Immune system age after 9 months using Rapa: -17 years (from -10)

I wanted to measure if rapa was useful for my N of 1 and it does!
I took a TruDiagnostic test in February before stating rapa and another one in November.

Before rapa my immune system age was 10 years younger than the chronological age. Now, after 9 months of 6mg weekly rapamycin it’s 17 years younger. I didn’t really change anything else during that period except I added acarbose (50mg/meal) a few months ago. My glucose is still too high though.

My DunedinPACE of aging was 0.84 and is now 0.769. As a reference Brian Johnson current score is 0.69 which is better but I’m sure my slow_aging/cost ratio is incredibly better.

Basically almost all the markers have improved even though I’m 9 months older.


Any changes in the intrinsic age?

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Even better, I’ve got the new OMICmAge report for both dates.

Rapamycin No Yes
Age 59.95 60.73
OMIC Age 52.78 53.56
Age Diff 7.17 7.17
Percentile 38.71% 17.98%

I find it very interesting and somewhat surprising that, even though the absolute age difference stays the same with my biological age being 7.17 years younger, there is a big difference in the percentile. Basically it seems that being 7.17 years younger is 2 times more common (38.71%) at 59.95 years old than at 60.73 (17.98%).

The detailed risk reduction for various diseases below is even more interesting.

Rapamycin No Yes
Death -14.26% -45.16%
Cancer -7.17% -23.67%
Stroke -6.98% -25.86%
Heart Disease -6.95% -27.71%
T2DM -6.93% -23.99%
COPD -5.67% -16.49%
Depression -3.40% -16.01%

Quite impressive I must say. Obviously it’s a N=1 experiment :slight_smile:


Adding to my previous results on the same before/after taking rapamycin epigenetic data as in the posts above.

TruDiagnostic just added new epigenetic measures of 11 major organ systems.
Here are a few that changed significantly (BTW I’m 61)
The best improvement is brain!
This one is puzzling though because Rapa is not expected to cross the blood brain barrier at my 6mg/week dosage.

Followed by blood:

The worst change is lung:
No idea why. Still in the 28th population percentile though

The other ones don’t change much.
Overall: Your OMICm Age is in the 16th percentile.