"Three-drug combination therapy for anti-aging"

Seems, it is the senolytic effect that is being chased, not the anti-bacterial.

The present approach effectively eradicates senescent cells and cells carrying the hallmarks associated with aging, through inhibiting mitochondrial biogenesis during induced mitochondrial oxidative stress, without inhibiting normal cells.

Many here have tried fisetin with middling to no effect. Some have tried D +Q. So maybe this combination is another, in the arsenal of senolytics.


Hi, have you looked into possible adverse effects on the heart and kidneys? (where these organs traditionally require a lot of energy…as do cancers) and dox and azithromycin have potential heart and kidney toxicity

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Watch and review in detail the interview with
Dr. Michael Lisanti MD PhD

D+Q does not work very well in his view.

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This DAV Therapy is short term 5 weeks/35 days

I shorten the doxycycline window two days ago{Friday the 29th of September], take/taking 100mg of doxycycline ever 8 hours also increased the Vitamin C to 2.4g per dose using two different fat soluble vitamin C compounds/products 4 hours after taking the doxycycline or the Azithromycin

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What about the microbiome? Do you supplement with probiotics?

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Review the first posting on the other thread I updated the first posting, see;

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And let me ask you one more question about the antibiotics… In a doxycycline study on REAL women with breast cancer who took DOX solo 100 mg twice a day TWO weeks before chemo/radiation and their cancer stem cell markers were reduced (I mean by 40 -60%) So why don’t we try two weeks of the DAV protocol? (if we consider that it will also effectively reduce aging cells as cancer stem cells) the more it is clearly safer for the microbiome and resistant microorganisms


Review the papers, ask questions to the point of contact author’s. And then you make your own decisions.

The papers;

Point of contact - POC

Professor Michael P Lisanti, MD-PhD, FRSA
Chair in Translational Medicine
School of Environment & Life Sciences
University of Salford
+44 (0)1612 950 240


[School of Science, Engineering and Environment]

Also review an interview with Professor Michael P Lisanti, MD-PhD.

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Probiotic mouthwash might be a good idea, too, if taken for extended periods at higher dosage. Doxycycline is very broad spectrum and has superior bioavilability to the mouth and gums vs most other antibiotics. At 300 mg plus some people might not even have morning mouth depending on the oral flora they have. If someone is trying to arrest the start of periodontitis, that’s a good thing. But it could also result in resistant bacteria populating gum pockets. A probiotic mouthwash may help to keep a balance and also reduce chance of thrush. Fluconazole is the drug of choice if oral thrush does develop while on doxycycline. Because although doxycycline doesn’t kill the yeast on its own, it actually increases the effect of fluconazole against yeast.

The paper below evaluates the pairing of doxycycline with probiotic mouth rinse.

'Among all the antibiotics, doxycycline has been found to be the most efficacious in the treatment of aggressive periodontitis." And, “Doxycycline may also lead to the development of drug resistance.”

The probiotics I make, as stated in my posting.

Make a 1 quart of what I call cream yogurt,
A quart of light cream added two scoops of organic inulin powder from chicory root mix well then added one shot{2.7oz/90ml] of Yakult, place in water bath at 100°F set for 24 hours this is my probiotic.


Slightly off topic, but do we have any definitive study that shows that probiotics taken orally do anything? I suspect that the stomach acid would destroy the active ingredients. I can see why a fecal transparent or perhaps a probiotic suppository would be effective, but the idea is unpleasant.

As this seems to be a Senolytic therapy, maybe the Mayo clinic could weigh in as they are the leaders on Senolytic research. Dr. Kirkland is in charge of the Fisetin project.

His research seems to have stalled though, so it seems that Fisetin is a bust.


Theoretically such senolytic therapy looks promising but the possibility to completely ruin gut Microbiome sounds alarming to me. I just finished my course of doxy in connection with a viral infection (not Covid) that I recently contracted. It was prescribed with the purpose of preventing possible pneumonia taking into consideration my history with rapamycin. It apparently worked, I did not develop pneumonia. However, doxy definitely negatively affected my Microbiome and I feel it and try hard to restore friendly bacteria lost. It’s easy to wipe it out but difficult to repopulate it. I feel the negative consequences of doxy on all levels. And it’s not good.


Lara, could you elaborate a bit about your lingering symptoms from the dox? I am concerned that my microbiome could be all messed up and present no symptoms at all. Perhaps some day I might be diagnosed with parkinsons out of the blue due to some intestinal microbes that I did not even know were there.

This is the scary thing about all of these interventions–we have so few biomarkers to track. We think Rapamycin must benefit the microbiome, or be at worst neutral, but there is nothing to measure.

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Ray, I had a pretty unusual viral infection. 3 tests for Covid showed negative. The exact virus has never been diagnosed. The infection affected only my head: hearing, vision ( got double vision for 2 days), scalp pain, headaches, very poor sleep, brain fog. There was a suspicion that I may start pneumonia and 2 antibiotics were prescribed preventively. One of them was doxy. Pneumonia never developed, but infection soon resolved with some residual affects, which I blame on antibiotics, but could be mistaken. My digestive system reacted in a way that I could not eat anything without having problems with horrible bloating, constipation, diarrhea, burning, pains, etc. (never had anything like it before.). It also produced a pretty unusual tremor inside of my whole body, similar to what ppl experience when low on sugar. It all eventually improved, but my digestive tract doesn’t feel the same. I take different probiotics, drink yogurt and kefir, but it still feels like a long way to recovery. Horribly affected my energy too. I literally force myself to walk couple miles a day. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to know what to blame: a virus or 2 antibiotics that I took. My doc doesn’t have any answers for me. I was on rapamycin during the whole course of disease.


Sorry to hear that! Are you drinking store bought kefir or making your own? I’d recommend the latter if you think your microbiome got nuked. It’s much more powerful than whatever you get at the store.

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Thanks. I make my own kefir. It’s gradually getting better.


Question about this protocol: is there any suggestion of doing it more than once? Seems like it’s the kind of thing that could be repeated two, three times a year or so.

It’s interesting how they are using Vit C here. It’s NOT acting as an antioxidant but rather as a stress source. I’ve read in the past that mitochondria can use Vit C in the absence of oxygen (very inefficiently) - perhaps that’s related?


In the patent application once yearly was mentioned.

What was your dose of doxy, compared to the 100 mg twice a day in the breast cancer study?