While this is written with dogs in mind, it seems mostly applicable to humans also:
When you hear the term “metabolic health,” what do you think of? Maybe exercise, a healthy diet, or weight loss? Perhaps obesity? It’s not a term often heard in daily conversation, but it’s crucial in the field of aging, because metabolic health often declines as we and our dogs age.
At Loyal, we define metabolic health as the regulation of blood sugar and insulin levels, fat distribution and function, and the balance of key hormones. These factors significantly influence how aging impacts health and disease.
Our drug for senior dogs, LOY-002, aims to give dogs more healthy years by preserving metabolic health, and it’s currently in development under the FDA approval* process.
Searching europepmc.org gives nothing for LOY-002 or LOY-001.
When you search wikipedia.org nothing is there too.
They seem to go to a great length to prevent you from finding research data or info about the structures of these compounds except from their own website advertorial like info.
Yes - I think you are likely right, but I don’t think its any different for any other biotech company. They keep things private until they have to disclose, or its beneficial for them to disclose. Thats typically how biotech / pharma works.
Ultimately more info will come out if the drugs are successful in clinical trials and they commercialize them, but to the degree that they can keep that information private early on, it helps minimize risk of competition.
I also think that in Loyal’s case, they are actually targeting some well-known pathways (IGF-1, etc.) and there are already many drugs that are in the human market for diseases related to this pathway (acromegaly, etc.) - so I think there is some concern on their side that if the exact drug analogs that they are working on, people would likely move towards those drugs (for trials in a biohacking sense) years before they have even completed testing in Phase 2 or 3 trials.
We now know that product as LOY-002, which we’re testing in the STAY study. LOY-002 aims to mimic the positive effects of caloric restriction, which is one of the only proven mechanisms in scientific literature to increase lifespan in dogs. We believe that increasing insulin sensitivity and changing the adipose tissue dysfunction and redistribution that happens in aging dogs will also keep them healthier longer and, therefore, help them live longer and feel better.
The STAY study is the culmination of many years of research and commitment by everyone at Loyal. But when it comes to actually running this clinical trial? I have to give mad props to the team near and dear to my heart who work so tirelessly to make this study come to life. Sincere shout out to our small, but mighty, clinical operations team. No, running a lifespan extension study is not easy. But they are doing it and doing it well, y’all!
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