Toxicity of fluoride

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“Toxicity of fluoride”

Aiui fluouride is found naturally in water supplies in some areas. It is added to water where i live, but i have no enthusiasm for arguing for fluoride use. Obviously it can be harmful in large enough quantities.

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Fluoride is added to water supply where I live as well. I installed a two stage under the sink filter that filters almost all fluoride. In addition I use another filter to filter even more fluoride to make sure that my water is fluoride free. Not sure if such precaution is justified.

I would as well. There is no point drinking it as the benefit comes from flouride being in contact with teeth.

A touchy subject for sure. I eliminated fluoride from my toothpaste as a part of my search for solutions to boost nitric oxide production. I don’t know if fluoride was important but my new toothpaste manufacturer did.

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I have seen that argument. I use Euthymol toothpaste which does not have fluoride in although we have it in the water in Birmingham.

I am not really persuaded by the arguments relating to it, but I think the Nitric Oxide issue is really one of underlying metabolism rather than necessarily the back up systems.

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I think the ideal balance between promoting dental health and limiting fluoride consumption is to brush using fluoride toothpaste but avoid drinking it as much as possible. I am fortunate that my water supplier doesn’t fluoridate the water but I also use a Berkey for any water I drink to try to cut down on PFAS micro-plastics etc.


“My ideas aren’t quite so funny as you thought, are they, Mandrake.”

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@John_Hemming The nice thing about nitric oxide is how easily it can be addressed. The fact that it is very important means we all should get it done.

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I also struggle to decide whether to brush my teeth with fluoride or not. I get different answers depending on where I look. I do avoid tap water to limit my intake and use filtered water instead.

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If you do keto/carnivore you can probably forego fluoride but if your diet includes carbs use fluoride if you value your teeth

History of flouridation, probably one of the greatest public health initiatives ever.

Fluoridation: A 75-year-old Blunder


If you believe things based on poor evidence, you do you.