Topical rapamycin hair growth regimen

I have been experimenting with using a topical rapamycin to see if I can’t counteract some of my androgenic alopecia and thought maybe it would be good to talk a little more about what the regimen should be.

The study that makes this sound like maybe it’s worth trying is this one:

Promotion of Hair Regrowth by Transdermal Dissolvable Microneedles Loaded with Rapamycin and Epigallocatechin Gallate Nanoparticles

The method for preparing the rapamycin microneedles is way too complicated for me to even think about trying to DIY, but it’s interesting to see that one of the arms of the study compared rapamycin lecithin gel and actually got some decent results:

In the topical dosing groups, 30 μL of rapamycin lecithin gel (low dose to high dose: 0.2 μM, 2 μM, 20 μM) was applied to the treatment area (2 cm × 2 cm) every other day.

I’m bad at this, but I THINK that the concentrations of those work out to:

  • 0.00002% = 0.2 μM
  • 0.00018% = 2 μM
  • 0.00185% = 20 μM

As far as quantity:
30 μL / 4cm^2 (treatment area) = 4875 μL / 650cm^2 (avg human scalp)
4.8ml dose

The lower two doses in the topical group regrew hair more than the highest dose. This was also seen in the microneedle group.

So I’m not sure exactly what to make of all this, but it seems that a reasonable regimen could be:

  • Every other day dosing
  • 1ml 0.000864% rapamycin ( medium concentration reduced to 1ml instead of 4.8ml)
  • Lecithin gel (I assume that’s PLO gel)

Now, I have no idea where to get PLO gel and I think that would be tough to apply to areas with hair. So I’m thinking a liquid solution, maybe the classic ethanol / water / pg. Or transcutol / water.

I think the key thing is: every other day dosing, not too high on the concentration. Thoughts? Also any part of my math could be way off. I’m no whiz.


Just stumbled upon this post. Did you try this? How frequently did you apply the concoction and how did it go for you?

More broadly (i.e., to everyone on the site), how frequently do you guys apply these topical hair growth serums? I’m assuming people do it in the evening before bed, and likely shower in the morning (and that removes it during the day). Is that a correct assumption? Anyone have a different regimen?

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I never did get around to trying it but I think there are some others on the forum doing topical rapamycin for hair.

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I mentioned in another thread (forgot which one) that I started topical metformin and topical rapamycin. I’m using the metformin on my left forearm and rapa on my left leg below the knee. I’m not doing it for hair regrowth; rather to see if skin damage from UV can be helped.
I’m using GR7 on my head (temple areas) to see if I can get any colour back. Too soon to know ATM.


How frequently do you apply these to your skin or scalp/head? Once Daily?

The metformin and rapa; yes once daily first thing in the morning.
The GR7 I did morning and evening each day for the first week. Now I’ll do once a day until I see a change (or not).

The rapa solution is vanishingly weak…I dissolved a 1mg tab in 100 mL ethanol, then took 1 mL of that and added to 99 mL of ethanol to get about 100 nM.
I keep thinking I should use the first solution LOL.

I use 2mg tablet with 1g of Vaseline petroleum jelly. Make 5g at a time but crushing the tablet and mixing the jelly in a small mortar. I’m going to start applying on my scalp soon more for my psoriasis.