What is the most important insight/s or lesson/s you have got from taking rapamycin?

What is the most important insight/s or lesson/s you have got from taking rapamycin that you wish you have known before you started?

With TruMe epigenetic test saying I am 13 years younger… GlycanAge saying 27 years… just wish I had done a pre- rapamycin (or at least earlier) baseline test for both. Missed opportunity.

I know I am improved… just wish I could have done a baseline test on both.


Absolutely - do full bloodwork prior to starting rapamycin (at least CBC and CRP) so you can do a Levine Phenotypic age calculation.

A Slow Ramp on Dosing: I see a number of people starting right at the dose of 6mg/ week and it seems they have a higher incidence of side effects.

I started slow - 1mg per week, then increased by 1mg/week, then paused at 6mg/week for a number of months, then slowly tested higher weekly doings. Had few side effects other than a rash under my Fitbit which came back with every dose, so finally stopped wearing the Fitbit and problem gone.


I had a Life Extension extensive blood test done in Jan 2022 and
started rapa 1mg week ramping up to 6mg once week with GFJ in April.
Any guess as to how long I should wait to take another blood test to show any changes that might be from rapa?

We don’t have a lot of data points on timing of blood tests to see changes in biological age reduction with rapamycin - but generally 6 months seems to be a reasonable guesstimate.

See the Friendly Biological Age Reduction Competition thread for people’s experiences.

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6 months was what I was thinking. Thanks for the confirmation.