Immune system age after 9 months using Rapa: -17 years (from -10)

I wanted to measure if rapa was useful for my N of 1 and it does!
I took a TruDiagnostic test in February before stating rapa and another one in November.

Before rapa my immune system age was 10 years younger than the chronological age. Now, after 9 months of 6mg weekly rapamycin it’s 17 years younger. I didn’t really change anything else during that period except I added acarbose (50mg/meal) a few months ago. My glucose is still too high though.

My DunedinPACE of aging was 0.84 and is now 0.769. As a reference Brian Johnson current score is 0.69 which is better but I’m sure my slow_aging/cost ratio is incredibly better.

Basically almost all the markers have improved even though I’m 9 months older.


Any changes in the intrinsic age?

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Even better, I’ve got the new OMICmAge report for both dates.

Rapamycin No Yes
Age 59.95 60.73
OMIC Age 52.78 53.56
Age Diff 7.17 7.17
Percentile 38.71% 17.98%

I find it very interesting and somewhat surprising that, even though the absolute age difference stays the same with my biological age being 7.17 years younger, there is a big difference in the percentile. Basically it seems that being 7.17 years younger is 2 times more common (38.71%) at 59.95 years old than at 60.73 (17.98%).

The detailed risk reduction for various diseases below is even more interesting.

Rapamycin No Yes
Death -14.26% -45.16%
Cancer -7.17% -23.67%
Stroke -6.98% -25.86%
Heart Disease -6.95% -27.71%
T2DM -6.93% -23.99%
COPD -5.67% -16.49%
Depression -3.40% -16.01%

Quite impressive I must say. Obviously it’s a N=1 experiment :slight_smile: