA rays also penetrate windows, unless you are using a protective foil.

So rapamycin won’t change your appearance very much, UV protection will.


He used to be heavier and then lots a decent amount of weight getting in shape. This generally makes people look older. Losing weight in older ages is still very healthy but skin doesn’t snap back very well.


True especially for truly obese/fat people. However, worked with someone that were at about 350lbs, and now around 200lbs and initially they looked scary old and unhealthy, but after a year or so maintaining the newfound weight, they look much better and healthier than before and same or better age also. But this may vary from person to person a bit also. Again, in long run if one can manage to keep the lbs. they lost they will start looking really good after a while. Take it from me (you fat ones) because every time I get fat and manage to lose upwards of 20-30lbs I look really good and healthy, and also younger (in a short time after).

p.s. i always like to use the word fat as opposed to made up words such obese, overweight etc… Reason being if you tell someone you are fat, or really fat that should encourage/push them to start looking for ways to lose weight. I told my sister exactly that, I said there is no need to mince words here, you are extremely fat, and also that tends to portray you as someone lacking in will and purpose in life and you should really try to do something about it. Needless to say she wasn’t very happy initially, but she absolutely did something and lost about 40lbs (she still needs maybe 20lbs to go). Every time we speak or see each other she makes a point to thank me for calling her extremely fat. So, for any of you that think you are obese or overweight, no you are actually Very Fat. On top of that everyone that lays eyes on you thinks that you are a big fat loser and are good for nothing. You better start doing something and do it now. I’m also fat but not very fat. I’m right now trying KETO (first time ever) have managed to lose 5lbs in last 4 days (have 15 more to go, but even if I manage 10 I’ll be happy and stop calling myself fat). I think I can keep this KETO thing up no problem, unlike the carnivore (meat only diet) until I drop all the ugly fat I have accumulated in my body.


My problem is that I really crave food all the time and I’ve even managed to gain weight on a keto-ish diet a few years ago. Unless I lift and take empagliflozin, it is just too easy to gain weight.


An interesting question is what is the highest BMI anyone has had on this forum. I apply for an early lead at 35. (I am now 22). (130Kg vs 86kg)


No you can’t crave on KETO. Fat is extremely satiating. i.e. I eat about 4 eggs per day with about one spoon of butter (lightly fried) and add another spoon or two of olive oil when done and that is my lunch or dinner (about 550-600 Cals) then I eat about 5-6 rolls of burrata (just happen to really like it) about 700-900 Cals and that is it for one day (for most part). I only eat twice a day. Even though that is not many calories about 1500-1600 I’m not hungry at all because most Cals are coming from fat. If I were to eat mainly carbs but only 1600 Cals per day, I’d be starving like there is no tomorrow. The reason why fat keeps you satiated is mostly because it takes a hell of longer time for our body to break/process fat than it takes for carbs or even protein.

Never measured mine professionally, so almost impossible to know for sure. I use a weight machine that is installed in a grocery store and even now it tells me I’m obese (i think it tells me at 31) which I know I’m not (6 foot at 240lbs) because my body composition is such that have huge bones and muscles. As an example, my hand is at least 150% as big as a normal human male hand. When I was in college and was a toothpick the lowest, I’d weigh was 210lbs, so based on my composition I have to add at least 25-30 LBS to whatever normal weight shows for my height. I’m exactly the composition of Mike Tyson when he was fighting (6 feet at 235). My ideal weight is around 225 lbs., i would approximately say that would mean my real BMI should be at probably 24-25 at that weight, but this is just a guess.

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You underestimate my power.


Well eat exactly what said I eat and see if it works. If hungry first day or so just eat one or two more eggs with butter or olive oil