What is your DunedinPACE before and after rapamycin?

This seems important to track

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Do you know if any epigentic clocks showed improvements in rodents whose lifespan was increased?

No - I don’t believe they’ve done any epigenetic clock analysis in mice during longevity drug / supplement testing. That seems to be an area ripe for more investigation and testing. I wish the ITP did this with all their cohorts and studies.


@RapAdmin @AlexKChen - I’m asking because it could be that certain things like being in a suppressed mTOR, suppressed IGF-1, suppressed testosterone state could have two things be true at the same time:

  1. It does extend the organisms life

  2. Epi clocks won’t pick that up since it at that point in time it will look like the organisms is not youthful (full of
    Growth), but in a hunkered down “anti growth” mode

Ie the clock will pick up on that in the moment “health” is actually suppressed, even if it over the years for rodents/decades for humans being in that state will add longevity, avoid lethal disease and actually lead to improved healthspan at the last big portion of the organism’s life

It would be fascinating if epiclocks did NOT show a age reversal in the “health” based epigentic clocks from rapa in the same models where we see the life extension and compression of end of life morbidity

(And would be consistent with that two of the clocks did not pick up a signal in the Calerie trial)

I had an odd situation in that my epigenetic ages with TruDiagnostic all went down over three tests, but DunedinPACE went up.

I really love what TruDiagnostic is doing with their DunedinPace and OMIC. However, the results have been inconsistent enough that it has been my conclusion that at present, I won’t recommend this test to patients as I don’t see it is actionable, and I’m not happy with the lack of consistency.

We did a few of these, and the results had such variability e.g. many years in a period of 6 months, that it isn’t useful or adequately consistent. They are also not cheap.

Anyway, we know the things that delay aging, but it would be wonderful if we could put forth interventions and really see in real time what impact it was having on rate of aging. I just don’t think we are at a point where this is working on an individual basis yet.

What are other’s experience with this?

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The epigenetic tests me and my family took were expensive and all over the place. They’d be different by up to 7 years over a few months time. IMHO, the results are worthless.

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My Dunedin pace went from 0.84 to 0.769 after 9 months of rapa 6mg/week.
I posted my full TrueDiagnostics results here: